< Zakari 4 >

1 Zanj ki t'ap pale ak mwen an vini ankò. Li souke m' tankou yo souke yon moun k'ap dòmi pou fè l' leve.
And the angel that talked with me returned, and awakened me, as when a man is awakened out of his sleep.
2 Li di m' konsa: -Sa ou wè la a? Mwen reponn li: -Mwen wè yon lanp sèt branch an lò ki kanpe atè. Li gen yon gwo bòl nan tèt li, avèk sèt lanp sou rebò bòl la. Chak lanp gen sèt bòbèch pou sèt mèch.
And he said to me, What see you? And I said, I have seen, and behold a candlestick all of gold, and its bowl upon it, and seven lamps upon it, and seven oil funnels to the lamps upon it:
3 Bò lanp sèt branch lan te gen de pye oliv, yonn sou bò dwat, yonn sou bò gòch.
and two olive-trees above it, one on the right of the bowl, and one on the left.
4 Apre sa, mwen pran lapawòl, mwen mande zanj ki t'ap pale avè m' lan: -Mèt, kisa bagay sa yo ye?
And I enquired, and spoke to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these things, [my] lord?
5 Li reponn mwen: -Ou pa konn sa sa yo ye? Mwen reponn li: -Non, mèt! M' pa konnen non!
And the angel that talked with me answered, and spoke to me, saying, Know you not what these things are? And I said, No, [my] lord.
6 Lè sa a, zanj ki t'ap pale avè m' lan reponn mwen, li di m': -Men mesaj Seyè a voye pou Zowobabèl: Se pa avèk vanyan sòlda ou yo, ni avèk pwòp kouraj ou ou pral rive nan sa ou gen pou fè a. Men se va avèk pouvwa lespri pa m' m'ap ba ou a. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a menm ki di sa.
And he answered and spoke to me, saying, This is the word of the Lord to Zorobabel, saying, Not by mighty power, nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.
7 Pi gwo antrav yo pral disparèt devan ou, Zowobabèl! Pi gwo mòn lan ap tounen yon plenn. Ou gen pou ou pran yon bèl wòch ladan l' pou fè lento pòtay tanp lan. Lè sa a tout moun va rele: Ala bèl sa bèl! Mèsi pou li!
Who are you, the great mountain before Zorobabel, that you should prosper? whereas I will bring out the stone of the inheritance, the grace of it the equal of [my ] grace.
8 Seyè a pale avè m' ankò, li di m':
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
9 -Zowobabèl mete men nan fondasyon kay la. Li gen pou l' fini l'. Lè sa a, pèp mwen an va konnen se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki te voye ou bò kote yo.
The hands of Zorobabel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands shall finish it: and you shall know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.
10 Yo te pran ti konmansman sa yo pou anyen. Men, ala kontan y'a kontan lè y'a wè Zowobabèl ap kontwole travay la, filaplon li nan men l'! Zanj lan di m' ankò: -Lanp sèt branch ou wè la a se sèt je Seyè a ki wè tou sa k'ap pase sou latè.
For who has despised the small days? surely they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet of tin in the hand of Zorobabel: these are the seven eyes that look upon all the earth.
11 Mwen mande l': -De pye oliv ki chak bò lanp sèt branch lan, yonn sou bò dwat, yonn sou bò gòch, kisa yo ye?
And I answered, and said to him, What are these two olive-trees, which are on the right and left hand of the candlestick?
12 De branch oliv sou kote de ti tiyo an lò kote lwil ap koule a, kisa yo vle di?
And I asked the second time, and said to him, What are the two branches of the olive-trees that are by the side of the two golden pipes that pour into and communicate with the golden oil funnels?
13 Li reponn mwen. -Ou pa konnen sa yo vle di? Mwen di l': -Non, mèt. M' pa konnen non!
And he said to me, Know you not what these are? and I said, No, [my] lord.
14 Li di m' konsa: -Se de moun Bondye chwazi pou fè travay Seyè a, Mèt latè a.
And he said, These are the two anointed ones [that] stand by the Lord of the whole earth.

< Zakari 4 >