< Job 13 >

1 “Anya m abụọ ahụla ihe ndị a niile, ntị m anụla ma ghọtakwa ha.
“Behold, my eye has seen all, My ear has heard, and it attends to it.
2 Mụ onwe m makwa ihe unu maara; abụghị m onye dị ala nʼebe unu nọ.
According to your knowledge I have known—also I. I am not more fallen than you.
3 Ma ọ bụ Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile ka m chọrọ ịgwa okwu, ka mụ na Chineke rụọkwa ụka banyere okwu m.
Yet I speak for the Mighty One, And I delight to argue for God.
4 Ma otu ọ dị, unu ji okwu ụgha etechi m dịka ọ bụ mgba ụlọ; unu niile bụ ndị dibịa na-abaghị uru.
And yet, you [are] forgers of falsehood, Physicians of nothing—all of you,
5 Ọ bụrụ nnọọ na unu ga-agba nkịtị, nke a gaara egosi na unu bụ ndị nwere amamihe.
O that you would keep perfectly silent, And it would be to you for wisdom.
6 Ugbu a, nụrụnụ ịrụ ụka m; geekwanụ ntị nụrụ okwu si m nʼọnụ na-apụta.
Please hear my argument, And attend to the pleadings of my lips,
7 Unu ga-ekpelara Chineke ikpe mmegide? Unu ga-esite nʼokwu aghụghọ kwuchitere Chineke ọnụ ya?
Do you speak perverseness for God? And do you speak deceit for Him?
8 Unu ga-egosi ya na unu na-ekpelara ya ikpe? Unu ga-ekwuchite ọnụ Chineke?
Do you accept His face, if you strive for God?
9 Ọ ga-adịrị unu mma ma ọ bụrụ na o nyochaa unu? Unu pụrụ ịghọgbu ya dịka unu si aghọgbu ndị mmadụ?
Is [it] good that He searches you, If, as one mocks at a man, you mock at Him?
10 Ọ ghaghị ịbara unu mba ma ọ bụrụ na unu ejiri okwu ụgha chọọ inyere ya aka.
He surely reproves you, if you accept faces in secret.
11 Ọ ga-abụ na ebube na ịdị ukwuu ya adịghị eme ka unu maa jijiji? Egwu ya ọ dịghị atụ unu?
Does His excellence not terrify you? And His dread fall on you?
12 Okwu amamihe unu niile dịka ilu nke ntụ; okwu ngọpụ unu dịka ihe ngọpụ ụrọ.
Your remembrances [are] allegories of ashes, For high places of clay [are] your heights.
13 “Nọọnụ jụụ ka m kwuo okwu; ihe ọ pụtara ya pụta.
Keep silent from me, and I speak, And pass over me what will.
14 Nʼihi gịnị ka m ga-eji tinye onwe m na nsogbu, werekwa ndụ m tinye nʼọbụaka m?
Why do I take my flesh in my teeth? And my soul put in my hand?
15 A sịkwarị na ọ ga-etigbu m aghaghị m ịtụkwasị ya obi m. Aga m ekwuchite ọnụ m gwa ya na ụzọ m dị ọcha.
Behold, He slays me—I do not wait! Only, I argue my ways to His face.
16 Nʼezie, nke a ga-aghọrọ m nzọpụta maka na ọ dịghị onye ajọ omume ọbụla pụrụ ịbịa nʼihu ya.
Also—He [is] to me for salvation, For the profane do not come before Him.
17 Geenụ ntị nke ọma nʼokwu m. Kwerenụ ka ihe m na-ekwu baa unu ntị.
Hear my word diligently, And my declaration with your ears.
18 Ugbu a, edoziela m ikpe m nʼusoro, amatala m na ikpe agaghị ama m.
Now behold, I have set the cause in order, I have known that I am righteous.
19 Ọ dị onye pụrụ ibo m ebubo? Ọ bụrụ na o nwere, aga m emechi ọnụ m ma nwụọ.
Who [is] he that strives with me? For now I keep silent and gasp.
20 “Meere m naanị ihe abụọ ndị a, O Chineke, mgbe ahụ agaghị m ezo onwe m nʼihu gị.
Only two things, O God, do with me, Then I am not hidden from Your face:
21 Wepụ aka gị i ji emegide m, meekwa ka ha dị anya nʼebe m nọ. Kwụsị ime ka oke egwu gị mee ka m maa jijiji.
Put Your hand far off from me, And do not let Your terror terrify me.
22 Mgbe ahụ, kpọọ m oku, aga m azakwa gị. Maọbụ, kwerekwa ka m kwuo okwu, ka ị zaa m.
And You call, and I answer, Or—I speak, and You answer me.
23 Ole ka ha dị bụ mmejọ na mmehie m mere? Gosi m ajọ omume m na mmehie m.
How many iniquities and sins do I have? Let me know my transgression and my sin.
24 Gịnị mere i ji gbakụta m azụ? Gịnị mere i ji gụọ m dịka onye iro gị?
Why do You hide Your face? And reckon me for an enemy to You?
25 Ị ga-enye ahịhịa ikuku na-ebugharị ntaramahụhụ? Ị ga-achụ ahịhịa kpọrọ nkụ ọsọ?
Do You terrify a leaf driven away? And do You pursue the dry stubble?
26 Nʼihi na ị na-edetu ihe ndị dị ilu megide m, na-emekwa ka m ghọrọ mkpụrụ mmehie m mere nʼoge okorobịa m.
For You write bitter things against me, And cause me to possess iniquities of my youth,
27 Ị na-eji mkpọrọ igwe kegide ụkwụ m abụọ; na-enyochakwa nzọ ụkwụ m niile site nʼitinye akara nʼebe ọbụla ọbụ ụkwụ m zọrọ.
And you put my feet in the stocks, And observe all my paths—You set a print on the roots of my feet,
28 “Ya mere, mmadụ nʼala nʼiyi dịka ihe rere ere, na dịka akwa nke nla riri.
And he, as a rotten thing, wears away, A moth has consumed him as a garment.”

< Job 13 >