< Matiewo 14 >
1 Li yoginu Elodi yua den tie Galile dienma bado ki bi maadi jesu maama.
And at that time Herod the tetrarch heard the fame of Jesus,
2 O den yedi obadibaanba: ban maadi o nilo yua ya maama yen tie Janbatisi. O fii bi tikpiiba sin siigan ni. Lani n cedi ko fidi ki suani o naa paalu, ki tiendi ciila bona boncianli.
and he said to his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore miracles are wrought in him.
3 Diidi yaali ya po n cedi ki Elodi den maali yeni kelima Elodi den taa o walo Filipi denpua Elodiasa ko da ye.
For Herod having arrested John, bound him, and put him in prison, on account of Herodias the wife of his brother Philip.
4 Li po Jan den yedo: U Tienu bali maama ki cabi ŋan tieni laa bonli, li po Elodi den bua wan mangi Elodiasa pali, ki cedi ko sejenba cuo Jan, ki lolo, ki kuan'o li yonbidielin.
For John said to him, It is not lawful for thee to have her.
5 Ama, Elodi den bua wan kpa Jan ki nan jie o niwuligu maama, kelima o niwuligu den nua ki Jan tie sawali pualo yua maadi U Tienu maama.
And wishing to kill him, he feared the multitude, because they esteemed him as a prophet.
6 Elodi madijam daali n den pundi ki Elodiasa bisalo den jel i ciaga li nintaanli canba sin siigin, ki mangi o badi pali.
Herod's birthday being celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced in the midst, and pleased Herod;
7 Hali ko den poli, ki niani ko ba pun'o wan miagu yaali kuli.
consequently with an oath he promised to give to her whatsoever she might ask.
8 Li ya po o jifaano den kua o naa kani, Elodiasa den buali wan ba mia yaali, o naa den guani ki yedi'o ban maadi ki a bua Janbatisi yuli, wan den gaa o naa tundi, o den guani ki yedi: teni nni, ne kanba Janbatisi yuli i tadigan nni.
And being instigated by her mother, she says, Give me the head of John the Baptist here in a charger.
9 O badi pali den biidi li po, ama wan den poli ki niani ko ba tieni wan miagu yaali o niwuligun yaba n kali ki lind'o kuli siigan, o den cabi ki bi ten'o.
And the king was grieved; nevertheless on account of his oaths, and those who were sitting with him, he commanded it to be given.
10 O den sɔni ki bi ban jia Jan yuli li yonbidielin.
And sending, he beheaded John in prison;
11 Bi den cuan li yuli ki li kpie li sanlin, ke teni o jafaano. O den gaa ki gedi ki ten'o naa.
and his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.
12 Jan ŋɔdikaaba den cua ki taa o kpiemo ke ban pii, ki gedi ki ban waani jesu.
And His disciples, having come, took the body, and buried it; and having come they proclaimed it to Jesus.
13 Jesu n den gbadi laa laabaali, o den kua o ñinbiagun nni ki fuadi ki gedi Galile ñincianma po. Ya yoginu ki bi niba den bandi wan ye naani, bi den ñani bi dogin nni ki balin mi ñincianm ki cuoni ki ŋɔd'o.
And Jesus hearing, departed thence in a ship privately into a desert place. And the multitudes hearing, followed Him on foot from the cities.
14 Jesu den cua mi ñincianma kunu bi kani, ya yoginu ko la o niwuligu ki bi ladi k ban caa, mi ninñinma den cuo'o bi po, o den paagi yaaba n yia kuli bi siigan nni.
And Jesus having come out saw a great multitude; and was moved with compassion in their behalf, and healed their sick.
15 Dajuogu yoginu, o ŋɔdikaaba, den nagini o kani ki yedo: “tin ye naani ne tie fuali ki o yoginu mɔ bua gedi, cabi o niwuligu ki ban gedi o dogun nni, ki ban ba li bonjekaali.”
And it being evening, His disciples came to Him saying, It is a desert place, and the hour is already advanced; therefore send away the multitudes, that they having gone into the villages, may purchase for themselves victuals.
16 Ama jesu den yuani ki yediba, li ki buali ki ban fii ki gedi ki ba mi jiema, li buali ki yinbi mɔno n tenbi ki ba je.
And Jesus said to them, They have no need to go away; you give them to eat.
17 O ŋɔdikaaba den yedi'o: ti sieni kpanu bona muu yeni jamilie baba ne,
And they say to Him, We have nothing here except five loaves and two fishes.
18 Jesu den yediba: “cuani mani n kani na. Lan wani ki jesu den cedi ki o niwuligu kali ti muadi po, o den ta kpano bona muu yeni jamilie yeni ki yaadi o nuni tanpoli po ki pagi U Tienu ki pugni ki maadi o ŋɔdikaaba ki ban bɔgidi li niwuligu.
And He said, Bring them hither to me.
19 Li yoginu ki jesu maadi o niwuligu yeni ki ban kali ti muadi po, ko gaa kpaanu jena taa yeni jamilie yeni ki yadi ki di tanpoluki jaandi ki mia o baa. ki maadi ki ban tugi ki bogidiba
And commanding the multitudes to sit down on the grass; and taking the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to heaven, He blessed them; and breaking, gave the bread to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes.
20 Bi kuli den dini ki guo, lani ban den dini ki sieni ya bonjena ki bi den taani tie piiga n babuodilie.
And all ate, and were filled: and they took up the remainder of the fragments twelve baskets full.
21 Yabi n den dini den tie jabi tuuda muu, bi puobi yeni a bila den ki ye li c ɔdili nni
And the men eating were about five thousand, besides women and children.
22 L an yoginu o den cedi ko ŋɔdikaaba kua o ñinbiangun nni ki puodi ki gaa liigi ki gedi ne po ya jaali hali ko ban cabi o niwuligu ki ban ya kuni.
And Jesus immediately constrained His disciples to embark into the ship and go before Him to the other side, until he can send away the multitudes.
23 Wan den cabi o niwuligu o den siedi ki doni li juali po ki ban jaandi, u yenjuogu den pundi ko ye li po o beba.
And having dismissed the multitudes He went up into the mountain alone, to pray. And it being evening He was there alone.
24 Ama o yeni, ñinbiagu den cuoni ki ban pundi mi ñima siiga nni a ñunguona ye o faciangu den fii ki yili o po
And the ship was already midsea, laboring by the waves; for the wind was contrary.
25 li den sua ki b cuoni mi ñinciama po, li den tie ñiagu ki caa i siŋafaani ki jesu den cuoni o ñingbanu po ki togidi o ŋɔdikaaba ñinbiagu.
And at the fourth watch of the night, He came to them, walking on the sea.
26 ya yoginu ko ŋɔdikaaba la ko cuoni o ñingbano po ki nagidi bi kani, bi den bani nani ko tie cilingu, o jijiegu den kua'ba ki bi ji yigini yeni ti jawaandi,
And the disciples seeing Him walking on the sea, were afrighted, saying, It is a specter; and they cried out from fear.
27 li yoginu ki jesu yedi'ba: “Cuo mani yi ba, mini da jie mani,
And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, Be of good cheer; I am here; fear not.
28 pieli den guani ki yedo: “li ya tie fini, cedi min cuoni mi ñima po ki cua a kani.
And Peter responding said, Lord, if thou art there, command me to come to thee on the waters.
29 Jesu guani ki ŋmiani: “cua na” pieli den ñani u ñinbiagun nni ki ji cuoni o ñingbanu po ki caa jesu kani.
And He said, Come. And Peter having come down from the ship, walked on the waters, and came toward Jesus.
30 Ama ya yoginu ki pieli den jie u faalu yeni a ñinguona, o jiwaanbu den kua'o, ko den cili ki ba mii, ki yigini ŋanma ke yedi: yonbidaan gaa nni.
And seeing the wind strong, became alarmed; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.
31 lan yoginu jesu den tandi o nugu ki cuo'o, ki yedo: a dandanli wa, be tieni ka tami ke n ba ŋaa'a nni?
And Jesus immediately reaching out His hand, received him, and says to him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
32 Jesu yeni pieli n den guani ki kua o ñinbiagun ya yoginu ko faalu sedi.
And they having come into the ship, the wind ceased.
33 O ŋɔdikaabi kuli den baa ki gbani o nintualin nni ki maadi: I mɔn a ko li tie U Tienu bijua i.
And those in the ship having come worshiped Him, saying, Truly thou art the Son of God.
34 Ya yoginu ki bi den puodi mi ñinciamu, bi den pundi Genesalet ya dogun nni.
And crossing over, they came into the land of Gennesaret.
35 Lan dogun yabi den bandi jesu, bi den cili ki muandi ya longbana n sieni o laabaamanli ki bi cuoni yeni a yiama ko tebiba.
And the men of that place recognizing Him, sent into all the surrounding country and brought to Him all the sick;
36 Yaabi n tie a miada den mia ke wan cabi ki ban sii o lietil beba, yaabi n den sii kuli den paagi
and they continued to intreat Him that they should only touch the hem of His garment: and so many as touched were thoroughly saved.