< Psalms 145 >

1 `The ympne of Dauith. Mi God king, Y schal enhaunse thee; and Y schal blesse thi name in to the world, and in to the world of world.
ダビデの讃美のうた わがかみ王よわれ汝をあがめ 世かぎりなく聖名をほめまつらん
2 Bi alle daies Y schal blesse thee; and Y schal herie thi name in to the world, and in to the world of the world.
3 The Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; and noon ende is of his greetnesse.
ヱホバは大にましませば最もほむべきかな その大なることは尋ねしることかたし
4 Generacioun and generacioun schal preise thi werkis; and thei schulen pronounse thi power.
この代はかの代にむかひてなんぢの事跡をほめたたへ なんぢの大能のはたらきを宣つたへん
5 Thei schulen speke `the greet doyng of the glorie of thin holynesse; and thei schulen telle thi merueils.
6 And thei schulen seye the vertu of thi ferdful thingis; and thei schulen telle thi greetnesse.
人はなんぢのおそるべき動作のいきほひをかたり 我はなんぢの大なることを宣つたへん
7 Thei schulen bringe forth the mynde of the abundaunce of thi swetnesse; and thei schulen telle with ful out ioiyng thi riytfulnesse.
かれらはなんぢの大なる恵の跡をいひいで なんぢの義をほめうたはん
8 The Lord is a merciful doere, and merciful in wille; paciente, and myche merciful.
ヱホバは恵ふかく憐憫みち また怒りたまふことおそく憐憫おほいなり
9 The Lord is swete in alle thingis; and hise merciful doyngis ben on alle hise werkis.
ヱホバはよろづの者にめぐみあり そのふかき憐憫はみわざの上にあまねし
10 Lord, alle thi werkis knouleche to thee; and thi seyntis blesse thee.
ヱホバよ汝のすべての事跡はなんぢに感謝し なんぢの聖徒はなんぢをほめん
11 Thei schulen seie the glorie of thi rewme; and thei schulen speke thi power.
12 That thei make thi power knowun to the sones of men; and the glorie of the greetnesse of thi rewme.
13 Thi rewme is the rewme of alle worldis; and thi lordschipe is in al generacioun and in to generacioun. The Lord is feithful in alle hise wordis; and hooli in alle hise werkis.
なんぢの國はとこしへの國なり なんぢの政治はよろづ代にたゆることなし
14 The Lord liftith vp alle that fallen doun; and reisith alle men hurtlid doun.
ヱホバはすべて倒れんとする者をささへ かがじものを直くたたしめたまふ
15 Lord, the iyen of alle beestis hopen in thee; and thou yyuest the mete of hem in couenable tyme.
よろづのものの目はなんぢを待 なんぢは時にしたがひてかれらに糧をあたへ給ふ
16 Thou openest thin hond; and thou fillist ech beeste with blessing.
17 The Lord is iust in alle hise weies; and hooli in alle hise werkis.
ヱホバはそのすべての途にただしく そのすべての作爲にめぐみふかし
18 The Lord is niy to alle that inwardli clepen him; to alle that inwardli clepen him in treuthe.
すべてヱホバをよぶもの 誠をもて之をよぶものに ヱホバは近くましますなり
19 He schal do the wille of hem, that dreden him, and he schal here the biseching of hem; and he schal make hem saaf.
ヱホバは已をおそるるものの願望をみちたらしめ その号呼をききて之をすくひたまふ
20 The Lord kepith alle men louynge him; and he schal leese alle synners.
ヱホバはおのれを愛しむものをすべて守りたまへど 惡者をことごとく滅したまはん
21 Mi mouth schal speke the heriyng of the Lord; and ech man blesse his hooli name in to the world, and in to the world of world.
わが口はヱホバの頌美をかたり よろづの民は世々かぎりなくそのきよき名をほめまつるべし

< Psalms 145 >