< Markus 16 >

1 Da Asabbaci ya wuce, sai Maryamu Magdalin, Maryamu mahaifiyar Yaƙub, da kuma Salome suka sayi kayan ƙanshi domin su je su shafa wa jikin Yesu.
And, the Sabbath having passed, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that, coming, they might anoint him.
2 A ranar farko ta mako, da sassafe, bayan fitowar rana, suna kan hanyarsu zuwa kabarin ke nan,
And, very early, on the first of the week, they are coming towards the tomb—when, the sun, arose.
3 sai suka tambaye juna suka ce, “Wane ne zai gungura mana dutsen daga bakin kabarin?”
And they were saying one to another—Who, shall roll away for us the stone, out of the door of the tomb?
4 Amma da suka ɗaga kai, sai suka ga cewa, an riga an gungura dutsen. Dutsen kuwa babba ne.
And, looking up, they observe that the stone hath been rolled up, —for it was exceeding great.
5 Da suna shiga cikin kabarin, sai suka ga wani saurayi sanye da farar riga, yana zaune a hannun dama, sai suka firgita.
And, entering into the tomb, they saw a young man, sitting on the right, clothed with a white robe, —and they were greatly alarmed.
6 Ya ce, “Kada ku firgita. Kuna neman Yesu Banazare wanda aka gicciye ne. Ya tashi! Ba ya nan. Ku dubi inda aka kwantar da shi.
But, he, saith unto them—Be not alarmed! Jesus, ye are seeking, the Nazarene, the crucified: He hath arisen! he is not here, —See! the place where they laid him!
7 Amma ku tafi ku gaya wa almajiransa da kuma Bitrus cewa, ‘Ya sha gabanku zuwa Galili. Can za ku gan shi, kamar yadda ya faɗa muku.’”
But go your way, tell his disciples, and Peter—He is going before you into Galilee: there, shall ye yourselves see him, —according as he said unto you.
8 Da rawan jiki da kuma ruɗewa, matan suka fita a guje daga kabarin. Ba su kuwa gaya wa kowa ba, don suna tsoro.
And, going out, they fled from the tomb, for, trembling and transport, were holding them; and, unto no one, said they, anything, for they were afraid.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) Da Yesu ya tashi daga matattu da safe, a ranar farko ta mako, ya fara bayyana ga Maryamu Magdalin, wadda ya fitar da aljanu bakwai daga cikinta.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) And, arising early, on the first of the week, he was manifested, first, unto Mary the Magdalene, from whom he had cast, seven demons.
10 Ta je ta gaya wa waɗanda dā suke tare da shi, waɗanda kuma suke makoki da kuka.
She, going her way, bare tidings unto them who had come to be with him, as they were mourning and weeping.
11 Da suka ji cewa Yesu yana da rai, har ma ta gan shi, ba su gaskata ba.
And, they, hearing that he was living, and had been looked upon by her, disbelieved.
12 Daga baya Yesu ya bayyana a wani kamanni dabam ga biyunsu, yayinda suke tafiya ƙauye.
But, after these things, unto two from among them, as they were walking, was he manifested, in a different form, as they were going unto a country place;
13 Waɗannan kuwa suka koma suka shaida wa sauran, amma su ma ba su gaskata ba.
and, they, departing, bare tidings unto the rest, —but, even them, they believed not.
14 Bayan haka, Yesu ya bayyana ga Sha Ɗayan, yayinda suke cin abinci. Ya tsawata musu a kan rashin bangaskiyarsu, da yadda suka ƙi gaskata waɗanda suka gan shi bayan ya tashi.
But, afterwards, unto the eleven themselves, as they reclined, was he manifested, and he upbraided their disbelief and hardness of heart, —because, them who had looked upon him when arisen [from among the dead] they believed not;
15 Ya ce, musu, “Ku tafi cikin dukan duniya, ku yi wa’azin bishara ga dukan halitta.
and he said unto them—Go ye into all the world, and proclaim the glad-message, to the whole creation:
16 Duk wanda ya gaskata, aka kuma yi masa baftisma, zai sami ceto. Amma duk wanda bai gaskata ba kuwa, zai hallaka.
He that hath believed, and been immersed, shall be saved; but, he that hath disbelieved, shall be condemned:
17 Waɗannan alamu za su kasance tare da waɗanda suka gaskata. A cikin sunana za su fitar da aljanu, za su yi magana da sababbin harsuna.
Signs, moreover, shall follow, them who have believed, —these: —In my name, shall they cast, demons, out, with tongues, shall they speak, —[and, in their hands, ] they shall take up, serpents;
18 Za su ɗauki macizai da hannuwansu. In kuwa suka sha mugun dafi, ba zai cuce su ba ko kaɗan. Za su ɗibiya hannuwansu a kan marasa lafiya, su kuwa warke.”
And, if, any deadly thing, they have drunk, in nowise, shall it, hurt, them: Upon sick persons, shall they lay, hands, and, well, shall they remain.
19 Bayan Ubangiji Yesu ya yi musu magana, sai aka ɗauke shi zuwa sama, ya kuma zauna a hannun dama na Allah.
The Lord [Jesus], therefore, on the one hand, after talking with them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down on the right hand of God:
20 Sai almajiran suka fita, suka yi wa’azi ko’ina. Ubangiji kuwa ya yi aiki tare da su, ya tabbatar da maganarsa ta wurin alamu da suke biye da maganar.
They, on the other hand, going forth, proclaimed on every side, the Lord, co-working, and confirming, the word, through, the closely following signs. OTHERWISE. All the things given in charge unto the companions of Peter, they concisely reported. But, after these things, Jesus also, himself, from east even unto west, sent forth, through them, the sacred and incorruptible proclamation of the age-abiding salvation.

< Markus 16 >