< Proverbs 17 >
1 Betere is a drie mussel with ioye, than an hous ful of sacrifices with chidyng.
Wuxoogaa cunto qallalan ah oo xasilloonaanu la jirto Ayaa ka wanaagsan guri hilib allabari ka buuxo oo diriru la jirto.
2 A wijs seruaunt schal be lord of fonned sones; and he schal departe eritage among britheren.
Addoonkii caqli lahu wuxuu xukumi doonaa wiilkii ceeb soo jiida, Oo walaalaha ayuu la dhaxal geli doonaa.
3 As siluer is preued bi fier, and gold is preued bi a chymnei, so the Lord preueth hertis.
Weelka lacagta lagu safeeyo lacagtaa iska leh, oo foornadana dahabkaa iska leh, Laakiinse Rabbigu qalbiyaduu imtixaamaa.
4 An yuel man obeieth to a wickid tunge; and a fals man obeieth to false lippis.
Xumaanfaluhu wuxuu maqlaa bushimaha shar leh, Oo beenaaluhuna wuxuu dhegaystaa carrabka xun.
5 He that dispisith a pore man, repreueth his maker; and he that is glad in the fallyng of another man, schal not be vnpunyschid.
Ku alla kii miskiinka ku majaajiloodaa wuxuu caayaa Kan sameeyey, Kii belaayooyin ku farxaana ma taqsiir la'aan doono.
6 The coroun of elde men is the sones of sones; and the glorie of sones is the fadris of hem.
Odayaasha waxaa taaj u ah carruurta carruurtooda, Oo sharafta carruurtuna waa aabbayaashood.
7 Wordis wel set togidere bisemen not a fool; and a liynge lippe bicometh not a prince.
Hadalkii weynu nacas uma eka, Sidaas oo kalena bushimihii been sheegaa amiir uma eka.
8 A preciouse stoon moost acceptable is the abiding of hym that sekith; whidur euere he turneth hym silf, he vndurstondith prudentli.
Hadiyaddu waxay kii haysta la tahay sida dhagax qaali ah, Oo meel alla meeshay u leexataba way ku barwaaqowdaa.
9 He that helith trespas, sekith frenschipis; he that rehersith bi an hiy word, departith hem, that ben knyt togidere in pees.
Kii xadgudub qariyaa jacayl buu doondoonaa, Laakiinse kii xaal ku noqnoqdaa saaxiibbuu kala kaxeeyaa.
10 A blamyng profitith more at a prudent man, than an hundryd woundis at a fool.
Canaantu waxay ninkii garasho leh u tartaa In ka badan boqol jeedal oo nacas lagu dhuftay ay u taraan.
11 Euere an yuel man sekith stryues; forsothe a cruel aungel schal be sent ayens hym.
Ninkii shar lahu wuxuu doondoonaa caasinimo keliya, Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa isaga lagu diri doonaa farriingeeye aan naxariis lahayn.
12 It spedith more to meete a femal bere, whanne the whelpis ben rauyschid, than a fool tristynge to hym silf in his foli.
Nin ha la kulmo orso dhasheeda laga xaday, Intuu nacas nacasnimo samaynaya la kulmi lahaa.
13 Yuel schal not go a wei fro the hous of hym, that yeldith yuels for goodis.
Ku alla kii wanaag xumaan ku celiyaa, Gurigiisa xumaanu ka fogaan mayso.
14 He that leeueth watir, is heed of stryues; and bifor that he suffrith wrong, he forsakith dom.
Muranka bilowgiisu waa sida biyo la soo faruuray. Haddaba isqabashada iska daa intaan lays ilaaqin.
15 Bothe he that iustifieth a wickid man, and he that condempneth a iust man, euer ethir is abhomynable at God.
Kii kan sharka leh xaq ka dhiga, iyo kii kan xaqa ah gardarro ku xukuma, Labadaba Rabbigu aad buu u karhaa.
16 What profitith it to a fool to haue richessis, sithen he mai not bie wisdom? He that makith his hous hiy, sekith falling; and he that eschewith to lerne, schal falle in to yuels.
Lacagta nacaska gacantiisa ku jirtaa bal maxay u tartaa inuu xigmad ku soo iibsado, Waayo, isagu garasho ma leh?
17 He that is a frend, loueth in al tyme; and a brother is preuyd in angwischis.
Had iyo goor saaxiibba saaxiibkii wuu jecel yahay, Walaalna wuxuu u dhashay dhibaato.
18 A fonned man schal make ioie with hondis, whanne he hath bihiyt for his frend.
Ninkii garaaddaranu gacan buu dhaar ugu dhiibaa, Oo wuxuu dammiin ku noqdaa deriskiisa hortiisa.
19 He that bithenkith discordis, loueth chidingis; and he that enhaunsith his mouth, sekith fallyng.
Kii xadgudub jecelu muran buu jecel yahay, Oo kii iriddiisa sarraysiiyaana wuxuu doondoontaa baabba'.
20 He that is of weiward herte, schal not fynde good; and he that turneth the tunge, schal falle in to yuel.
Kii qalbi qalloocan lahu wanaag ma helo, Oo kii carrab maroorsan lahuna wuxuu ku dhex dhacaa belaayo.
21 A fool is borun in his schenschipe; but nether the fadir schal be glad in a fool.
Kii nacas dhalaa murugtiisuu u dhalaa, Oo nacas aabbihiisna farxad ma leh.
22 A ioiful soule makith likinge age; a sorewful spirit makith drie boonys.
Qalbigii faraxsanu waa dawo wanaagsan, Laakiinse qalbigii jabanu lafahuu engejiyaa.
23 A wickid man takith yiftis fro the bosum, to mys turne the pathis of doom.
Ninkii shar lahu laabtuu laaluush ka qaataa, Si uu jidadka garta u qalloociyo.
24 Wisdom schyneth in the face of a prudent man; the iyen of foolis ben in the endis of erthe.
Xigmaddu waxay hor joogtaa kii garasho leh; Laakiinse nacaska indhihiisu waxay eegaan dhulka darafkiisa.
25 A fonned sone is the ire of the fadir, and the sorewe of the modir that gendride hym.
Wiilkii nacas ahu waa u murug aabbihiis, Waana u qadhaadh tii dashay.
26 It is not good to brynge in harm to a iust man; nether to smyte the prince that demeth riytfuli.
Weliba ma wanaagsana in kii xaq ah la taqsiiro, Ama in kuwa sharafka leh qummanaantooda aawadeed wax loogu dhufto.
27 He that mesurith his wordis, is wijs and prudent; and a lerud man is of preciouse spirit.
Kii hadalkiisa yareeyaa, aqoon buu leeyahay, Oo kii qalbigiisu qabow yahayna waa nin garasho leh.
28 Also a foole, if he is stille, schal be gessid a wijs man; and, if he pressith togidre hise lippis, he `schal be gessid an vndurstondynge man.
Xataa nacasku markuu iska aamusan yahay waxaa loo yaqaan mid caqli leh, Kii bushimihiisa isku qabtana nin miyir leh.