< Sòm 145 >

1 Se yon chante David te ekri pou fè lwanj Bondye. Bondye mwen, wa mwen, m'a fè konnen jan ou gen pouvwa. M'ap di ou mèsi tout tan tout tan.
“A song of praise. By David.” I will extol thee, my God, the King! I will praise thy name for ever and ever!
2 Chak jou m'ap di ou mèsi. M'ap fè lwanj ou tout tan tout tan.
Every day will I bless thee, And praise thy name for ever and ever!
3 Seyè a gen gwo pouvwa, li merite pou yo fè lwanj li vre. Moun p'ap janm fin konprann jan li gen pouvwa!
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; Yea, his greatness is unsearchable.
4 Papa va fè lwanj ou devan pitit yo pou tou sa ou te fè. Y'a rakonte tout bèl bagay ou fè yo.
One generation shall praise thy works to another, And shall declare thy mighty deeds.
5 M'a rakonte jan ou gen pouvwa, jan ou gen fòs. M'a fè konnen bèl mèvèy ou yo.
I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty, And of thy wonderful works.
6 Y'a di jan ou gen pouvwa kifè moun respekte ou. M'a rakonte jan ou gen fòs.
Men shall speak of the might of thy terrible deeds, And I will declare thy greatness;
7 Y'a fè tout moun chonje jan ou gen bon kè. Y'a chante pou ou, paske ou pa nan patipri.
They shall pour forth the praise of thy great good And sing of thy righteousness.
8 Seyè a gen pitye pou nou. Li gen bon kè. Li pa fasil fè kòlè. Li p'ap janm sispann renmen nou!
The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion, Slow to anger, and rich in mercy.
9 Seyè a bon pou tout moun san patipri. Li gen pitye pou tou sa li fè.
The LORD is good to all. And his tender mercies are over all his works.
10 Seyè, tou sa ou fè ap fè lwanj ou! Tout moun pa ou yo ap di ou mèsi!
All thy works praise thee, O LORD! And thy holy ones bless thee!
11 Y'a di jan ou gouvènen avèk otorite. Y'a fè konnen jan ou gen pouvwa,
They speak of the glory of thy kingdom, And talk of thy power;
12 pou tout moun ka konnen jan ou gen fòs, jan ou gouvènen avèk otorite.
To make known to the sons of men his mighty deeds, And the glorious majesty of his kingdom.
13 Gouvènman ou lan la pou tout tan. W'ap dominen pou tout tan. Seyè a ap toujou kenbe pawòl li yo, Li bon nan tou sa li fè.
Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
14 L'ap soutni tout moun k'ap tonbe. Li bay tout moun ki nan lafliksyon kouraj.
The LORD upholdeth all that fall, And raiseth up all that are bowed down.
15 Seyè, se sou ou tout moun ap gade. Ou ba yo manje lè yo bezwen manje.
The eyes of all wait upon thee, And thou givest them their food in due season;
16 Ou louvri men ou, ou bay ni moun, ni bèt, ni plant tou sa yo bezwen.
Thou openest thine hand, And satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
17 Seyè a san patipri nan tou sa l'ap fè. Li gen kè sansib nan tou sa l'ap fè.
The LORD is righteous in all his ways, And merciful in all his works.
18 Seyè a kanpe toupre moun k'ap rele l', toupre tout moun k'ap rele l' ak tout kè yo.
The LORD is nigh to all that call upon him, To all that call upon him in truth.
19 L'ap bay tout moun ki gen krentif pou li sa yo ta renmen. Li tande lè y'ap rele l', l'ap delivre yo.
He fulfilleth the desire of them that fear him; He heareth their cry, and saveth them.
20 L'ap pwoteje tout moun ki renmen l'. Men, l'ap detwi tout mechan yo.
The LORD preserveth all that love him; But all the wicked he will destroy.
21 M'a fè lwanj Seyè a ak bouch mwen. Se pou tout moun fè lwanj Bondye ki yon Bondye apa. Se pou yo fè l' tout tan tout tan.
My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD; And let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever!

< Sòm 145 >