< 2 Korintiyawa 3 >

1 Yabon kanmu ne kuma muka fara yi? Ko kuwa muna bukatar wasiƙun yabo ne zuwa gare ku, ko daga gare ku, kamar yadda waɗansu suke yi?
Do we begin again to show you who we are? Or do we, like others, need that letters recommendatory of us should be written to you? Or, that ye should write recommendations of us?
2 Ai, ku kanku ku ne wasiƙarmu, wadda aka rubuta a zukatanku, domin kowa yă santa, yă kuma karanta ta.
Ye are our epistle, written on our hearts, and known and read by every man.
3 Kun nuna cewa ku wasiƙa ce daga Kiristi, sakamakon hidimarmu, ba wadda aka rubuta da inki ba, sai dai da Ruhun Allah mai rai. Ba kuma a kan allunan dutse ba, sai dai a kan allunan zukatan mutane.
For ye know that ye are an epistle of the Messiah, ministered by us; not written with ink, but by the Spirit of the living God; not on tables of stone, but on the tablets of the heart of flesh.
4 Amincewa kamar wannan shi ne namu ta wurin Kiristi a gaban Allah.
And such confidence have we in the Messiah towards God.
5 Ba mu da wani abin da za mu nuna cewa da iyawarmu ne muke aikin nan. Iyawarmu daga wurin Allah ne.
Not that we are sufficient to think any thing as of ourselves; but our efficiency is from God:
6 Shi ya sa muka gwaninta a matsayinmu na masu hidimar sabon alkawari ba ta rubutacciyar Dokar ba, amma ta Ruhu; don Dokar, kisa take yi, Ruhu kuwa yana ba da rai.
who hath fitted us to be ministers of the new Testament, not in the letter, but in the Spirit; for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.
7 To, in hidimar da ta kawo mutuwa, wadda an rubuta a kan allon dutse, ta zo da ɗaukaka har Isra’ilawa suka kāsa duban fuskar Musa saboda tsananin haskenta, ko da yake mai shuɗewa ce,
Now if the ministration of death was engraved upon stones in writing, and was so glorious that the children of Israel could not look on the face of Moses, on account of the glory upon his face which vanished away;
8 ashe, hidimar Ruhu ba za tă fi wannan ɗaukaka ba?
how then shall not the ministration of the Spirit be still more glorious?
9 In hidimar da take jawo wa mutane hukunci tana da ɗaukaka haka, to, lalle, hidimar da take kawo adalci za tă fi ta ɗaukaka nesa!
For if there was glory in the ministration of condemnation, how much more shall the ministration of justification excel in glory?
10 Gama abin da dā take da ɗaukaka, ba ta da ɗaukaka a yanzu, in aka kwatantata da mafificiyar ɗaukaka ta yanzu.
For that which was glorious, was as if not glorious, in comparison with this which excelleth in glory.
11 In kuma aba mai shuɗewa ta zo da ɗaukaka, ashe, abin da yake dawwammame, lalle ne yă kasance da ɗaukakar da ta fi haka nesa!
For if that which is abolished was glorious, much more must that which abideth be glorious.
12 Da yake muna da bege irin wannan, to, muna da ƙarfin zuciya sosai ke nan.
Seeing therefore we have this hope, we the more speak with boldness;
13 Mu ba kamar Musa ba ne, wanda ya rufe fuskarsa da lulluɓi, don kada Isra’ilawa su ga ƙarewar ɗaukakan nan mai shuɗewa.
and are not like Moses, who threw a vail over his face, that the children of Israel might not behold the termination of that which was abolished.
14 Amma aka sa hankulansu suka dushe, gama har yă zuwa yau akwai lulluɓin nan a duk sa’ad da ake karatun tsohon alkawari. Ba a kawar da shi ba, sai a cikin Kiristi ne kaɗai ake kawar da shi.
But they were blinded in their understanding; for until this day, when the old Testament is read, the same vail resteth upon them; nor is it manifest to them, that it is abolished by the Messiah.
15 Har yă zuwa yau, duk sa’ad da ake karatun littattafan Musa, lulluɓin nan yakan rufe zukatansu.
And unto this day, when Moses is read, a vail is thrown upon their hearts.
16 Amma duk sa’ad da wani ya juyo ga Ubangiji, akan kawar da lulluɓin.
But when any of them is turned unto the Lord, the vail is taken from him.
17 Ubangiji fa, shi ne Ruhu, kuma duk inda Ruhun Ubangiji yake, a nan’yanci yake.
Now the Lord himself is the Spirit. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
18 Mu da ba mu da lulluɓi a fuskokinmu duk muna nuna ɗaukakar Ubangiji, ana sauya mu mu ɗauki kamanninsa cikin ɗaukaka mai hauhawa. Ubangiji wanda yake ruhu kuwa shi ne mai zartar da haka.
And we all, with uncovered faces, behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and are transformed into the same likeness, from glory to glory, as by the Lord the Spirit.

< 2 Korintiyawa 3 >