< Job 28 >

1 Surely there is for silver a source, And a place for the gold they refine;
Akwai ramin azurfa akwai kuma wurin da ake tace zinariya.
2 Iron from the dust is taken, And [from] the firm stone brass.
Daga cikin ƙasa ake ciro ƙarfe, ana kuma narkar da tagulla daga cikin dutse.
3 An end hath he set to darkness, And to all perfection he is searching, A stone of darkness and death-shade.
Mutum ya kawo ƙarshen duhu; yakan bincike zuzzurfar iyaka, yana neman duwatsu a wuri mafi duhu.
4 A stream hath broken out from a sojourner, Those forgotten of the foot, They were low, from man they wandered.
Nesa da inda mutane suke zama, yakan huda rami yă yi abin lilo, a wurin da mutane ba sa bi.
5 The earth! from it cometh forth bread, And its under-part is turned like fire.
Cikin ƙasa inda ake samun abinci, a ƙarƙashinta kuwa zafi ne kamar wuta;
6 A place of the sapphire [are] its stones, And it hath dust of gold.
akwai duwatsu masu daraja a cikin duwatsunta, akwai kuma zinariya a cikin ƙurarta.
7 A path — not known it hath a ravenous fowl, Nor scorched it hath an eye of the kite,
Tsuntsu mai farauta bai san hanyarta ba, ba shahon da ya taɓa ganin ta.
8 Nor trodden it have the sons of pride, Not passed over it hath the fierce lion.
Manyan namun jeji ba su taɓa binta ba, ba zakin da ya taɓa binta.
9 Against the flint he sent forth his hand, He overturned from the root mountains.
Hannun mutum ya iya sarrafa ƙanƙarar duwatsu, yă kuma tumɓuke tushen duwatsu.
10 Among rocks, brooks he hath cleaved, And every precious thing hath his eye seen.
Yana tona rami a cikin duwatsu idanunsa suna ganin dukan dukiyar da ke cikin duwatsun.
11 From overflowing floods he hath bound, And the hidden thing bringeth out [to] light.
Yana nema daga ina ruwan rafi yake ɓulɓulowa yana kuma binciko abubuwan da suke a ɓoye yă kawo su cikin haske.
12 And the wisdom — whence is it found? And where [is] this, the place of understanding?
Amma a ina ne za a iya samun hikima? Ina fahimta take zama?
13 Man hath not known its arrangement, Nor is it found in the land of the living.
Mutum bai gane muhimmancinta ba, ba a samunta a ƙasar masu rai.
14 The deep hath said, 'It [is] not in me,' And the sea hath said, 'It is not with me.'
Zurfi ya ce, “Ba ta wurina”; teku ya ce, “Ba ta wurina.”
15 Gold is not given for it, Nor is silver weighed — its price.
Ba irin zinariyar da za tă iya sayenta, ko kuma a iya auna nauyinta da azurfa.
16 It is not valued with pure gold of Ophir, With precious onyx and sapphire,
Ba za a iya sayenta da zinariyar Ofir, ko sauran duwatsu masu daraja ba.
17 Not equal it do gold and crystal, Nor [is] its exchange a vessel of fine gold.
Zinariya da madubi ba za su iya gwada kansu da ita ba, ba kuwa za a iya musayarta da abubuwan da aka yi da zinariya ba.
18 Corals and pearl are not remembered, The acquisition of wisdom [is] above rubies.
Kada ma a ce murjani da duwatsu masu walƙiya; farashin hikima ya fi na lu’ulu’ai.
19 Not equal it doth the topaz of Cush, With pure gold it is not valued.
Ba za a iya daidaita darajarta da duwatsun Tofaz na Kush ba, zallar zinariya ma ba tă isa ta saye ta ba.
20 And the wisdom — whence doth it come? And where [is] this, the place of understanding?
“To, daga ina ke nan hikima ta fito? Ina fahimta take zama?
21 It hath been hid from the eyes of all living. And from the fowl of the heavens It hath been hidden.
An ɓoye ta daga idanun kowane abu mai rai, har tsuntsayen sararin sama ma an ɓoye masu ita.
22 Destruction and death have said: 'With our ears we have heard its fame.'
Hallaka da mutuwa suna cewa, ‘Jita-jitarta kaɗai muke ji.’
23 God hath understood its way, And He hath known its place.
Allah ya gane hanyar zuwa wurinta. Shi ne kaɗai ya san inda take zama,
24 For He to the ends of the earth doth look, Under the whole heavens He doth see,
Gama yana ganin iyakar duniya kuma yana ganin duk abin da yake ƙarƙashin sama.
25 To make for the wind a weight, And the waters He meted out in measure.
Lokacin da ya yi iska ya sa ta hura, ya kuma auna ruwaye.
26 In His making for the rain a limit, And a way for the brightness of the voices,
Lokacin da ya yi wa ruwan sama doka da kuma hanya domin walƙiya,
27 Then He hath seen and declareth it, He hath prepared it, and also searched it out,
sai ya dubi hikima ya auna ta; ya tabbatar da ita, ya gwada ta.
28 And He saith to man: — 'Lo, fear of the Lord, that [is] wisdom, And to turn from evil [is] understanding.'
Ya kuma ce wa mutum, ‘Tsoron Ubangiji shi ne hikima, kuma guje wa mugunta shi ne fahimi.’”

< Job 28 >