< Ndị Efesọs 1 >

1 Akwụkwọ ozi a sitere nʼaka mụ onwe m bụ Pọl, onye Chineke họpụtara ịbụ onyeozi Jisọs Kraịst. Ọ bụ unu ndị nsọ bi nʼEfesọs, unu bụ ndị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi nʼime Kraịst Jisọs, ka m na-edere ya:
To Christ’s People at Ephesus who are faithful to him, from Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God.
2 Ka amara na udo nke sitere na Chineke Nna anyị, na Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst dịrị unu.
May God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.
3 Ka otuto dịrị Chineke, na Nna Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst, bụ onye gọziri anyị site nʼinye anyị ngọzị niile nke ime mmụọ nke si nʼebe niile nke eluigwe nʼime Kraịst.
Blessed is the God and Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who has blessed us on high with every spiritual blessing, in Christ.
4 Dịka o si họpụta anyị nʼime Kraịst tupu a tọọ ntọala ụwa, ka anyị bụrụ ndị dị nsọ na ndị na-enweghị ịta ụta nʼihu ya nʼịhụnanya.
For he chose us in our union with Christ before the creation of the universe, that we might be holy and blameless in his sight, living in the spirit of love.
5 O kpebiri ime anyị ụmụ ya site nʼihi Kraịst Jisọs. Ma o mekwara ihe ndị a niile nʼihi na ọ tọrọ ya ụtọ nʼobi, bụrụkwa ihe o zubere ime.
From the first he destined us, in his good-will towards us, to be adopted as Sons through Jesus Christ,
6 Ka e si otu a too ịdị ebube nke amara ya, nke o ji obi ya niile nye anyị nʼime Onye ahụ ọ hụrụ nʼanya.
and so to enhance that glorious manifestation of his loving-kindness which he gave us in The Beloved;
7 Nʼime ya, anyị nwere mgbapụta site nʼọbara ya, bụ mgbaghara nke njehie niile anyị; dị ka ịba ụba nke amara ya si dị,
for in him, and through the shedding of his blood, we have found redemption in the pardon of our offences.
8 nke o mere ka ọ babigara anyị ụba oke site nʼamamihe na nghọta niile.
All this accords with the loving-kindness which God lavished upon us, accompanied by countless gifts of wisdom and discernment,
9 O meela ka anyị mata ihe omimi nzube ya, dị ka o si tọọ ya ụtọ, bụ ihe omimi o zubere ime nʼime Kraịst.
when he made known to us his hidden purpose. And it also accords with the good-will which God purposed to exhibit in Christ,
10 Nke ọ ga-eme ka o mezuo mgbe oge ya niile zuru, nke bụ ịchịkọta ihe niile nʼime ya, bụ ihe ndị dị nʼeluigwe na nʼụwa nʼokpuru Kraịst.
in view of that Divine Order which was to mark the completion of the ages, when he should make everything, both in Heaven and on earth, centre in him.
11 Nʼime Kraịst ka e mere anyị ndị nketa, ndị e bururị ụzọ họpụta na mbụ, dị ka atụmatụ onye ahụ na-arụpụta ihe niile nʼizuoke nke nzube na ebumnuche ya.
In him, I say, for by our union with him we became God’s Heritage, having from the first been destined for this in the intention of him who, in all that happens, is carrying out his own fixed purpose;
12 Nke mere na anyị, ndị buuru ụzọ nwee olileanya na Kraịst, ga-ebi ndụ nʼotuto nke ebube ya.
that we should enhance his glory — we who have been the first to rest our hopes on the Christ.
13 Unu bụkwa ndị a gụnyere nʼime Kraịst mgbe unu nụrụ ozi nke eziokwu ahụ bụ oziọma nke nzọpụta. Mgbe unu kwenyere, a kara unu akara nʼime ya bụ akara nke nkwa ahụ bụ Mmụọ Nsọ.
And you, too, by your union with him, after you had heard the Message of the Truth, the Good News of your Salvation — you believed in him and were sealed as his by receiving the holy Spirit, which he had promised.
14 Nke a bụ ihe nketa anyị tutu ruo mgbe a rụzuru ọrụ mgbapụta nke ndị ahụ niile bụ ihe nweta Chineke. Ka e si otu a too ebube ya.
And the Spirit is a pledge of our future heritage, fore-shadowing the full redemption of God’s own People — to enhance his Glory.
15 Nʼihi nke a, ebe m nụrụ akụkọ banyere okwukwe unu nʼime Onyenwe anyị Jisọs, nụkwa maka ịhụnanya unu nwere nʼebe ndị nsọ niile nọ,
And therefore I, ever since I heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which prevails among you, and of your confidence in all Christ’s People,
16 esepụghị m aka ikele ekele nʼihi unu, mgbe niile m na-echeta unu nʼekpere m niile.
have never omitted to thank God on your behalf, whenever I make mention of you in my prayers.
17 Ana m arịọ Chineke nke Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst bụ Nna Onyenwe ebube niile, ka o nye unu Mmụọ amamihe na ezi nghọta ka unu nwee ike matazie nke ọma onye ọ bụ,
My prayer is that the God of Jesus Christ our Lord, the all-glorious Father, may inspire you with wisdom and true insight through a fuller knowledge of himself;
18 ka o meghee anya nke ime mmụọ unu ka unu matakwa ụdị olileanya unu nwere nʼihi ọkpụkpọ ọ kpọrọ unu, na akụ, na ihe nketa dị ebube o nwere nʼime ndị nsọ.
that your minds may be so enlightened that you may realise the hope given by God’s Call, the wealth of the glory of his heritage among Christ’s People,
19 Na ịdị ukwuu nke ike ya nke na-enweghị atụ dịrị anyị, bụ ndị kwere ekwe, dịka ịrụsị ọrụ ike nke ike ya si dị.
and the transcendent greatness of the power which he is able to exercise in dealing with us who believe in him.
20 Nke ọ rụrụ nʼime Kraịst mgbe o si nʼọnwụ kpọlite ya mee ya ka ọ nọdụ nʼaka nri ya nʼebe niile nke eluigwe.
The same mighty power was exerted upon the Christ, when he raised the Christ from the dead and ‘caused him to sit at his right hand’ on high, exalting him above all Angels and Archangels of every rank,
21 Ọnọdụ ya dị elu karịa ọchịchị niile, na ikike ọchịchị niile, na ike niile na ịchị isi niile, na aha ọkwa ọchịchị nke e nwere ike inye mmadụ, ọ bụghị naanị nʼọgbọ a, kama ma nʼọgbọ ọzọ na-abịa. (aiōn g165)
and above every name that can be named, whether in the present age, or in the age to come. (aiōn g165)
22 O mere ka ihe niile dị nʼokpuru ya, meekwa ya ka ọ bụrụ onyeisi ihe niile nye nzukọ ya bụ chọọchị.
And God placed ‘all things under Christ’s feet,’ and gave him to the Church as its supreme Head;
23 Nke bụ ahụ ya, ozuzu oke nke onye ahụ na-emejupụta ihe niile nʼụzọ niile.
for the Church is Christ’s Body, and is filled by him who fills all things everywhere with his presence.

< Ndị Efesọs 1 >