< Psalms 149 >

1 Alleluya. Synge ye to the Lord a newe song; hise heriyng be in the chirche of seyntis.
你们要赞美耶和华! 向耶和华唱新歌, 在圣民的会中赞美他!
2 Israel be glad in hym that made hym; and the douytris of Syon make ful out ioye in her king.
愿以色列因造他的主欢喜! 愿锡安的民因他们的王快乐!
3 Herie thei his name in a queer; seie thei salm to hym in a tympan, and sautre.
愿他们跳舞赞美他的名, 击鼓弹琴歌颂他!
4 For the Lord is wel plesid in his puple; and he hath reisid mylde men in to heelthe.
因为耶和华喜爱他的百姓; 他要用救恩当作谦卑人的妆饰。
5 Seyntis schulen make ful out ioye in glorie; thei schulen be glad in her beddis.
愿圣民因所得的荣耀高兴! 愿他们在床上欢呼!
6 The ful out ioiyngis of God in the throte of hem; and swerdis scharp on `ech side in the hondis of hem.
愿他们口中称赞 神为高, 手里有两刃的刀,
7 To do veniaunce in naciouns; blamyngis in puplis.
为要报复列邦, 刑罚万民。
8 To bynde the kyngis of hem in stockis; and the noble men of hem in yrun manaclis.
要用链子捆他们的君王, 用铁镣锁他们的大臣;
9 That thei make in hem doom writun; this is glorye to alle hise seyntis.
要在他们身上施行所记录的审判。 他的圣民都有这荣耀。 你们要赞美耶和华!

< Psalms 149 >