< Amos 5 >

1 Ku ji wannan magana, ya gidan Isra’ila, ina makokin nan dominku.
Listen, people of Israel, to this funeral lament that I sing about you!
2 “Budurwa Isra’ila ta fāɗi, ba za tă ƙara tashi ba, an yashe ta a ƙasarta, ba wanda zai ɗaga ta.”
Virgin Israel has fallen, and will never rise again! She lies abandoned on the ground, and there is no one to help her up.
3 Ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka ya ce, “Birnin da ta fitar da masu ƙarfi dubbai don Isra’ila guda ɗari kaɗai za su dawo; garin da ya fitar da masu ƙarfi ɗari kuwa goma kaɗai za su dawo.”
This is what the Lord says: From a city that sends out a thousand soldiers, only a hundred will return; from a city that sends out a hundred soldiers, only ten will return.
4 Ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce wa gidan Isra’ila. “Ku neme ni ku rayu;
This is what the Lord says to the people of Israel: Look to me so you may live!
5 kada ku nemi Betel, kada ku je Gilgal, kada ku yi tafiya zuwa Beyersheba. Gama ba shakka Gilgal za tă tafi bauta, za a kuwa mai da Betel ba kome ba.”
Do not look to the false gods of Bethel, do not go to the pagan shrines of Gilgal or travel to those of Beersheba. For Gilgal will go into exile, and Bethel will come to nothing.
6 Ku nemi Ubangiji ku kuma rayu, ko kuwa zai ratsa yă share gidan Yusuf kamar wuta; zai cinye Betel kuwa ba zai sami wanda zai kashe ta ba.
Look to the Lord so you may live! Otherwise he will explode like fire against the descendants of Joseph and no one from Bethel will be able to quench it.
7 Ku ne masu mai da gaskiya ta koma ɗaci ku kuma zubar da adalci.
You twist justice and make it bitter, you throw integrity to the ground.
8 (Shi wanda ya yi Taurarin nan da ake ce Kaza da’Ya’yanta da kuma Mai Farauta da Kare, wanda ya mai da duhu ya zama haske ya kuma baƙanta rana ta zama dare, yakan kwashe ruwan teku ya zubar a ƙasa, Ubangiji ne sunansa,
The One who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns the darkness into morning, and daytime into night, who calls for the water of the seas, and pours it down as rain upon the earth—the Lord is his name!
9 yakan kawo hallaka a mafaka mai ƙarfi yakan kuma mai da birnin mai katanga ya zama kufai).
In a flash he cuts down the strong and destroys the fortresses.
10 Ba ku son mai yin gaskiya a ɗakin shari’a kuna ƙin mai faɗar gaskiya.
You hate anyone who confronts injustice and loathe anyone who speaks honestly.
11 Kuna matsa wa matalauta kuna sa su dole su ba ku hatsi. Saboda haka, ko da yake kun gina gidajen duwatsu, ba za ku zauna a cikinsu ba; ko da yake kun nome gonaki masu kyau, ba za ku sha ruwan inabinsu ba.
Because you trample down the poor and impose a tax on their grain, building for yourselves impressive houses, you will not live in them, and you will not drink wine from the fine vineyards you have planted.
12 Gama na san yawan laifofinku da kuma girman zunubanku. Kuna danne masu adalci kuna kuma cin hanci kuna kuma hana a yi wa matalauta shari’ar adalci a majalisa.
For I know the extent of your wrongdoing and your numerous sins. You oppress good people by taking bribes, and you prevent the poor from getting justice in the courts.
13 Saboda haka mai hankali yakan yi shiru a lokuta kamar haka, gama lokutan mugaye ne.
So smart people keep quiet in such evil times.
14 Ku yi nagarta, ba mugunta ba; don ku rayu sa’an nan Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki zai kasance da ku, kamar yadda kuka ce zai yi.
Do what is right, and not evil, so you may live. Then the Lord God of power will be with you, as you claim he is.
15 Ku ƙi mugunta, ku ƙaunaci nagarta; ku dinga yin shari’ar gaskiya a ɗakunan shari’a. Mai yiwuwa Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki zai ji tausayin raguwar Yusuf.
Hate evil and love good—and make sure justice wins out in your courts. Maybe the Lord God of power will have mercy on those who are left of Jacob's people.
16 Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji, Ubangiji Allah Maɗaukaki yana cewa, “Za a yi kururuwa a dukan tituna a kuma yi kuka don azaba a dukan wuraren da jama’a sukan taru. Za a yi kira ga manoma su yi kuka masu makoki kuma su yi kuka.
For this is what the Lord, the Lord God of power says: There will be weeping in the city squares and wailing in the streets. They will call even the farmers to grieve, as well as the professional mourners.
17 Za a yi kuka a dukan gonakin inabi, gama zan ratsa a cikinku,” in ji Ubangiji.
There will be wailing in every vineyard, for I will pass through the midst of you, says the Lord.
18 Kaitonku masu son ganin ranar Ubangiji! Don me kuke son ganin ranar Ubangiji? Za a duhunta ranan nan, ba haske ba.
How disastrous it will be for those of you who long for the day of the Lord. Why would you want the day of the Lord to come? It will bring darkness, not light.
19 Za ku zama kamar mutanen da suka guje wa zaki sai suka fāɗa a hannun beyar, ko kuma kamar wanda ya shiga gida ya dāfa hannu a bango sai maciji ya sare shi.
It will be like a man running away from a lion only to meet a bear; or a man who goes home and leans his hand on a wall, only to be bitten by a snake.
20 Ashe, ranar Ubangiji ba duhu ba ce, a maimakon haske, duhu wuluk, ba tare da ko ɗan haske ba.
Isn't the day of the Lord darkness without light? Yes, pitch dark without a glimmer of light.
21 “Na ƙi, ina kuma ƙyamar bukukkuwanku na addini; ba na son ganin tarurrukanku.
I hate, I despise your festivals and take no delight in your religious assemblies.
22 Ko da kun kawo mini hadayu na ƙonawa da kuma hadayu na hatsi, ba zan karɓa ba. Ko da kun kawo zaɓaɓɓun hadayu na zumunta, ba zan ɗauke su a bakin kome ba.
Even though you present me with burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. As for your peace offerings of fattened cattle—I will not even look at them.
23 Ku tashi daga nan da surutan waƙoƙinku! Ba zan saurari kaɗe-kaɗe da bushe bushenku ba.
Stop your noisy worship songs. I will not listen to the melody of your harps.
24 Amma bari gaskiya ta kwararo kamar kogi, adalci kuma kamar rafin da ba ya taɓa bushewa!
Rather let justice flow like a river, and doing right like an ever-flowing stream.
25 “Kun kawo mini hadayu da sadakoki shekaru arba’in a cikin jeji, ya ku gidan Isra’ila?
Did you bring me sacrifices during those forty years in the desert, people of Israel?
26 Kun ɗaga masujadar sarkinku, siffofin gumakanku, tauraron allahnku, wanda kuka yi wa kanku.
But now you carry idols of Sakkuth your king and Kaiwan your star god that you made for yourselves.
27 Saboda haka zan tura ku zaman bauta gaba da Damaskus,” in ji Ubangiji, wanda sunansa ne Allah Mai Iko.
So I will send you into exile in a land beyond Damascus, says the Lord, whose name is the God of power.

< Amos 5 >