< Ayyukan Manzanni 15 >

1 Waɗansu mutane suka gangara daga Yahudiya zuwa Antiyok suna kuma koya wa’yan’uwa cewa, “Sai ko an yi muku kaciya bisa ga al’ada da Musa ya koyar, in ba haka ba, ba za ku sami ceto ba.”
Then cam certayne from Iewrie and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses ye cannot be saved.
2 Wannan ya kai Bulus da Barnabas suka shiga babban gardama da muhawwara da su. Saboda haka aka naɗa Bulus da Barnabas tare da waɗansu masu bi, su haura zuwa Urushalima don su ga manzanni da dattawa a kan wannan magana.
And when ther was rysen dissencion and disputinge not a litle vnto Paul and Barnabas agaynst them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certayne other of them shuld ascende to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and elders aboute this question.
3 Ikkilisiya ta raka su suka tafi, yayinda suke ratsawa ta Funisiya da Samariya, suka ba da labari yadda Al’ummai suka tuba. Wannan labarin ya sa dukan’yan’uwa suka yi murna ƙwarai.
And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion they passed over Phenices and Samaria declarynge the conuersion of the getyls and they brought great ioye vnto all ye brethren.
4 Sa’ad da suka isa Urushalima, sai ikkilisiya da manzanni da kuma dattawa suka marabce su, sai suka ba su rahoton dukan abin da Allah ya aikata ta wurinsu.
And when they were come to Ierusalem they were receaved of the congregacion and of the Apostles and elders. And they declared what thinges God had done by them.
5 Sai waɗansu daga cikin masu bin da suke na ƙungiyar Farisiyawa suka miƙe tsaye suka ce, “Dole ne a yi wa Al’ummai kaciya a kuma bukace su su yi biyayya da dokokin Musa.”
Then arose ther vp certayne that were of the secte of the Pharises and dyd beleve sayinge that it was nedfull to circucise them and to enioyne the to kepe ye lawe of Moses.
6 Sai manzanni da dattawa suka taru don su duba maganar.
And ye Apostles and elders came to geder to reason of this matter.
7 Bayan aka yi muhawwara da sosai, sai Bitrus ya miƙe tsaye ya yi musu jawabi ya ce, “’Yan’uwa, kun san cewa a kwanakin baya Allah ya yi zaɓe a cikinku don Al’ummai su ji daga leɓunana saƙon bishara su kuma gaskata.
And when ther was moche disputinge Peter rose vp and sayde vnto them: Ye men and brethren ye knowe how that a good whyle agoo God chose amoge vs that the getyls by my mouth shuld heare the worde of the gospell and beleve.
8 Allah, wanda ya san zuciya, ya nuna cewa ya karɓe su ta wurin ba su Ruhu Mai Tsarki, kamar yadda ya ba mu.
And God which knoweth the herte bare them witnes and gave vnto them the holy goost eve as he dyd vnto vs
9 Bai nuna bambanci tsakaninmu da su ba, gama ya tsarkake zukatansu ta wurin bangaskiya.
and he put no difference bitwene them and vs but with fayth purified their hertes.
10 To, fa, don me kuke ƙoƙari ku gwada Allah ta wurin ɗora wa almajiran nan kayan da mu ko kakanninmu ba mu iya ɗauka ba?
Now therfore why tempte ye God that ye wolde put a yoke on the disciples neckes which nether oure fathers nor we were able to beare.
11 A’a! Mun gaskata cewa ta wurin alherin Ubangiji Yesu ne muka sami ceto, kamar yadda su ma suka samu.”
But we beleve that thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved as they doo.
12 Sai duk taron suka yi tsit yayinda suke sauraron Barnabas da Bulus suna ba da labari game da ayyuka da kuma abubuwan banmamakin da Allah ya yi a cikin Al’ummai ta wurinsu.
Then all the multitude was peased and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the gentyls by them.
13 Da suka gama, sai Yaƙub ya yi magana ya ce, “’Yan’uwa, ku saurare ni.
And when they helde their peace Iames answered sayinge: Men and brethren herken vnto me.
14 Siman ya bayyana mana yadda Allah da farko ya nuna damuwarsa ta wurin ɗaukan mutane daga cikin Al’ummai su zama nasa.
Simeon tolde how God at the begynnynge dyd visit the gentyls and receaved of them people vnto his name.
15 Kalmomin annabawa sun yi daidai da wannan, kamar yadda yake a rubuce cewa,
And to this agreith ye wordes of ye Prophetes as it is written.
16 “‘Bayan wannan zan koma in kuma sāke gina tentin Dawuda da ya rushe. Kufansa zan sāke gina, in kuma mai da shi,
After this I will returne and wyll bylde agayne the tabernacle of David which is fallen doune and that which is fallen in dekey of it will I bilde agayne and I will set it vp
17 don ragowar mutane su nemi Ubangiji, kuma duk Al’umman da suke kira bisa sunana, in ji Ubangiji, wanda yake yin waɗannan abubuwa’
that the residue of men might seke after the Lorde and also the gentyls vpo whom my name is named saith ye Lorde which doth all these thinges:
18 da aka sani tun zamanai. (aiōn g165)
knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynninge of the worlde. (aiōn g165)
19 “Saboda haka, a ganina, kada mu matsa wa Al’ummai waɗanda suke juyowa ga Allah.
Wherfore my sentece is yt we trouble not them which fro amonge the gentyls are turned to God:
20 A maimakon haka, ya kamata mu rubuta musu cewa, su guji abincin da alloli suka ƙazantar, da fasikanci, da naman dabbar da aka murɗe da kuma jini.
but yt we write vnto them yt they abstayne them selves fro filthynes of ymages fro fornicacio from straglyd and fro bloude.
21 Gama Musa ya yi wa’azi a kowace birni tun zamanin dā, ana kuma karanta shi a majami’u kowane Asabbaci.”
For Moses of olde tyme hath in every cite that preache him and he is rede in the synagoges every saboth daye.
22 Sai manzanni da dattawa, tare da dukan ikkilisiya, suka yanke shawara su zaɓi waɗansu daga cikin mutanensu su kuma aike su zuwa Antiyok tare da Bulus da Barnabas. Sai suka zaɓi Yahuda (wanda ake kira Barsabbas) da kuma Sila, mutum biyu da suke shugabanni cikin’yan’uwa.
Then pleased it the Apostles and elders wt the whole congregacio to sende chosyn men of their owne copany to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas and Silas which were chefe men amonge the brethre
23 Tare da su suka aika da wannan wasiƙa. Daga manzanni da dattawa,’yan’uwanku. Zuwa ga Al’ummai masu bi a Antiyok, Suriya da Silisiya. Gaisuwa.
and gave them lettres in their hondes after this maner. The Apostles elders and brethren send gretynges vnto the brethre which are of the gentyls in Antioche Siria and Celicia.
24 Mun ji cewa, waɗansu da sun fita daga cikinmu ba tare da izininmu ba suka kuma dame ku, suna tā da hankalinku ta wurin abin da suka ce.
For as moche as we have hearde yt certayne which departed fro vs have troubled you with wordes and combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised and kepe the lawe to whom we gave no soche comaundemet.
25 Saboda haka dukanmu mun yarda mu zaɓi waɗansu mutane mu kuma aike su wurinku tare da ƙaunatattun abokanmu Barnabas da Bulus
It semed therfore to vs a good thinge when we were come to gedder with one accorde to sende chosyn men vnto you with oure beloved Barnabas and Paul
26 mutanen da suka sa rayukansu cikin hatsari saboda sunan Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi.
men that have ieoperded their lyves for the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
27 Saboda haka muna aika Yahuda da Sila don su tabbatar muku da baki abin da muka rubuta.
We have sent therfore Iudas and Sylas which shall also tell you the same thinges by mouth.
28 Ya gamshe Ruhu Mai Tsarki da mu ma kada a ɗora muku nauyi fiye da na waɗannan abubuwa.
For it semed good to the holy gost and to vs to put no grevous thinge to you more then these necessary thinges:
29 Ku guji abincin da aka yi wa alloli hadaya, da jini, da naman dabbar da aka murɗe da kuma fasikanci. Za ku kyauta in kun kiyaye waɗannan abubuwa. Ku huta lafiya.
that is to saye that ye abstayne from thinges offered to ymages from bloud from strangled and fornicacion. From which yf ye kepe youre selves ye shall do well. So fare ye well.
30 Aka sallami mutanen sai suka gangara zuwa Antiyok, inda suka tara ikkilisiya wuri ɗaya suka ba da wasiƙar.
When they were departed they came to Antioche and gaddred the multitude togeder and delyvered ye pistle.
31 Mutanen suka karantata suka kuma yi farin ciki saboda saƙonta mai ƙarfafawa.
When they had redde it they reioysed of that consolacion.
32 Yahuda da Sila, waɗanda su kansu annabawa ne, suka yi magana sosai don su gina su kuma ƙarfafa’yan’uwa.
And Iudas and Sylas beinge prophetes exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge and strengthed them.
33 Bayan suka yi’yan kwanaki a can, sai’yan’uwa suka sallame su da albarkar salama su dawo wurin waɗanda suka aike su.
And after they had taryed there a space they were let goo in peace of the brethren vnto the Apostles.
Not with stondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there still.
35 Amma Bulus da Barnabas kuwa suka dakata a Antiyok, inda su da waɗansu da yawa suka yi koyarwa suka kuma yi wa’azin maganar Ubangiji.
Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioche teachynge and preachynge the worde of the Lorde with other many.
36 Bayan’yan kwanaki sai Bulus ya ce wa Barnabas, “Mu koma mu ziyarci’yan’uwa a duk garuruwan da muka yi wa’azin bisharar Ubangiji mu ga yadda suke.”
But after a certayne space Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Let vs goo agayne and visite oure brethren in every cite where we have shewed the worde of the Lorde and se how they do.
37 Barnabas ya so Yohanna, wanda ake kira Markus ya tafi tare da su,
And Barnabas gave counsell to take wt them Iohn called also Marke.
38 amma Bulus bai ga ya kyautu ya tafi da shi ba, domin ya yashe su a Famfiliya bai kuwa ci gaba tare da su a aikin ba.
But Paul thought it not mete to take him vnto their company whiche departed from them at Pamphylia and went not with them to the worke.
39 Suka sami saɓanin ra’ayi tsakaninsu har suka rabu. Barnabas ya ɗauki Markus suka shiga jirgin ruwa zuwa Saifurus,
And the dissencion was so sharpe bitwene them that they departed a sunder one from the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers.
40 amma Bulus ya zaɓi Sila suka kuwa tashi, bayan’yan’uwa suka danƙa su ga alherin Ubangiji.
And Paul chose Sylas and departed delyvered of ye brethren vnto the grace of god.
41 Ya ratsa ta Suriya da Silisiya, yana ƙarfafa ikkilisiyoyi.
And he went thorowe all Cyria and Cilicia stablisshynge the congregacions.

< Ayyukan Manzanni 15 >