< Waƙar Waƙoƙi 1 >

1 Waƙar Waƙoƙin Solomon.
The song of songs, which is Solomon's.
2 Bari yă sumbace ni da sumbar bakinsa, gama ƙaunarka ta fi ruwan inabi zaƙi.
Oh that he might kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for thy caresses are more pleasant than wine.
3 Ƙanshin turarenka mai daɗi ne; sunanka kuwa kamar turaren da aka tsiyaye ne. Shi ya sa mata suke ƙaunarka!
To the smell are thy fragrant oils pleasant, [like] precious oil poured forth is thy name [famous afar]: therefore do maidens love thee.
4 Ka ɗauke ni mu gudu, mu yi sauri! Bari sarki yă kai ni gidansa. Ƙawaye Muna farin ciki muna kuma murna tare da kai, za mu yabi ƙaunarka fiye da ruwan inabi. Ƙaunatacciya Daidai ne su girmama ka!
Oh draw me, after thee will we run: the king hath brought me into his chambers; we will be glad and rejoice in thee; we will recall thy caresses, more [pleasant] than wine; without deceit [all] love thee.—
5 Ni baƙa ce, duk da haka kyakkyawa. Ya ku’yan matan Urushalima, ni baƙa ce kamar tentunan Kedar, kamar labulen tentin Solomon.
Black am I, yet comely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.
6 Kada ku harare ni domin ni baƙa ce, gama rana ta dafa ni na yi baƙa.’Ya’yan mahaifiyata maza sun yi fushi da ni suka sa ni aiki a gonakin inabi; na ƙyale gonar inabi na kaina.
Look not so at me, because I am somewhat black, because the sun hath looked fiercely at me: my mother's children were angry with me; they appointed me to be keeper of the vineyards; but my vineyard, which is my own, have I not kept.—
7 Faɗa mini, kai da nake ƙauna, ina kake kiwon garkenka kuma ina kake kai tumakinka su huta da tsakar rana. Me ya sa zan kasance kamar macen da aka lulluɓe kusa da garkunan abokanka?
Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest? where lettest thou thy flock rest at noon? for why should I appear like a veiled mourner by the flocks of thy companions?—
8 Ke mafiya kyau a cikin mata, in ba ki sani ba, to, ki dai bi labin da tumaki suke bi ki yi kiwon’yan awakinki kusa da tentunan makiyaya.
If thou knowest this not, O thou fairest of women, go but forth in the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids around the shepherds' dwellings.—
9 Ina kwatanta ke ƙaunatacciyata, da goɗiya mai jan keken yaƙin kayan Fir’auna.
Unto the horse in Pharaoh's chariot do I compare thee, my beloved.
10 ’Yan kunne sun ƙara wa kumatunki kyau, wuyanki yana da jerin kayan wuya masu daraja.
Comely are thy cheeks between strings [of pearls], thy neck with rows [of jewels].
11 Za mu yi’yan kunnenki na zinariya, da adon azurfa.
Chains of gold will we make for thee with studs of silver.—
12 Yayinda sarki yake a teburinsa, turarena ya bazu da ƙanshi.
While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth forth its [pleasant] smell.
13 Ƙaunataccena yana kamar ƙanshin mur a gare ni, kwance a tsakanin ƙirjina.
A bundle of myrrh is my friend unto me, that resteth on my bosom.
14 Ƙaunataccena kamar tarin furanni jeji ne gare ni daga gonakin inabin En Gedi.
A copher-cluster is my friend unto me in the vineyards of 'En-gedi.—
15 Ke kyakkyawa ce, ƙaunatacciyata! Kai, ke kyakkyawa ce! Idanunki kamar na kurciya ne.
Lo, thou art beautiful, my beloved: lo, thou art beautiful: thy eyes are those of a dove.—
16 Kai kyakkyawa ne, ƙaunataccena! Kai, kana ɗaukan hankali! Gadonmu koriyar ciyawa ce.
Lo, thou art beautiful, my friend, also pleasant: also our couch is [made in the] green [wood].
17 Al’ul su ne ginshiƙan gidanmu; fir su ne katakan rufin gidanmu.
The beams of our houses are cedars and our wainscoting of cypress-trees.

< Waƙar Waƙoƙi 1 >