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1 Per il resto, fratelli, vi preghiamo e supplichiamo nel Signore Gesù: avete appreso da noi come comportarvi in modo da piacere a Dio, e così gia vi comportate; cercate di agire sempre così per distinguervi ancora di più.
Now, my fellow believers, [I want to write] about some other matters. Because we all have a close relationship with the Lord Jesus, we(exc) strongly urge you [DOU] to live in a way that pleases God. We taught you to do that, and you know that we lived that way as a result of what the Lord Jesus [told us]. We know that you are conducting your lives that way, but [we strongly urge] that you do that even more.
2 Voi conoscete infatti quali norme vi abbiamo dato da parte del Signore Gesù.
3 Perché questa è la volontà di Dio, la vostra santificazione: che vi asteniate dalla impudicizia,
God wants you to live pure lives that will show that you completely belong to him. He wants you to avoid doing any sexually immoral acts (OR, avoid being sexually immoral in any way).
4 che ciascuno sappia mantenere il proprio corpo con santità e rispetto,
[That is, he wants] each one of you to know how to control your own sexual desires [EUP]. He wants you to live pure lives that all people will see as good.
5 non come oggetto di passioni e libidine, come i pagani che non conoscono Dio;
You must not lustfully desire [to do] immoral acts as unbelievers [MTY] [do] who do not obey God.
6 che nessuno offenda e inganni in questa materia il proprio fratello, perché il Signore è vindice di tutte queste cose, come gia vi abbiamo detto e attestato.
[God wants each one of you to control your sexual desires, in order that] no one of you sin against your fellow believer and take advantage of him or her by doing things like that. Remember that we strongly warned you previously [DOU] that the Lord [Jesus] will punish all [people who do] sexually immoral acts.
7 Dio non ci ha chiamati all'impurità, ma alla santificazione.
When God chose us [believers], he did not want us to [be people who] behave in a sexually immoral way. On the contrary, [he wants us] to be [people who] behave in a morally pure way.
8 Perciò chi disprezza queste norme non disprezza un uomo, ma Dio stesso, che vi dona il suo Santo Spirito.
So I warn you that those who disregard [this teaching] of mine [are] not just disregarding me. On the contrary, [they are disregarding] God, [because God commanded it. Remember that] God sent his Spirit, who is holy, [to live] in you!
9 Riguardo all'amore fraterno, non avete bisogno che ve ne scriva; voi stessi infatti avete imparato da Dio ad amarvi gli uni gli altri,
[I want to urge you] again [that you should] love [your] fellow believers [MET]. You do not really need that [anyone] write to you about that, because God has already taught you [how] to love each other,
10 e questo voi fate verso tutti i fratelli dell'intera Macedonia. Ma vi esortiamo, fratelli, a farlo ancora di più
and because you already are [showing that you love] your fellow believers [HYP] [who live] in other places [in your province] of Macedonia. Nevertheless, my fellow believers, we urge you to [love each other] even more.
11 e a farvi un punto di onore: vivere in pace, attendere alle cose vostre e lavorare con le vostre mani, come vi abbiamo ordinato,
[We urge you] also to eagerly strive/try to mind your own affairs and to not meddle/interfere with the affairs of others. We urge you also to work at your own occupations/jobs [to earn what you need to live]. Remember that we taught you previously to live like that.
12 al fine di condurre una vita decorosa di fronte agli estranei e di non aver bisogno di nessuno.
If you do these things, unbelievers will acknowledge/see that you behave decently/properly, and you will not have to depend on others [to] ([supply/give to you]) [what you need].
13 Non vogliamo poi lasciarvi nell'ignoranza, fratelli, circa quelli che sono morti, perché non continuiate ad affliggervi come gli altri che non hanno speranza.
My fellow believers, we also want you to understand well [LIT] [what will happen] to our fellow believers [who now] are dead [EUP]. [You must not be/do like] the unbelievers. They [grieve deeply for people who die because] they do not confidently expect [people to live again after they die].
14 Noi crediamo infatti che Gesù è morto e risuscitato; così anche quelli che sono morti, Dio li radunerà per mezzo di Gesù insieme con lui.
We [believers] know that it is true that Jesus died and that he came back [to life] again. So [we also know well that] when Jesus returns, God [will cause] those [believers] who died [EUP] [to live again] and to come with [Jesus].
15 Questo vi diciamo sulla parola del Signore: noi che viviamo e saremo ancora in vita per la venuta del Signore, non avremo alcun vantaggio su quelli che sono morti.
[I write this] because the Lord [Jesus] revealed [to me] what I am now telling you. [Some of you may think that] when the Lord [Jesus] comes back, he will consider that we [believers] who are still living will be superior to those [believers] who have died [EUP], because [we will meet Jesus first. That is certainly not true]!
16 Perché il Signore stesso, a un ordine, alla voce dell'arcangelo e al suono della tromba di Dio, discenderà dal cielo. E prima risorgeranno i morti in Cristo;
It is the Lord [Jesus] himself who will descend from heaven. [When he comes down, he] will command all of [us believers to rise from their graves]. The chief angel will shout [loudly], and [another angel] will blow a trumpet for God. Then (OR, As a result), the first thing that will happen is that the people who [trusted] in Christ before they died will live again.
17 quindi noi, i vivi, i superstiti, saremo rapiti insieme con loro tra le nuvole, per andare incontro al Signore nell'aria, e così saremo sempre con il Signore.
After that, [God] will powerfully take up into the clouds all of us [believers] who are still living [on this earth]. [He will take us] and those [other believers who have died], in order that [we all] might together meet/welcome the Lord [Jesus] in the sky. As a result of that, we [all] will be with him forever.
18 Confortatevi dunque a vicenda con queste parole.
Because [all this is true], encourage/comfort each other by reminding each other of this teaching.

< 1 Tessalonicesi 4 >