< Job 32 >

1 Mgbe ahụ, ndị ikom atọ ndị a kwusịrị ịsa Job okwu ọbụla ọzọ nʼihi na ọ hụrụ onwe ya dịka onye ezi omume.
And these three men cease from answering Job, for he [is] righteous in his own eyes,
2 Ma oke iwe were Elihu nwa Barakel onye obodo Buz, si nʼikwu Ram megide Job nʼihi na ọ gụrụ onwe ya dịka onye ezi omume karịa Chineke.
and the anger of Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite burns, of the family of Ram; his anger has burned against Job, because of his justifying himself more than God;
3 Iwe wekwara ya nʼebe mmadụ atọ ndị enyi Job nọ, nʼihi na ọ dịghị ebe ha hụtara Job dịka onye ụzọ ya na-ezighị ezi, ma ha gara nʼihu ịma ya ikpe.
and his anger has burned against his three friends, because that they have not found an answer, and condemn Job.
4 Ma ruo ugbu a, Elihu agwaghị Job okwu ọbụla nʼihi na ndị ọzọ bụ okenye nʼebe ọ nọ.
And Elihu has waited earnestly beside Job with words, for they are older than he in days.
5 Ma mgbe ọ hụrụ na ndị ikom atọ ndị a enweghị okwu ọzọ ha ga-ekwu, nke a kpasuru ya iwe.
And Elihu sees that there is no answer in the mouth of the three men, and his anger burns.
6 Ma Elihu nwa Barakel onye obodo Buz zara sị: “Abụ m nwantakịrị nʼọnụọgụgụ afọ m gbara, ma unu bụ ndị okenye; ọ bụ nke a mere m ji gbaa nkịtị nʼụjọ, hapụ ịgwa unu ihe m maara.
And Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite answers and says: “I [am] young in days, and you [are] aged; Therefore I have feared, And am afraid of showing you my opinion.
7 Echere m nʼobi m sị, ‘Ọnụọgụgụ afọ ga-ekwu okwu; ọtụtụ afọ ka ọ dịkwara ikuzi amamihe.’
I said, Days speak, And a multitude of years teach wisdom.
8 Ma ọ bụ mmụọ dị nʼime mmadụ, nkuume nke Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile na-enye nghọta.
Surely a spirit is in man, And the breath of the Mighty One Causes them to understand.
9 Ọ bụghị naanị ndị okenye bụ ndị mara ihe, ọ bụkwaghị naanị ndị gbara ọtụtụ afọ bụ ndị na-aghọta ihe ziri ezi.
The multitude are not wise, Nor do the aged understand judgment.
10 “Ya mere m na-asị, Geenụ m ntị; mụ onwe m ga-agwa unu ihe m ma.
Therefore I have said: Listen to me, I show my opinion—even I.
11 Echeere m oge niile unu na-ekwu okwu, egere m ntị na ntụgharị uche unu, oge niile unu na-achọpụta okwu unu ga-ekwu.
Behold, I have waited for your words, I give ear to your reasons, Until you search out sayings.
12 Egere m nnọọ unu ntị, ma ọ dịghị onye nʼime unu nwerela ike gosi Job ụzọ o si jehie; ọ dịghị onye nʼime unu zaghachiri ịrụ ụka ya.
And to you I attend, And behold, there is no reasoner for Job, [Or] answerer of his sayings among you.
13 Unu ekwula sị, ‘Anyị achọtala amamihe; ka Chineke na-abụghị mmadụ gosi ya mmehie ya.’
Lest you say, We have found wisdom, God thrusts him away, not man.
14 Ma Job edozighị okwu ya nʼusoro megide m, ya mere agaghị m eji ịrụ ụka unu zaghachi ya.
And he has not set words in array for me, And I do not answer him with your sayings.
15 “Ha adaala mba na-enweghị ihe ọzọ ha ga-ekwu; ike okwu agwụla ha.
(They have broken down, They have not answered again, They removed words from themselves.
16 M ga-echere, ugbu a ha deere duu, ugbu a ha guzo ebe ahụ na-enweghị ọsịsa?
And I have waited, but they do not speak, For they have stood still, They have not answered anymore.)
17 Mụ onwe m ga-ekwu uche m; ihe m maara ka mụ onwe m ga-ekwu,
I answer, even I—my share, I show my opinion—even I.
18 nʼihi na okwu juru m ọnụ, ọ bụkwa mmụọ dị nʼime m na-akwagide m.
For I have been full of words, The spirit of my breast has distressed me,
19 Nʼime m, adị m ka mmanya na-agbọ ụfụfụ a kwuchiri na karama, dịka karama akpụkpọ ọhụrụ dị njikere ịgbawa.
Behold, my breast [is] as wine not opened, It is broken up like new bottles.
20 Aga m ekwurịrị okwu ka m sị nʼụzọ dị otu a chọta izuike; aga m emeghe egbugbere ọnụ m ma zaghachi.
I speak, and there is refreshment to me, I open my lips and answer.
21 Agaghị m ekpe mmadụ ọbụla ikpe mmegide maọbụ jaa mmadụ ọbụla mma nʼụzọ na-ezighị ezi.
Please do not let me accept the face of any, Nor give flattering titles to man,
22 Nʼihi na ọ bụrụ na m bụ ọka nwere ire ụtọ nʼịja ihe na-ezighị ezi mma, Onye kere m ga-ewepụ m nʼoge na-adịghị anya.
For I have not known to give flattering titles, My Maker takes me away in a little.”

< Job 32 >