< Ru’uya ta Yohanna 12 >

1 Babbar alama mai banmamaki ta bayyana a sama, mace tana lulluɓe da rana, da kuma wata a ƙarƙashin sawunta, akwai kuma rawani mai taurari goma sha biyu a kanta.
A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
2 Tana da ciki ta kuma yi kuka mai zafi yayinda take gab da haihuwa.
She was with child. She screamed out in pain, laboring to give birth.
3 Sai wata alama ta bayyana a sama, wani babban jan maciji mai kawuna bakwai da ƙahoni goma da rawani bakwai a kan kawunansa.
Another sign was seen in heaven. Look, a great fiery red serpent, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven crowns.
4 Wutsiyarsa ta share kashi ɗaya bisa uku na taurari daga sararin sama ta kuma zubar da su ƙasa. Ƙaton jan macijin ya tsaya a gaban macen wadda take gab da haihuwa, don yă cinye ɗanta nan take bayan an haife shi.
His tail drew one third of the stars of the sky, and threw them to the earth. The serpent stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.
5 Ta haifi ɗa, namiji, wanda zai yi mulkin dukan al’ummai da sandar ƙarfe. Aka fyauce ɗanta zuwa wurin Allah da kuma kursiyinsa.
She gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with an iron scepter. Her child was caught up to God, and to his throne.
6 Sai macen ta gudu zuwa hamada zuwa inda Allah ya shirya dominta, inda za a lura da ita har kwana 1,260.
The woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that there they may nourish her one thousand two hundred sixty days.
7 Aka kuwa yi yaƙi a sama. Mika’ilu da mala’ikunsa yaƙi macijin, maciji da mala’ikunsa su ma suka mai da martani.
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the serpent, and the serpent and his angels fought back.
8 Amma macijin nan ba shi da isashen ƙarfi, har suka rasa matsayinsu a sama.
But he was not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
9 Aka jefar da ƙaton jan macijin ƙasa, tsohon maciji nan da ake kira Iblis, ko Shaiɗan, wanda ya ɓad da dukan duniya. Aka jefar da shi ƙasa, tare da mala’ikunsa a duniya.
And the great serpent was thrown down, the ancient serpent, he who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
10 Sa’an nan na ji babbar murya daga sama tana cewa, “Yanzu ceto da iko da mulkin Allahnmu, da kuma ikon Kiristinsa. Gama mai zargin’yan’uwanmu, wanda yake zarginsu a gaban Allahnmu dare da rana, an jefar da shi ƙasa.
I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now is come the salvation, the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ; for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night.
11 Sun ci nasara a kansa ta wurin jinin Ɗan Ragon da ta wurin kalmar shaidarsu; ba su ƙaunaci rayukansu sosai har da za su ja da baya daga mutuwa.
They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. They did not love their life, even to death.
12 Saboda haka ku yi farin ciki, ku sammai, da ku da kuke zaune a cikinsu! Amma kaiton duniya da kuma teku, gama Iblis ya sauko gare ku! Ya cika da fushi, domin ya san cewa lokacinsa ya rage kaɗan.”
Therefore rejoice, heavens, and you who dwell in them. Woe to the land and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time."
13 Sa’ad da macijin ya ga an jefar da shi a duniya, sai ya fafari macen nan da ta haifi ɗa namiji.
When the serpent saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
14 Sai aka ba wa macen fikafikai biyu na babban gaggafa, don ta tashi sama zuwa inda aka shirya mata a hamada, inda za a lura da ita na ɗan lokaci, lokuta da rabin lokaci, inda macijin ba zai iya kaiwa ba.
Two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, so that she might be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
15 Sa’an nan daga bakinsa macijin ya kwarara ruwa kamar kogi, don ruwan ya cimma matan yă kuma kwashe ta tare da ambaliya.
The serpent spewed water out of his mouth after the woman like a river, that he might cause her to be carried away by the stream.
16 Amma ƙasa ta taimaki macen ta wurin buɗe bakinta ta kuma shanye ruwan kogin da macijin ya kwarara daga bakinsa.
The earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the serpent spewed out of his mouth.
17 Sai macijin ya yi fushi da macen ya kuma koma wajen sauran zuriyarta don yă yaƙe su waɗannan waɗanda suke biyayya da umarnan Allah suke kuma riƙe da shaidar Yesu.
The serpent grew angry with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

< Ru’uya ta Yohanna 12 >