< Ayuba 13 >

1 “Idanuna sun ga waɗannan duka, kunnuwana sun ji sun kuma gane.
Behold, my eye has seen all these things, and my ear has heard, and I have understood each one.
2 Abin da kuka sani, ni ma na sani; ba ku fi ni ba.
In conformity with your knowledge, I also know. I am not inferior to you.
3 Amma ina so in yi magana da Maɗaukaki, in kai kukana wurin Allah kai tsaye.
Yet I speak this way to the Almighty, and I desire to argue with God,
4 Ku kuma kun ishe ni da ƙarairayi; ku likitocin wofi ne, dukanku!
having first shown that you fabricate lies and cultivate perverse teachings.
5 In da za ku yi shiru gaba ɗaya! Zai zama muku hikima.
And I wish that you would remain silent, so that you would be counted among the wise.
6 Ku ji gardamata yanzu; ku ji roƙon da zai fito daga bakina.
Therefore, listen to my correction, and pay attention to the judgment of my lips.
7 Za ku iya yin muguwar magana a madadin Allah? Ko za ku yi ƙarya a madadinsa?
Does God require your lie, so that you would speak deceitfully for him?
8 Ko za ku nuna masa sonkai? Ko za ku yi gardama a madadinsa?
Have you taken his place, and do you struggle to give judgment in favor of God?
9 In ya bincike ku zai tarar ba ku da laifi? Ko za ku iya ruɗe shi yadda za ku ruɗi mutane?
Or, will it please him, from whom nothing can be concealed? Or, will he be deceived, like a man, by your deceitfulness?
10 Ba shakka zai kwaɓe ku in kun nuna sonkai a ɓoye.
He will accuse you because in secret you have preempted his presence.
11 Ko ikonsa ba ya ba ku tsoro? Tsoronsa ba zai auka muku ba?
As soon as he moves himself, he will disturb you, and his dread will fall over you.
12 Duk surutanku kamar toka suke; kāriyarku na yimɓu ne.
Your remembrance will be compared to ashes, and your necks will be reduced to clay.
13 “Ku yi shiru zan yi magana; sa’an nan abin da zai same ni yă same ni.
Be silent for a little while, so that I may speak whatever my mind suggests to me.
14 Don me na sa kaina cikin hatsari na yi kasada da raina?
Why do I wound my flesh with my teeth, and carry my soul in my hands?
15 Ko da zai kashe ni ne, begena a cikinsa zai kasance; ba shakka zan kāre kaina a gabansa
And now, if he would kill me, I will hope in him; in this, truly, I will correct my ways in his sight.
16 lalle wannan zai kawo mini kuɓuta gama ba wani marar tsoron Allah da zai iya zuwa wurinsa!
And he will be my savior, for no hypocrite at all will approach in his sight.
17 Ku saurara da kyau ku ji abin da zan faɗa; bari kunnuwanku su ji abin da zan ce.
Listen to my words, and perceive an enigma with your ears.
18 Yanzu da na shirya ƙarata, na san za a ce ba ni da laifi.
If I will be judged, I know that I will be found to be just.
19 Ko wani zai ce ga laifin da na yi? In an same ni da laifi, zan yi shiru in mutu.
Who is it that will go to judgment with me? Let him approach. Why should I be consumed in silence?
20 “Kai dai biya mini waɗannan bukatu biyu kawai ya Allah, ba zan kuwa ɓoye daga gare ka ba;
Do not do such things to me twice, and then I will not hide from your face.
21 Ka janye hannunka nesa da ni, ka daina ba ni tsoro da bantsoronka.
Take your hand far away from me, and do not let your dread terrify me.
22 Sa’an nan ka kira ni, zan kuwa amsa, ko kuma ka bar ni in yi magana sai ka amsa mini.
Call me, and I will answer you, or else I will speak, and you can answer me.
23 Abubuwa nawa na yi waɗanda ba daidai ba, kuma zunubi ne? Ka nuna mini laifina da zunubina.
How many iniquities and sins do I have? Reveal my crimes and offenses to me.
24 Don me ka ɓoye mini fuskarka; ka kuma sa na zama kamar maƙiyinka?
Why do you conceal your face and consider me to be your enemy?
25 Ko za a wahalar da ganye wanda iska take hurawa? Ko za ka bi busasshiyar ciyawa?
Against a leaf, which is carried away by the wind, you reveal your power, and you pursue dry straw.
26 Gama ka rubuta abubuwa marasa daɗi game da ni; ka sa na yi gādon zunuban ƙuruciyata.
For you write bitter things against me, and you want to consume me for the sins of my youth.
27 Ka daure ƙafafuna da sarƙa; kana kallon duk inda na taka ta wurin sa shaida a tafin ƙafafuna.
You have put my feet on a tether, and you have observed all my paths, and you have considered the steps of my feet.
28 “Haka mutum yake lalacewa kamar ruɓaɓɓen abu, kamar rigar da asu ya cinye.
I will be left to decay like something rotten and like a garment that is being eaten by moths.

< Ayuba 13 >