< 2 Tarihi 30 >

1 Sai Hezekiya ya aika wa dukan Isra’ila da Yahuda, ya kuma rubuta wasiƙu zuwa Efraim da Manasse, yana gayyatarsu su zo haikalin Ubangiji a Urushalima, su kuma yi Bikin Ƙetarewa ga Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila.
The king and his officials and all the other people who had gathered in Jerusalem wanted to celebrate the Passover Festival. But they were not able to celebrate it at the usual time, because many of the priests had still not performed the rituals to purify themselves; therefore they were not allowed to do serve in the festival. Also, everyone had still not come to Jerusalem [to celebrate the Passover]. So they decided to celebrate it one month later than usual.
2 Sarki da fadawansa da dukan taro a Urushalima suka yanke shawara su yi Bikin Ƙetarewa a wata na biyu.
3 Ba su iya yinsa a daidai lokacinsa ba domin babu isashen firistocin da suka tsarkake kansu, mutane kuma ba su taru a Urushalima ba.
4 Shirin ya yi kyau ga sarki da kuma dukan taron.
The king and all the other people who had gathered thought that was a good plan.
5 Suka yanke shawara su yi shelar a ko’ina a Isra’ila, daga Beyersheba zuwa Dan, suna kiran mutane su zo Urushalima, suka kuma yi Bikin Ƙetarewa ga Ubangiji Allah na Isra’ila. Ba a yi bikin da mutane masu yawa bisa ga abin da aka rubuta ba.
So they decided to send messages to all the towns in Judah and in Israel, from Beersheba [in the far south] to Dan [in the far north], including towns in the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, to invite people to come to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover [Festival] to [honor] Yahweh, the God whom the Israeli people [worshiped/belonged to]. Many of the people had not previously celebrated that festival, even though it had been written [in the laws of Moses that they should do that].
6 Bisa ga umarnin sarki, sai’yan aika suka tafi ko’ina a Isra’ila da Yahuda da wasiƙu daga sarki da kuma daga fadawansa, wasiƙar tana cewa, “Mutanen Isra’ila, ku dawo ga Ubangiji Allah na Ibrahim, Ishaku da Isra’ila, domin yă dawo gare ku, ku da kuka tafi, ku da kuka kuɓuce daga hannun sarakuna Assuriya.
Obeying what the king commanded, messengers went throughout Judah and Israel, taking messages that had been written by the king and his officials. This is what they wrote: “You Israeli people, you who survived after being slaves of the kings of Assyria, return to Yahweh, the God whom [our great ancestors] Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob [worshiped/belonged to], in order that he may return to you. Your fathers and brothers did not faithfully obey Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors [worshiped].
7 Kada ku zama kamar iyayenku da’yan’uwanku, waɗanda suka yi rashin aminci ga Ubangiji Allah na kakanninsu, har ya mai da su abin tsoro, yadda kuke gani.
Do not act like they did, because what they did caused other people to become disgusted with them.
8 Kada ku yi taurinkai, yadda iyayenku suka yi; ku miƙa kai ga Ubangiji. Ku zo wuri mai tsarki, wanda ya tsarkake har abada. Ku bauta wa Ubangiji Allahnku, domin fushi mai zafi yă juye daga gare ku.
Do not be stubborn as our ancestors were. Do what Yahweh desires. Come [to Jerusalem] to the temple, which he has set apart forever. Do what pleases Yahweh our God, in order that he will no longer be angry with you.
9 In kuka dawo wurin Ubangiji, sa’an nan waɗanda suka kama’yan’uwanku da’ya’yanku za su nuna musu tausayi, su kuma dawo wannan ƙasa, gama Ubangiji Allahnku mai alheri ne mai jinƙai kuma. Ba zai kau da fuskarsa daga gare ku ba, in kuka dawo gare shi.”
If you return to Yahweh, the people who have captured our brothers [and sisters] and our children will be kind to them, and allow them to return to this land. Do not forget that Yahweh our God is kind and merciful. If you return to him, he will no longer reject you.”
10 ’Yan aika suka tafi gari-gari a cikin Efraim da Manasse, har zuwa Zebulun, amma mutane suka yi musu dariyar reni, suka kuma yi musu ba’a.
The messengers went to all the towns in the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, as far [north] as the tribe of Zebulun, [and gave them this message, ] but most of the people there scorned them and ridiculed them.
11 Duk da haka, waɗansu mutanen Asher, Manasse da Zebulun suka ƙasƙantar da kansu suka tafi Urushalima.
But some of the people of [the tribes of] Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and went to Jerusalem.
12 Haka ma a Yahuda, hannun Allah yana a kan mutane don yă ba su zuciya ɗaya su yi abin da sarki da fadawansa suka umarta, suna bin maganar Ubangiji.
Also in Judah God motivated the people to be united in wanting to do what Yahweh wanted them to do, which is what the king and his officials had told them to do in the message that they sent.
13 Taron mutane mai girma ya haɗu a Urushalima don Bikin Burodi Marar Yisti a wata na biyu.
So a huge crowd of people gathered in Jerusalem in May, to celebrate the Festival of Eating Unleavened Bread.
14 Suka kawar da bagadai a Urushalima suka fid da bagadan turare suka zubar da su a Kwarin Kidron.
They removed the altars [of Baal] in Jerusalem and took away the altars for burning incense [to honor other gods, and burned them] in Kidron Valley.
15 Suka yanka ɗan ragon Bikin Ƙetarewa a rana ta goma sha huɗu na wata na biyu. Firistoci da Lawiyawa suka ji kunya suka tsarkake kansu, suka kawo hadayun ƙonawa a haikalin Ubangiji.
They slaughtered the Passover lambs on the fourteenth day of that month. Some of the priests and the other descendants of Levi were ashamed [because they had not performed the rituals to cause them to be acceptable to work for Yahweh]. So they performed those rituals, and brought to the temple animals to be completely burned [on the altar].
16 Sa’an nan suka ɗauki matsayinsu na kullum yadda yake a Dokar Musa mutumin Allah. Firistoci suka yayyafa jinin da Lawiyawa suka ba su.
Then they stood at the places where Moses had written in his laws that they should stand. Then the descendants of Levi gave to the priests [bowls containing blood of the animals that were being sacrificed], and the priests sprinkled [the altar] with some of the blood.
17 Da yake da yawa cikin taron ba su tsarkake kansu ba, dole Lawiyawa su yanka’yan ragunan Bikin Ƙetarewa domin dukan waɗanda ba su da tsarki, ba su kuma iya tsarkake ragunansu ga Ubangiji ba.
Many people in the crowd had not purified themselves, and therefore they were not able to kill the lambs [and dedicate them] to Yahweh. So it was necessary for the descendants of Levi to kill the lambs for them.
18 Ko da yake yawancin mutanen da suka zo daga Efraim, Manasse, Issakar da Zebulun ba su tsarkake kansu ba, duk da haka suka ci Bikin Ƙetarewa, ba tare da bin abin da yake a rubuce ba. Amma Hezekiya ya yi addu’a dominsu cewa, “Bari Ubangiji, wanda yake nagari, yă gafarta wa kowa
Although most of the people who had come from [the tribes of] Ephraim, Manasseh, and Issachar had not purified themselves, they ate the food of the Passover Festival anyway, ignoring the rules written [by Moses]. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying “Yahweh, you always do what is good; I pray that you will forgive everyone
19 wanda ya sa zuciyarsa ga neman Allah, Ubangiji Allah na kakanninsa, ko da shi marar tsarki ne bisa ga dokokin wuri mai tsarki.”
who sincerely wants to honor you, the God whom our ancestors [worshiped], even if they have not purified themselves by obeying the sacred laws that you gave to us.”
20 Ubangiji kuwa ya ji Hezekiya ya kuma warkar da mutane.
And Yahweh heard what Hezekiah prayed; he forgave the people, [and did not punish them].
21 Isra’ilawan da suka kasance a Urushalima suka yi Bikin Burodi Marar Yisti kwana bakwai da farin ciki mai girma, yayinda Lawiyawa da firistoci suke rera ga Ubangiji kowace rana, haɗe da kayan kiɗin yabon Ubangiji.
The Israeli people who were there in Jerusalem celebrated the Festival of Eating Unleavened Bread for seven days. They rejoiced greatly as they celebrated, while the priests and other descendants of Levi sang to Yahweh every day, and played musical instruments to [praise] God.
22 Hezekiya ya yi magana mai ƙarfafawa ga dukan Lawiyawa waɗanda suka nuna ganewar fasaha a hidimar Ubangiji. Kwana bakwai suka ci rabonsu da aka tsara, suka miƙa hadayun salama, suka kuma yabi Ubangiji Allah na kakanninsu.
Hezekiah thanked all the descendants of Levi for doing this work for Yahweh, and for very skillfully leading the people who were worshiping. For those seven days the people ate the Passover food and brought offerings to maintain fellowship with Yahweh and praised Yahweh, the God whom their ancestors [belonged to/had worshiped].
23 Dukan mutanen suka yarda su ƙara kwana bakwai kuma, sai suka ci gaba da bikin cikin farin ciki har waɗansu kwana bakwai kuma.
Then the whole group decided to celebrate for seven more days, so they did: They celebrated joyfully for seven more days.
24 Hezekiya sarkin Yahuda ya tanada bijimai dubu ɗaya da tumaki da kuma awaki dubu bakwai wa taron, fadawa kuma suka tanada musu bijimai dubu da kuma tumaki da awaki dubu goma. Firistoci masu yawa suka tsarkake kansu.
King Hezekiah provided 1,000 bulls and 7,000 sheep to be slaughtered for the people [to eat during the festival], and the officials also gave them 1,000 bulls and 10,000 sheep and goats. Many priests consecrated themselves.
25 Taron gaba ɗaya na Yahuda suka yi farin ciki, tare da firistoci da kuma Lawiyawa da dukan waɗanda suka taru daga Isra’ila, har ma da baƙi waɗanda suka zo daga Isra’ila da waɗanda suke zama a Yahuda.
All the people of Judah rejoiced, including the priests and other descendants of Levi and all the people from Israel who had come, and including some from other countries who were living in Israel and some from other countries who were living in Judah.
26 Aka yi farin ciki mai girma a Urushalima, gama tun zamanin Solomon ɗan Dawuda sarkin Isra’ila, ba a taɓa yin wani abu kamar haka a Urushalima ba.
Everyone in Jerusalem was very joyful, because nothing like this had happened in Jerusalem since the time when David’s son Solomon was the king of Israel.
27 Firistoci da Lawiyawa suka tsaya suka albarkace mutane, Allah kuma ya ji su, gama addu’arsu ya kai sama, mazauninsa mai tsarki.
The priests and the other descendants of Levi stood up to bless the people, and God heard them in heaven, the holy place where he lives.

< 2 Tarihi 30 >