< Proverbs 17 >

1 Betere is a drie mussel with ioye, than an hous ful of sacrifices with chidyng.
睦じうして一塊の乾けるパンあるは あらそひありて宰れる畜の盈たる家に愈る
2 A wijs seruaunt schal be lord of fonned sones; and he schal departe eritage among britheren.
かしこき僕は恥をきたらする子ををさめ 且その子の兄弟の中にありて産業を分ち取る
3 As siluer is preued bi fier, and gold is preued bi a chymnei, so the Lord preueth hertis.
銀を試むる者は坩堝 金を試むる者は鑢 人の心を試むる者はヱホバなり
4 An yuel man obeieth to a wickid tunge; and a fals man obeieth to false lippis.
惡を行ふものは虚偽のくちびるにきき 虚偽をいふ者はあしき舌に耳を傾ぶく
5 He that dispisith a pore man, repreueth his maker; and he that is glad in the fallyng of another man, schal not be vnpunyschid.
貧人を嘲るものはその造主をあなどるなり 人の災禍を喜ぶものは罪をまぬかれず
6 The coroun of elde men is the sones of sones; and the glorie of sones is the fadris of hem.
孫は老人の冠弁なり 父は子の榮なり
7 Wordis wel set togidere bisemen not a fool; and a liynge lippe bicometh not a prince.
勝れたる事をいふは愚なる人に適はず 況て虚偽をいふ口唇は君たる者に適はんや
8 A preciouse stoon moost acceptable is the abiding of hym that sekith; whidur euere he turneth hym silf, he vndurstondith prudentli.
贈物はこれを受る者の目には貴き珠のごとし その向ふところにて凡て幸福を買ふ
9 He that helith trespas, sekith frenschipis; he that rehersith bi an hiy word, departith hem, that ben knyt togidere in pees.
愛を追求むる者は人の過失をおほふ 人の事を言ひふるる者は朋友をあひ離れしむ
10 A blamyng profitith more at a prudent man, than an hundryd woundis at a fool.
11 Euere an yuel man sekith stryues; forsothe a cruel aungel schal be sent ayens hym.
叛きもとる者はただ惡きことのみをもとむ 比故に彼にむかひて残忍なる使者遣はさる
12 It spedith more to meete a femal bere, whanne the whelpis ben rauyschid, than a fool tristynge to hym silf in his foli.
13 Yuel schal not go a wei fro the hous of hym, that yeldith yuels for goodis.
14 He that leeueth watir, is heed of stryues; and bifor that he suffrith wrong, he forsakith dom.
争端の起源は堤より水をもらすに似たり この故にあらそひの起らざる先にこれを止むべし
15 Bothe he that iustifieth a wickid man, and he that condempneth a iust man, euer ethir is abhomynable at God.
16 What profitith it to a fool to haue richessis, sithen he mai not bie wisdom? He that makith his hous hiy, sekith falling; and he that eschewith to lerne, schal falle in to yuels.
17 He that is a frend, loueth in al tyme; and a brother is preuyd in angwischis.
朋友はいづれの時にも愛す 兄弟は危難の時のために生る
18 A fonned man schal make ioie with hondis, whanne he hath bihiyt for his frend.
19 He that bithenkith discordis, loueth chidingis; and he that enhaunsith his mouth, sekith fallyng.
争端をこのむ者は罪を好み その門を高くする者は敗壊を求む
20 He that is of weiward herte, schal not fynde good; and he that turneth the tunge, schal falle in to yuel.
邪曲なる心ある者はさいはひを得ず その舌をみだりにする者はわざはひに陥る
21 A fool is borun in his schenschipe; but nether the fadir schal be glad in a fool.
愚なる者を産むものは自己の憂を生じ 愚なる者の父は喜樂を得ず
22 A ioiful soule makith likinge age; a sorewful spirit makith drie boonys.
心のたのしみは良薬なり 霊魂のうれひは骨を枯す
23 A wickid man takith yiftis fro the bosum, to mys turne the pathis of doom.
24 Wisdom schyneth in the face of a prudent man; the iyen of foolis ben in the endis of erthe.
智慧は哲者の面のまへにあり されど愚なる者は目を地の極にそそぐ
25 A fonned sone is the ire of the fadir, and the sorewe of the modir that gendride hym.
愚なる子は其父の憂となり 亦これを生る母の煩労となる
26 It is not good to brynge in harm to a iust man; nether to smyte the prince that demeth riytfuli.
義者を罰するは善らず 貴き者をその義ががために扑は善らず
27 He that mesurith his wordis, is wijs and prudent; and a lerud man is of preciouse spirit.
言を寡くする者は知識あり 心の静なる者は哲人なり
28 Also a foole, if he is stille, schal be gessid a wijs man; and, if he pressith togidre hise lippis, he `schal be gessid an vndurstondynge man.
愚なる者も黙するときは智慧ある者と思はれ その口唇を閉るときは哲者とおもはるべし

< Proverbs 17 >