< Ayyukan Manzanni 14 >

1 A Ikoniyum Bulus da Barnabas suka shiga majami’ar Yahudawa yadda suka saba. A can suka yi magana gabagadi har Yahudawa da Al’ummai masu yawa suka gaskata.
And it fortuned in Iconium that they went both to gether into the synagoge of ye Iewes and so spake that a gret multitude both of ye Iewes and also of the Grekes beleved.
2 Amma Yahudawan da suka ƙi ba da gaskata, suka zuga Al’ummai suka sa ɓata tsakaninsu da’yan’uwa.
But the unbelevinge Iewes steryd vp and vnquyeted the myndes of the Gentyls agaynste the brethre.
3 Bulus da Barnabas kuwa suka daɗe sosai a can, suna magana gabagadi saboda Ubangiji, wanda kuwa ya tabbatar da saƙon alherinsa ta wurinsa su su aikata ayyuka da alamu masu banmamaki.
Longe tyme a bode they there and quyt them selves boldly with the helpe of the Lorde the which gave testimony vnto ye worde of his grace and caused signes and wondres to be done by their hondes.
4 Mutanen birnin suka rarrabu, waɗansu suka goyi bayan Yahudawa, waɗansu kuma suka goyi bayan manzannin.
The people of the cyte were devided: and parte helde with the Iewes and parte with the Apostles.
5 Yahudawa da Al’ummai tare da shugabanninsu suka ƙulla shawara a tsakaninsu, domin su wulaƙanta su su kuma jajjefe su da duwatsu.
When ther was a saute made both of the gentyls and also of the Iewes with their rulers to put them to shame and to stone
6 Amma suka sami labari suka kuma gudu zuwa biranen Ikoniyum na Listira da Derbe da kuma ƙauyukan kewaye,
the they were ware of it and fled vnto Listra and Derba cities of Licaonia and vnto the region that lyeth round aboute
7 inda suka ci gaba da wa’azin labari mai daɗi.
and there preached the gospell.
8 A Listira kuwa akwai wani gurgu zaune a ƙafafunsa, wanda gurgu ne tun haihuwa, kuma bai taɓa tafiya ba.
And ther sate a certayne man at Listra weake in his fete beinge creple from his mothers wombe and never walkyd.
9 Ya kasa kunne yayinda Bulus yake magana. Bulus kuma ya kafa masa ido, ya lura cewa yana da bangaskiyar da za tă warkar da shi
The same hearde Paul preache. Which behelde him and perceaved that he had fayth to be whole
10 sai ya ɗaga murya ya ce, “Tashi ka tsaya kan ƙafafunka!” Da jin haka, sai mutumin ya yi wuf ya kuma fara tafiya.
and sayd with a loude voyce: stond vp right on thy fete. And he stert vp and walked.
11 Sa’ad da taron suka ga abin da Bulus ya yi, sai suka ihu da harshen Likayoniyawa, suna cewa, “Alloli sun sauka mana da siffar mutane!”
And when the people sawe what Paul had done they lifte vp their voyces sayinge in the speache of Lycaonia: Goddes are come doune to vs in the lyknes of men.
12 Sai suka ba wa Barnabas, sunan Zeyus, Bulus kuma suka kira Hermes domin shi ne shugaban magana.
And they called Barnabas Iupiter and Paul Mercurius because he was the preacher.
13 Firist na Zeyus, wanda haikalinsa ke bayan birni, ya kawo bijimai da furanni a ƙofofin birni domin shi da taron mutanen sun so su miƙa musu hadayu.
Then Iupiters Preste which dwelt before their cite brought oxe and garlondes vnto the churche porche and wolde have done sacrifise with the people.
14 Amma da manzannin nan Barnabas da Bulus suka ji haka, sai suka yayyage tufafinsu suka ruga cikin taron, suna ihu suna cewa,
But when the Apostles Barnabas and Paul herde that they rent their clothes and ran in amonge the people cryinge
15 “Ya ku mutane, don me kuke yin haka? Ai, mu ma mutane ne kawai,’yan adam ne kamar ku. Mun kawo muku labari mai daɗi ne, muna gaya muku ku juya daga waɗannan abubuwa banza, ku juyo ga Allah mai rai, wanda ya yi sama da ƙasa da teku da kuma dukan abin da yake cikinsu.
and sayinge: syrs why do ye this? We are mortall men lyke vnto you and preache vnto you that ye shuld turne from these vanyties vnto ye lyvinge God which made heaven and erth and the see and all that in them is:
16 A zamanin dā, ya bar dukan ƙasashe su yi yadda suka ga dama.
the which in tymes past suffred all nacions to walke in their awne wayes.
17 Duk da haka bai bar kansa babu shaida ba. Ya nuna alheri ta wurin ba ku ruwan sama da kuma amfanin gona a lokutansu; ya ba ku abinci mai yawa ya kuma cika zukatanku da farin ciki.”
Neverthelesse he lefte not him selfe with outen witnes in that he shewed his benefites in gevinge vs rayne from heaven and frutefull ceasons fyllinge oure hertes with fode and gladnes.
18 Ko da waɗannan kalmomi ma, da ƙyar suka hana jama’an nan yin musu hadaya.
And with these sayinges scase refrayned they the people that they had not done sacrifice vnto them.
19 Sai waɗansu Yahudawa suka zo daga Antiyok da Ikoniyum suka sha kan taron. Suka jajjefi Bulus da duwatsu suka kuma ja shi bayan birni, suna tsammani ya mutu.
Thither came certayne Iewes fro Antioche and Iconium and optayned the peoples consent and stoned Paul and drewe him oute of the cyte supposynge he had bene deed.
20 Amma bayan da almajiran suka taru kewaye da shi, sai ya tashi ya koma cikin birni. Kashegari shi da Barnabas suka tashi zuwa Derbe.
How be it as the disciples stode rounde about him he arose vp and cam into the cyte. And the nexte daye he departed with Barnabas to Derba.
21 Suka yi wa’azin Labari mai daɗi a wannan birni, suka kuma sami almajirai da yawa. Sai suka koma Listira, Ikoniyum da kuma Antiyok,
After they had preached to that cite and had taught many they returned agayne to Lisira and to Iconium and Antioche
22 suna gina almajirai suna kuma ƙarfafa su su tsaya da gaske cikin bangaskiya. Suka ce, “Sai da shan wahaloli masu yawa za mu shiga mulkin Allah.”
and strengthed the disciples soules exhortinge them to continue in the faith affyrminge yt we must thorowe moche tribulacion entre into the kyngdome of God.
23 Bulus da Barnabas suka naɗa musu dattawa a kowace ikkilisiya, tare da addu’a da azumi, suka miƙa su ga Ubangiji, wanda suka dogara da shi.
And when they had ordened them elders by eleccion in every congregacio after they had yrayde and fasted they comended them to God on whom they beleved.
24 Bayan sun bi ta Fisidiya, sai suka zo cikin Famfiliya,
And they went thorow out Pisidia and came into Paphilia
25 kuma sa’ad da suka yi wa’azi a Ferga, sai suka gangara zuwa Attaliya.
and when they had preached the worde of God in Perga they descended in to Attalia
26 Daga Attaliya kuma suka shiga jirgin ruwa suka koma Antiyok, inda dā aka danƙa su ga alherin Allah saboda aikin da suka kammala yanzu.
and thence departed by shippe to Antioche fro whence they were delivered vnto the grace of God to the worke which they had fulfilled.
27 Da isarsu a can, sai suka tara ikkilisiya wuri ɗaya suka ba da rahoton duk abin da Allah ya aikata ta wurinsu da kuma yadda ya buɗe ƙofar bangaskiya domin Al’ummai.
When they were come and had gaddered the congregacion to gedder they rehersed all that God had done by them and how he had opened the dore of faith vnto the getyls.
28 Suka kuma jima a can tare da almajirai.
And ther they abode longe tyme with the disciples.

< Ayyukan Manzanni 14 >