< Proverbs 26 >

1 As snow in somer, and reyn in heruest; so glorie is vnsemeli to a fool.
He pera i te hukarere i te raumati, i te ua hoki i te kotinga witi, te kore e tau o te honore mo te wairangi.
2 For whi as a brid fliynge ouer to hiy thingis, and a sparowe goynge in to vncerteyn; so cursing brouyt forth with out resonable cause schal come aboue in to sum man.
He pera i te manu e rererere noa ana, i te waroa i ona rerenga te kanga pokanoa; e kore e whakatau.
3 Beting to an hors, and a bernacle to an asse; and a yerde in the bak of vnprudent men.
He whiu mo te hoiho, he paraire mo te kaihe, a he rakau mo te tuara o nga wairangi.
4 Answere thou not to a fool bi his foli, lest thou be maad lijk hym.
Kei rite ki tona whakaarokore tau whakautu ki te wairangi, kei rite hoki a koe na ki a ia.
5 Answere thou a fool bi his fooli, lest he seme to him silf to be wijs.
Kia rite ki tona whakaarokore tau whakautu ki te wairangi, kei mea ia he whakaaro nui ia.
6 An haltinge man in feet, and drinkinge wickidnesse, he that sendith wordis by a fonned messanger.
Ko te tangata e tuku korero ana ma te ringa o te wairangi, e tapahi ana i ona waewae ano, e inumia ana hoki te he.
7 As an haltinge man hath faire leggis in veyn; so a parable is vnsemeli in the mouth of foolis.
E tautau noa ana nga waewae o te kopa: he pera hoki te whakatauki i te mangai o te wairangi.
8 As he that casteth a stoon in to an heep of mercurie; so he that yyueth onour to an vnwijs man.
Ko te takai mea whakapaipai i roto i te puranga kohatu, ko tona rite kei te tangata e whakakororia ano i te wairangi.
9 As if a thorn growith in the hond of a drunkun man; so a parable in the mouth of foolis.
E rite ana ki te tataramoa e wero nei i te ringa o te haurangi, koia ano te whakatauki i te mangai o nga wairangi.
10 Doom determyneth causis; and he that settith silence to a fool, swagith iris.
Ka rite ki te kaikopere i tu ai te katoa, te tangata e utu ana i te wairangi me te tangata hoki e utu ana i nga tira haere.
11 As a dogge that turneth ayen to his spuyng; so is an vnprudent man, that rehersith his fooli.
Ka rite ki te kuri e hoki nei ki tona ruaki, te wairangi e tuarua ana i tona poauau.
12 Thou hast seyn a man seme wijs to hym silf; an vnkunnyng man schal haue hope more than he.
Ka kite koe i te tangata e mea ana ki a ia he whakaaro nui? Ki ta te whakaaro tera e rahi ake ta te wairangi i tana.
13 A slow man seith, A lioun is in the weie, a liounnesse is in the foot pathis.
E ki ana te mangere, He raiona kei te ara; he raiona kei nga waharoa.
14 As a dore is turned in his hengis; so a slow man in his bed.
He pera i te tatau e tahurihuri ra i runga i ona inihi, koia ano te mangere i runga i tona moenga.
15 A slow man hidith hise hondis vndur his armpit; and he trauelith, if he turneth tho to his mouth.
E kuhua ana e te mangere tona ringa ki te rihi; he mahi ngenge rawa ki a ia te whakahoki mai ki tona mangai.
16 A slow man semeth wysere to hym silf, than seuene men spekynge sentensis.
He nui ke ake te whakaaro nui o te mangere, ki tana nei whakaaro, i to nga tangata tokowhitu e whakaatu ana i te tikanga.
17 As he that takith a dogge bi the eeris; so he that passith, and is vnpacient, and is meddlid with the chiding of anothir man.
Ko te tangata e haere atu ana, e pokanoa ana ki te whawhai ehara nei i a ia, ko tona rite kei te tangata e hopu ana i te kuri ki ona taringa.
18 As he is gilti, that sendith speris and arowis in to deth;
Rite tonu ki te haurangi e makamaka ana i nga mea mura, i nga pere, i te mate,
19 so a man that anoieth gilefuli his frend, and whanne he is takun, he schal seie, Y dide pleiynge.
Te tangata e tinihanga ana ki tona hoa, e mea ana, He teka ianei he takaro taku?
20 Whanne trees failen, the fier schal be quenchid; and whanne a priuy bacbitere is withdrawun, stryues resten.
Ki te kahore he wahie, ka mate te ahi: ki te kore hoki he tangata kawekawe korero, ka mutu te ngangare.
21 As deed coolis at quic coolis, and trees at the fier; so a wrathful man reisith chidyngis.
He waro ki nga ngarahu wera, he wahie ki te ahi; he pera te tangata totohe ki te tahu i te ngangare.
22 The wordis of a pryuei bacbitere ben as symple; and tho comen til to the ynneste thingis of the herte.
He rite nga kupu a te kaikawekawe korero ki te maramara reka, tae tonu iho ki nga wahi o roto rawa o te kopu.
23 As if thou wolt ourne a vessel of erthe with foul siluer; so ben bolnynge lippis felouschipid with `the werste herte.
He ngutu puka me te ngakau kino, ko te rite kei te oko oneone i whakakikoruatia ki te para hiriwa.
24 An enemy is vndirstondun bi hise lippis, whanne he tretith giles in the herte.
Ko te tangata mauahara e whakaware ana ki ona ngutu, otiia e rongoatia ana e ia te tinihanga ki roto ki a ia:
25 Whanne he `makith low his vois, bileue thou not to hym; for seuene wickidnessis ben in his herte.
Ki te pai tona reo, kaua e whakapono ki a ia; e whitu hoki nga mea whakarihariha kei roto i tona ngakau.
26 The malice of hym that hilith hatrede gilefuli, schal be schewid in a counsel.
Ahakoa hipoki tona mauahara i a ia ki te tinihanga, ka whakakitea nuitia tona kino ki te aroaro o te whakaminenga.
27 He that delueth a diche, schal falle in to it; and if a man walewith a stoon, it schal turne ayen to hym.
Ko te tangata e keri ana i te rua, ka taka ano ki roto: a ko te tangata e huri ana i te kohatu, ka hoki mai ano ki runga ki a ia.
28 A fals tunge loueth not treuth; and a slidir mouth worchith fallyngis.
E kino ana te arero teka ki ana i kuru ai; a, ko ta te mangai whakapati, he mahi kia ngaro.

< Proverbs 26 >