< Proverbi 13 >

1 Il figlio saggio ama la disciplina, lo spavaldo non ascolta il rimprovero.
Children who are wise (pay attention/heed it) when their parents discipline/correct them; but foolish children do not pay attention when someone rebukes them [for their bad behavior].
2 Del frutto della sua bocca l'uomo mangia ciò che è buono; l'appetito dei perfidi si soddisfa con i soprusi.
Good people are rewarded [IDM] for the good things [MET] that they say, but those who desire to deceive others are [very] eager to act violently.
3 Chi sorveglia la sua bocca conserva la vita, chi apre troppo le labbra incontra la rovina.
Those who are [very] careful about what they say [MTY] will live a long life; those who talk (without thinking/too much) will ruin themselves.
4 Il pigro brama, ma non c'è nulla per il suo appetito; l'appetito dei diligenti sarà soddisfatto.
People who are lazy want things very much, but they will not get anything [HYP]. People who work hard will get all that they want.
5 Il giusto odia la parola falsa, l'empio calunnia e disonora.
Righteous/Honest people hate/detest lies, but what wicked people do (is very disgraceful/stinks) [DOU].
6 La giustizia custodisce chi ha una condotta integra, il peccato manda in rovina l'empio.
The behavior [PRS] of those who always do what is right will protect them, but sinful [behavior will] ruin wicked people.
7 C'è chi fa il ricco e non ha nulla; c'è chi fa il povero e ha molti beni.
Some people who have nothing pretend to be rich, but other people who are very rich pretend to be poor.
8 Riscatto della vita d'un uomo è la sua ricchezza, ma il povero non si accorge della minaccia.
Rich people are able to pay people who want to kill them, [with the result that they will be protected, not killed], but poor people [do not have to worry about that because] no one threatens to kill them.
9 La luce dei giusti allieta, la lucerna degli empi si spegne.
Righteous [people] are like a lamp [MET] that shines brightly, but wicked [people] are like [MET] a lamp that will [soon] be extinguished.
10 L'insolenza provoca soltanto contese, la sapienza si trova presso coloro che prendono consiglio.
[People] who are arrogant/proud [always] cause strife; those who are wise ask [other people] for good advice.
11 Le ricchezze accumulate in fretta diminuiscono, chi le raduna a poco a poco le accresce.
Those who acquire a lot of money quickly [by doing what is wrong, probably] will lose it [quickly], but if people earn money slowly, the amount of money they have will increase.
12 Un'attesa troppo prolungata fa male al cuore, un desiderio soddisfatto è albero di vita.
When people do not receive the things that they are expecting to receive, (it causes them to despair/they become very sad); but if you receive what you are desiring to get, that [will be like a tree] [MET] [whose fruit gives you] life (OR, that will cause you to be joyful).
13 Chi disprezza la parola si rovinerà, chi rispetta un comando ne avrà premio.
Those who despise [the good] advice [that others give them] are bringing ruin on themselves; those who pay attention to that advice will (be secure/succeed).
14 L'insegnamento del saggio è fonte di vita per evitare i lacci della morte.
What wise [people] teach is [like] a fountain whose [water] gives life [MET]; what they teach you will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you [MET].
15 Un aspetto buono procura favore, ma il contegno dei perfidi è rude.
[People] respect those who have good sense, but those who cannot be trusted are on the road to being ruined/destroyed (OR, will have a lot of difficulties/troubles).
16 L'accorto agisce sempre con riflessione, lo stolto mette in mostra la stoltezza.
Those who have good sense always think carefully/wisely before they do something; foolish people show [by what they say and do] that they are foolish.
17 Un cattivo messaggero causa sciagure, un inviato fedele apporta salute.
Messengers who are not reliable cause trouble, but those who faithfully [deliver their messages] cause people to act peacefully.
18 Povertà e ignominia a chi rifiuta l'istruzione, chi tien conto del rimprovero sarà onorato.
Those who refuse to pay attention when others discipline/correct them will become poor and disgraced; [people] respect those who accept it when they are rebuked [for their bad behavior].
19 Desiderio soddisfatto è una dolcezza al cuore, ma è abominio per gli stolti staccarsi dal male.
It is delightful to receive what we desire; foolish people hate/refuse to turn away from doing evil.
20 Và con i saggi e saggio diventerai, chi pratica gli stolti ne subirà danno.
Those who habitually associate with wise people become wise; those who (are close friends of/associate with) foolish people will (regret it/be ruined).
21 La sventura perseguita i peccatori, il benessere ripagherà i giusti.
Sinners have trouble [PRS] wherever they go, but things will go well for righteous [people].
22 L'uomo dabbene lascia eredi i nipoti, la proprietà del peccatore è riservata al giusto.
When good people [die], their grandchildren inherit their money; but when sinners [die], the money that they had will end up in the hands of righteous [people].
23 Il potente distrugge il podere dei poveri e c'è chi è eliminato senza processo.
[Sometimes] poor [people’s] fields produce plenty of food, but unjust people take away all that food.
24 Chi risparmia il bastone odia suo figlio, chi lo ama è pronto a correggerlo.
Those who do not punish their children [for bad behavior] do not [really] love them; those who love their children start to discipline them when the children are still young.
25 Il giusto mangia a sazietà, ma il ventre degli empi soffre la fame.
Righteous [people] have enough food to eat and be satisfied, but the stomachs of wicked [people] [SYN] are [always] empty.

< Proverbi 13 >