< Zakari 5 >

1 Mwen wè yon lòt vizyon ankò, mwen leve je m' gade. Mwen wè yon liv an fòm yon woulo papye k'ap vole nan syèl la.
And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked and behold a flying sickle.
2 Zanj ki t'ap pale avè m' lan di m': -Kisa ou wè? Mwen reponn li: -Mwen wè yon liv an fòm yon woulo k'ap vole nan syèl la. Li gen trant pye longè ak kenz pye lajè.
And he said to me, What see you? And I said, I see a flying sickle, of the length of twenty cubits, and of the breadth of ten cubits.
3 Epi li di m': -Se madichon ki pral tonbe sou tout latè. Dapre sa ki ekri sou yon bò liv la, yo pral fè tout vòlò disparèt nan peyi a. Dapre sa ki ekri sou lòt bò a, moun k'ap fè sèman pou bay manti pral disparèt nan peyi a tou.
And he said to me, This is the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth: for every thief shall be punished with death on this side, and every false swearer shall be punished on that side.
4 Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a di konsa se li menm menm ki voye madichon sa a pou li antre nan kay tout moun k'ap vòlò, ak nan kay tout moun k'ap pran non m' fè sèman pou bay manti. L'a rete nan kay moun sa yo. Tankou dife, l'ap boule tout bwa ak tout wòch kay yo.
And I will bring it forth, says the Lord Almighty, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that swears falsely by my name: and it shall rest in the midst of his house, and shall consume it, and the timber of it, and the stones of it.
5 Zanj ki t'ap pale avè m' lan parèt ankò, li di m' konsa: -Leve je ou. Gade sa k'ap vin koulye a.
And the angel that talked with me went forth, and said to me, Lift up your eyes, and see this that goes forth.
6 Mwen mande l': -Kisa l' ye? Li reponn mwen: -Se yon panyen. Se peche moun yo ap fè nan tout peyi a ki ladan l'.
And I said, What is it? And he said, This is the measure that goes forth. And he said, This is their iniquity in all the earth.
7 Panyen an te gen yon kouvèti plon. Kouvèti a leve. Mwen wè yon gwo fanm chita anndan panyen an.
And behold a talent of lead lifted up: and behold a woman sat in the midst of the measure.
8 Zanj lan di m' konsa: -Fanm sa a, se mechanste ki non l'! Lèfini, li peze l' antre nan panyen an epi li mete kouvèti plon an sou li.
And he said, This is iniquity. And he cast it into the midst of the measure, and cast the weight of lead on the mouth of it.
9 Apre sa mwen leve je m' gade, mwen wè de fanm. Yo te gen gwo zèl tankou sigòy. Yo t'ap vole nan syèl la vini. Yo pran panyen an, yo moute avè l'.
And I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, two women coming forth, and the wind was in their wings; and they had stork's wings: and they lifted up the measure between the earth and the sky.
10 Mwen mande zanj ki t'ap pale avè m' lan: -Kote yo prale ak panyen an la a?
And I said to the angel that spoke with me, Whither do these carry away the measure?
11 Li reponn mwen: -Yo pral bati yon tanp pou li nan peyi Babilòn. Y'ap fè yon pye pou li. Lèfini, y'ap mete l' la pou moun adore l'.
And he said to me, To build it a house in the land of Babylon, and to prepare [a place for it]; and they shall set it there on its own base.

< Zakari 5 >