< 1 Tessalonikawa 5 >
1 To,’yan’uwa, game da lokuta da ranaku, ba ma bukata mu rubuta muku,
But concerning the times and seasons, my brethren, ye need not that I write to you:
2 gama kun sani sarai cewa ranar Ubangiji za tă zo kamar ɓarawo da dare.
for ye know assuredly, that the day of our Lord so cometh, as a thief by night.
3 Yayinda mutane suke cewa, “Akwai salama da zaman lafiya,” hallaka za tă auko musu farat ɗaya, kamar yadda naƙuda take kama mace mai ciki, ba za su kuwa tsira ba.
While they will be saying, Peace and quietness, then suddenly destruction will burst upon them, as distress upon a child-bearer, and they will not escape.
4 Amma ku,’yan’uwa, ba kwa cikin duhu da wannan rana za tă zo muku ba zato kamar ɓarawo.
But ye, my brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
5 Dukanku’ya’yan haske ne da kuma’ya’yan rana. Mu ba mutanen dare ko na duhu ba ne.
For ye are all children of the light, and children of the day; and are not children of the night, and children of darkness.
6 Saboda haka fa, kada mu zama kamar saura, waɗanda suke barci, sai dai mu zama masu tsaro da masu kamunkai.
Let us not therefore sleep, like others; but let us be vigilant and considerate.
7 Gama masu barci, da dad dare suke barci, masu sha su bugu kuwa, da dad dare suke buguwa.
For they who sleep, sleep in the night; and they who are drunken, are drunken in the night.
8 Amma da yake mu na rana ne, bari mu zama masu kamunkai, sanye da bangaskiya da ƙauna kamar sulke, begen cetonmu kuma kamar hular kwano.
But let us who are children of the day, be wakeful in mind, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and take the helmet of the hope of life.
9 Gama Allah bai naɗa mu don mu sha fushi ba, sai dai mu sami ceto ta wurin Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi.
For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to the acquisition of life, by our Lord Jesus the Messiah:
10 Ya mutu saboda mu domin, ko muna a faɗake ko muna barci, mu kasance tare da shi.
who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with him.
11 Saboda haka ku ƙarfafa juna ku kuma gina juna, kamar dai yadda kuke yi.
Therefore comfort one another, and edify one another, as also ye have done.
12 To, muna roƙonku,’yan’uwa, ku girmama waɗanda suke aiki sosai a cikinku, waɗanda suke bisanku cikin Ubangiji da kuma waɗanda suke yin muku gargaɗi.
And we entreat you, my brethren, that ye recognize them who labor among you, and who stand before your faces in our Lord, and instruct you:
13 Ku riƙe su da mutunci sosai cikin ƙauna saboda aikinsu. Ku yi zaman lafiya da juna.
that they may be esteemed by you with abundant love; and, on account of their work, live ye in harmony with them.
14 Muna kuma gargaɗe ku,’yan’uwa, ku gargaɗe waɗanda suke zaman banza, ku ƙarfafa masu raunanar zuciya, ku taimaki marasa ƙarfi, ku yi haƙuri da kowa.
And we entreat you, my brethren, that ye admonish the faulty, and encourage the faint-hearted, and bear the burdens of the weak, and be long suffering towards all men.
15 Ku tabbata cewa kada kowa yă rama mugunta da mugunta, sai dai kullum ku yi ƙoƙarin yin wa juna alheri da kuma dukan mutane.
And beware, lest any of you return evil for evil, but always follow good deeds, towards one another, and towards all men.
16 Ku riƙa farin ciki kullum;
And be joyful always.
17 ku ci gaba da yin addu’a;
And pray without ceasing.
18 ku yi godiya cikin kowane hali, gama wannan shi ne nufin Allah dominku cikin Kiristi Yesu.
And in every thing be thankful: For this is the pleasure of God in Jesus the Messiah, concerning you.
19 Kada ku danne aikin Ruhu.
Quench not the Spirit.
21 amma ku gwada kome, ku riƙe abin da yake mai kyau,
Explore every thing, and hold fast the good:
and fly from every thing evil.
23 Bari Allah da kansa, Allah na salama, yă tsarkake ku sarai. Bari dukan ruhunku, ranku, da kuma jikinku su zama marar aibi a dawowar Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi.
And may the God of peace sanctify you all, perfectly, and keep blameless your whole spirit, and your soul, and your body, till the coming of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
24 Wannan wanda ya kira ku mai aminci ne zai kuwa aikata.
Faithful is he that hath called you, who will do it.
25 ’Yan’uwa, ku yi mana addu’a.
My brethren, pray for us.
26 Ku gaggai da dukan’yan’uwa da sumba mai tsarki.
Salute all our brethren with a holy kiss.
27 Na gama ku da Ubangiji ku sa a karanta wannan wasiƙa ga dukan’yan’uwa.
I conjure you by our Lord, that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.
28 Alherin Ubangijinmu Yesu Kiristi yă kasance tare da ku.
The grace of our Lord Jesus the Messiah be with you. Amen.