< Yunana 3 >

1 Sa’an nan sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Yunana sau na biyu.
Then the Lord spoke to Jonah for a second time.
2 “Tafi babban birnin nan Ninebe, ka yi masa shelar saƙon da na ba ka.”
“Go immediately to the great city of Nineveh and announce the message I'm giving you.”
3 Sai Yunana ya yi biyayya da maganar Ubangiji, ya tafi Ninebe. Ninebe birni ne da yake da muhimmanci, wanda sai an ɗauki kwana uku kafin a iya zaga shi.
Jonah did what God told him. He set out and went to Nineveh, a city that was so big it took three days to walk through it.
4 A rana ta fari, Yunana ya kama tafiya yana ratsa birnin. Sai ya yi shela cewa, “Nan da kwana arba’in za a hallaka Ninebe?”
Jonah went into the city, walking for one day, shouting out, “In forty days Nineveh will be destroyed!”
5 Mutanen Ninebe kuwa suka gaskata Allah. Aka yi shela a yi azumi, sai dukansu daga babba har zuwa ƙaraminsu, suka sa tufafin makoki.
The people of Nineveh believed in God. They announced a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
6 Da saƙon Yunana ya kai kunnen sarkin Ninebe, sai ya tashi daga kujerar mulkinsa, ya tuɓe alkyabbarsa, ya sa rigar makoki, ya zauna cikin toka.
When the news of what was happening reached the king of Nineveh he came down from his throne, took off his robe, put on sackcloth, and sat in ashes.
7 Sai ya yi umarni a Ninebe cewa, “Bisa ga umarnin sarki da fadawansa. “Kada a bar wani mutum ko dabba, garke ko shannu, su ɗanɗana wani abu; kada a bari su ci ko su sha.
Then the king and the nobles issued a proclamation throughout Nineveh: “No person, no animal, no herd, and no flock, shall eat or drink anything.
8 Bari kowane mutum da dabba yă yafa rigunan makoki. Kowa yă roƙi Allah da gaske, kowa kuma yă bar mugayen ayyukan da yake yi.
Every person and every animal is to wear sackcloth. Everyone is to pray sincerely to God, give up the evil things they do, and stop using violence.
9 Wa ya sani? Ko Allah zai ji tausayinmu da kuma juyayinmu yă janye zafin fushinsa don kada mu hallaka.”
Who knows? God may change his mind and relent. He may decide not to destroy us in his fierce anger.”
10 Da Allah ya ga abin da suka yi, da kuma yadda suka juya daga mugayen hanyoyinsu sai ya ji tausayinsu, bai kawo hallaka a kansu yadda ya yi shirin yi ba.
God saw what they had done—that they had given up their evil ways—so he changed his mind and did not carry out the destruction he had threatened.

< Yunana 3 >