< 1 Korintiyawa 10 >

1 Ba na so ku kasance da rashin sani,’yan’uwa, cewa dukan kakannin-kakanninmu sun yi tafiya a ƙarƙashin girgije, dukansu kuma suka bi ta tsakiyar teku.
I do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea.
2 An yi wa dukansu baftisma ga bin Musa a cikin girgije da kuma cikin teku.
All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea,
3 Dukansu sun ci abincin ruhaniya guda
and all ate the same spiritual food.
4 suka kuma sha ruwan ruhaniyan nan guda; gama sun sha daga dutsen ruhaniya nan, wanda ya yi tafiya tare da su, wannan dutsen kuwa Kiristi ne.
All drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ.
5 Duk da haka, Allah bai ji daɗin yawancinsu ba; gawawwakinsu kuwa suka bazu ko’ina a cikin hamada.
But God was not well pleased with most of them, and their corpses were scattered about in the wilderness.
6 To, waɗannan abubuwa misalai ne a gare mu, kada mu yi marmarin mugayen abubuwa, kamar yadda suka yi.
Now these things were examples for us, so we would not long for evil things as they did.
7 Kada ku zama masu bautar gumaka, yadda waɗansunsu suka zama; kamar yadda yake a rubuce cewa, “Mutanen suka zauna don su ci su kuma sha, suka kuma tashi suka shiga rawa ta rashin kunya.”
Do not be idolaters, as some of them were. This is as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.”
8 Kada fa mu yi fasikanci yadda waɗansunsu suka yi, har a rana guda mutane dubu ashirin da uku a cikinsu suka mutu.
Let us not commit sexual immorality, as many of them did. In one day, twenty-three thousand people died because of it.
9 Kada mu gwada Kiristi yadda waɗansunsu suka yi, har macizai suka kakkashe su.
Neither let us put Christ to the test, as many of them did and were destroyed by snakes.
10 Kada kuma ku yi gunaguni yadda waɗansunsu suka yi, har mala’ika mai hallakarwa ya hallaka su.
Also do not grumble, as many of them did and were destroyed by an angel of death.
11 Waɗannnan abubuwa sun same su ne, domin su zama abubuwan koyi, aka kuma rubuta su domin a gargaɗe mu, mu da ƙarshen zamani ya zo mana. (aiōn g165)
Now these things happened to them as examples for us. They were written for our instruction—for us on whom the end of the ages has come. (aiōn g165)
12 Saboda haka in kana tsammani kana tsaye ne, to, ka yi hankali kada ka fāɗi!
Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands be careful that he does not fall.
13 Ba jarrabar da ta taɓa samunku, wadda ba a saba yi wa mutum ba. Allah mai aminci ne; ba zai bari a jarrabce ku fiye da ƙarfinku ba. Amma in aka jarrabce ku, zai nuna muku mafita, domin ku iya cin nasara.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to all humanity. Instead, God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. With the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, so that you may be able to endure it.
14 Saboda haka abokaina ƙaunatattu, ku guje wa bautar gumaka.
Therefore, my loved ones, run away from idolatry.
15 Ina magana da ku a kan ku mutane ne fa masu azanci; ku duba da kanku ku ga abin da nake faɗa.
I speak to you as people who have understanding, so you may judge what I say.
16 Kwaf nan na godiya da muke yin godiya da shi, ashe ba tarayya ce a cikin jinin Kiristi ba? Wannan burodi kuma da muke karya mu ci, ashe, ba tarayya ne a cikin jikin Kiristi ba?
The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ?
17 Da yake burodin nan ɗaya ne, ashe kuwa, mu da muke da yawa jiki ɗaya ne, gama dukanmu muna ci daga burodi nan guda.
Because there is one loaf of bread, we who are many are one body. We all take of one loaf of bread together.
18 Ku dubi mutanen Isra’ila mana. Ashe, waɗanda suke cin hadayu, ba ɗaya suke da juna cikin cin hadayun da aka miƙa a bagade ba?
Look at the people of Israel. Are not those who eat the sacrifices participants in the altar?
19 To, me kuke tsammani nake nufi a nan? Hadayar da aka miƙa wa gunki ce wani abu, ko kuma gunkin ne wani abu?
What am I saying then? That an idol is anything? Or that food sacrificed to an idol is anything?
20 A’a, ina nufin akan miƙa hadayun da masu bautar gumaka suka wa aljanu ne, ba Allah ba. Ba na so ku zama ɗaya da aljanu.
But I say about the things the Gentile pagans sacrifice, that they offer these things to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons!
21 Ba zai yiwu ku sha daga kwaf na Ubangiji ku kuma sha daga kwaf na aljanu ba, ba ya yiwuwa ku ci a teburin Ubangiji, ku kuma ci a teburin aljanu.
You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot have fellowship at the table of the Lord and the table of demons.
22 Ashe, so muke mu tsokani Ubangiji ya yi kishi? Mun fi shi ƙarfi ne?
Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he is?
23 “Ana da dama a yi kome” sai dai ba kome ba ne yake da amfani. “Ana da dama a yi kome” sai dai ba kome ba ne mai ginawa.
“Everything is lawful,” but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is lawful,” but not everything builds people up.
24 Kada wani yă kula da kansa kawai, sai dai yă kula da waɗansu kuma.
No one should seek his own good. Instead, each one should seek the good of his neighbor.
25 Ku ci kowane abin da ake sayarwa a kasuwar nama ba sai kun tambaya ba don kada lamiri yă damu da inda abin ya fito,
You may eat whatever is sold in the market, without questions of conscience.
26 gama “Duniya da duk abin da yake cikinta na Ubangiji ne.”
For “the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it.”
27 In wani marar bi ya gayyace ku cin abinci kuka kuwa yarda ku je, sai ku ci ko mene ne da aka sa a gabanku, ba tare da tambaya don kada lamiri yă damu da inda abin ya fito.
If an unbeliever invites you to eat a meal, and you wish to go, eat whatever is set before you without asking questions of conscience.
28 Sai dai in wani ya ce muku, “Ai, wannan an miƙa ne wa gunki,” to, kada ku ci, saboda duban mutuncin wannan da ya gaya muku, don kuma lamiri yă kasance babu laifi
But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who informed you, and for the sake of conscience—
29 ina nufin lamirin wancan mutum ne fa, ba naku ba. Don me lamirin wani zai shari’anta’yancina?
the conscience of the other man, I mean, and not yours. For why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience?
30 In na ci abinci da godiya, don me za a zarge ni a kan abin da na ci da godiya ga Allah?
If I partake of the meal with gratitude, why am I being insulted for that for which I gave thanks?
31 Saboda haka, duk abin da kuke yi, ko ci ko sha, ku yi shi duka saboda ɗaukakar Allah.
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
32 Kada ku sa wani yă yi tuntuɓe, ko mutumin Yahuda ne, ko mutumin Al’ummai ko kuma ikkilisiyar Allah
Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks, or to the church of God.
33 kamar dai yadda nake ƙoƙarin faranta wa kowa rai, ta kowace hanya. Gama ba don kaina kaɗai nake yi ba, sai dai don amfanin mutane da yawa, don su sami ceto.
I try to please all people in all things. I do not seek my benefit, but that of the many. I do this so that they may be saved.

< 1 Korintiyawa 10 >