< Ayuba 33 >

1 “Amma yanzu, Ayuba, ka saurari abin da zan ce; ka sa hankali ga kowane abin da zan faɗa.
Therefore do thou but hear, O Job, my speeches, and give ear to all my words.
2 Zan yi magana; kalmomina suna dab da fitowa daga bakina.
Behold now, I have opened my mouth, my tongue speaketh in my mouth.
3 Abin da zan faɗa gaskiya ne daga cikin zuciyata; bakina zai faɗi gaskiyar abin da na sani.
Out of my straightforward heart [come] my sayings, and my lips utter knowledge clearly.
4 Ruhun Allah ne ya yi ni; numfashin Maɗaukaki ya ba ni rai.
The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty giveth me life.
5 Ka amsa mini in za ka iya; ka yi shirin fuskanta ta.
If thou canst, answer me, array thyself before me, stand forward.
6 Ni kamar ka nake a gaban Allah; ni ma daga ƙasa aka yi ni.
Behold, I am in the same relation as thyself toward God: I myself also am cut out of the clay.
7 Kada ka ji tsorona, ba abin da zai fi ƙarfinka.
Behold, dread of me cannot terrify thee, and my pressure will not be too heavy upon thee.
8 “Amma ka faɗa na ji, na ji daidai abin da ka faɗa,
But thou hast said before my ears, and the sound of the words I still hear,
9 ‘ni mai tsarki ne marar zunubi; ina da tsabta kuma ba ni da laifi.
“I am pure without transgression, I am quite clean; and there is no iniquity in me:
10 Duk da haka Allah ya same ni da laifi; ya ɗauke ni maƙiyinsa,
Yet, behold, he findeth hateful backsliding on me, he regardeth me as an enemy unto him;
11 ya daure ƙafafuna da sarƙa; yana tsaron duk inda na bi.’
He putteth my feet in the stocks, he watcheth all my paths.”
12 “Amma na gaya maka, a nan ba ka yi daidai ba, gama Allah ya fi mutum girma.
Behold, In this thou art not just: I will answer thee; for God is far greater than a mortal.
13 Don me ka yi masa gunaguni cewa ba ya amsa tambayoyin mutum?
Why dost thou contend against him? for with all his words will he not give an answer.
14 Gama Allah yana magana, yanzu ga wannan hanya, yanzu kuma ga wata hanya ko da yake ba lalle mutum yă lura ba.
For God speaketh once, yea twice: [yet man] regardeth it not.
15 A cikin mafarki, cikin wahayi da dare, sa’ad da barci mai zurfi ya fāɗo a kan mutane lokacin da suke cikin barci kan gadajensu,
In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbers upon the couch:
16 mai yiwuwa yă yi musu magana a cikin kunnuwansu yă razana su da gargaɗinsa,
Then doth he lay open the ear of men, and sealeth it with their warning;
17 don a juyar da su daga abin da yake yi da ba daidai ba a kuma hana su daga girman kai,
To remove the son of earth [from his intended] deed and he covereth up pride from man;
18 don a kāre su daga fāɗuwa cikin rami, a kāre su daga hallaka ta wurin takobi.
He withholdeth his soul from the pit, and his life from passing away by the sword.
19 “Ko kuma mutum yă sha horo ta wurin kwanciya da ciwo da rashin jin daɗi cikin ƙasusuwansa,
And so is he admonished by pain upon his couch, and all his bones with violent [aches].
20 yadda zai ji ƙyamar abinci, har yă ƙi son abinci mafi daɗi.
So that his inclination abhorreth bread, and his soul, the most agreeable food.
21 Naman jikinsa ya lalace ba wani abu mai kyau a ciki kuma ƙasusuwansa da suke a rufe da tsoka yanzu duk sun fito.
His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen, and his bones that were not seen stick out.
22 Ransa yana matsawa kusa da rami, ransa kuma kusa da’yan aikan mutuwa.
Yea, his soul draweth near unto the pit, and his life to those that slay.
23 Duk da haka, in akwai mala’ika a gefensa kamar matsakanci, ɗaya daga cikin dubu, da zai gaya wa mutum abin da yake daidai gare shi,
If there be now about him one single angel, as defender, one out of a thousand, to tell for man his uprightness:
24 yă yi masa alheri yă ce, ‘Kada ka bari yă fāɗa cikin rami, na samu fansa dominsa.’
Then is he gracious unto him, and saith, Release him from going down to the pit, I have found an atonement.
25 Sa’an nan fatar jikinsa za tă zama sabuwa kamar ta jariri; za tă zama kamar lokacin da yake matashi.
His flesh becometh full again as in youth: he returneth to the days of his boyhood.
26 Ya yi addu’a ga Allah ya kuwa samu alheri a wurinsa, yana ganin fuskar Allah yana kuma yin sowa don murna; Allah ya mayar da shi ya zama mai adalci.
He will offer his entreaty unto God, and he will receive him in favor, that he may see his face with joy: so doth He recompense unto the mortal his righteousness.
27 Sa’an nan sai ya zo wurin, wurin mutane ya ce, ‘Na yi zunubi, na kauce wa abin da yake daidai, amma ban samu abin da ya kamata in samu ba.
He then should assemble men around, and say, “I had sinned, and perverted what is right, yet have I not received a like return.”
28 Ya fanshi raina daga fāɗawa cikin rami, kuma zan rayu in ji daɗin hasken.’
Thus he redeemeth his soul from passing into the pit, and his life will look joyously on the light.
29 “Allah ya yi wa mutum duk waɗannan, sau biyu, har ma sau uku.
Lo, all these things doth God two or three times with man;
30 Ya juyo da ransa daga fāɗawa cikin rami, don hasken rai ya haskaka a kansa.
To bring back his soul from the pit, that she may shine in the light of life.
31 “Ka sa hankali da kyau, Ayuba, ka saurare ni; ka yi shiru zan yi magana.
Listen well, O Job, hearken unto me: keep silence, and I will truly speak.
32 In kana da abin da za ka ce, ka amsa mini; yi magana, domin ina so in’yantar da kai.
If thou hast any words, answer me: speak, for I wish to justify thee.
33 Amma in ba haka ba, sai ka saurare ni; yi shiru, zan kuma koya maka hikima.”
If not, hearken thou unto me: keep silence, and I will teach thee wisdom.

< Ayuba 33 >