< Mai Hadishi 8 >
1 Wa yake kama da mai hikima? Wa ya san bayanin abubuwa? Hikima takan haskaka fuskar mutum, ta kuma kawo sakin fuska.
The wisdom of a man shines in his countenance, and even the expression of a most powerful man will change.
2 Ka yi biyayya da umarnin sarki, na ce, saboda alkawarin da ka yi a gaban Allah.
I heed the mouth of the king, and the commandment of an oath to God.
3 Kada ka yi hanzarin tashi daga gaban sarki. Kada ka kāre abin da ba daidai ba, gama zai iya yin duk abin da ya ga dama.
You should not hastily withdraw from his presence, nor should you remain in an evil work. For all that pleases him, he will do.
4 Da yake maganar sarki ita ce mafificiya, wa zai iya ce masa, “Me kake yi?”
And his word is filled with authority. Neither is anyone able to say to him: “Why are you acting this way?”
5 Duk wanda ya yi biyayya da umarninsa ba zai sami lahani ba, zuciya mai hikima kuma zai san lokacin da ya dace da kuma hanyoyin da suka fi.
Whoever keeps the commandment will not experience evil. The heart of a wise man understands the time to respond.
6 Gama akwai lokaci da hanyoyin da suka dace da yin kowane abu, ko da yake wahalar mutum ta yi masa yawa.
For every matter, there is a time and an opportunity, as well as many difficulties, for man.
7 Da yake ba wanda ya san nan gaba, wa zai iya faɗa masa abin da zai faru?
For he is ignorant of the past, and he is able to know nothing of the future by means of a messenger.
8 Ba wanda yake da iko a kan iska har da zai riƙe ta, saboda haka babu mai iko kan ranar mutuwarsa. Kamar yadda ba a sallamar mutum a lokacin yaƙi, haka ma mugunta ba za tă saki masu aikata ta ba.
It is not in the power of a man to prohibit the spirit, nor does he have authority over the day of death, nor is he permitted to rest when war breaks out, and neither will impiety save the impious.
9 Na ga dukan waɗannan, yayinda na lura da kowane abin da ake yi a duniya. Akwai lokacin da mutum yakan nauyaya wa waɗansu ba da sonsa ba.
I have considered all these things, and I have applied my heart to all the works which are being done under the sun. Sometimes one man rules over another to his own harm.
10 Sa’an nan kuma, na ga an binne masu mugunta, waɗanda suke shiga da fita daga tsattsarkan wuri suke kuma samun yabo a birnin da suka yi wannan. Wannan ma ba shi da amfani.
I have seen the impious buried. These same, while they were still living, were in the holy place, and they were praised in the city as workers of justice. But this, too, is emptiness.
11 In ba a hanzarta aka yanke hukunci a kan laifi ba, zukatan mutane sukan cika da ƙulle-ƙullen aikata abubuwan da ba daidai ba.
For the sons of men perpetrate evils without any fear, because judgment is not pronounced quickly against the evil.
12 Ko da yake mugu ya aikata laifi ɗari ya kuma yi tsawon rai, na san cewa zai fi wa masu tsoron Allah kyau, waɗanda suke girmama Allah.
But although a sinner may do evil of himself one hundred times, and by patience still endure, I realize that it will be well with those who fear God, who revere his face.
13 Duk da haka, domin masu mugunta ba su ji tsoron Allah ba, abubuwa ba za su yi musu kyau ba, ransu kamar inuwa yake ba zai yi tsawo ba.
So, may it not go well with the impious, and may his days not be prolonged. And let those who do not fear the face of the Lord pass away like a shadow.
14 Akwai kuma wani abu marar amfani da yake faruwa a duniya, masu adalci sukan sha hukuncin da ya dace da masu mugunta, masu mugunta kuma sukan karɓi sakayyar da ya cancanci masu adalci su samu. Na ce, wannan ma, ba shi da amfani.
There is also another vanity, which is done upon the earth. There are the just, to whom evils happen, as though they had done the works of the impious. And there are the impious, who are very secure, as though they possess the deeds of the just. But this, too, I judge to be a very great vanity.
15 Saboda haka abin da na ce, shi ne mutum yă ji daɗi, domin iyakar jin daɗinsa a wannan rai, shi ne yă ci, yă sha, yă ji wa kansa daɗi. Aƙalla yana iya yin wannan in ya yi aiki a kwanakin da Allah ya ba shi a wannan duniya.
And so, I praised rejoicing, because there was no good for a man under the sun, except to eat and drink, and to be cheerful, and because he may take nothing with him from his labor in the days of his life, which God has given to him under the sun.
16 Da na mai da hankalina don in sami hikima in kuma lura da wahalar mutum a duniya, ko da a ce idanunsa ba sa barci dare da rana,
And I applied my heart, so that I might know wisdom, and so that I might understand a disturbance that turns upon the earth: it is a man, who takes no sleep with his eyes, day and night.
17 sam, ba zai taɓa fahimci abin da Allah yake yi ba. Iyakar ƙoƙarin da ka yi duk ba za ka iya ganewa ba. Masu hikima suna iya cewa sun sani, amma kuwa ba su sani ba.
And I understood that man is able to find no explanation for all those works of God which are done under the sun. And so, the more that he labors to seek, so much the less does he find. Yes, even if a wise man were to claim that he knows, he would not be able to discover it.