< John 11 >

1 And ther was a sijk man, Lazarus of Bethanye, of the castel of Marie and Martha, hise sistris.
Bijaše neki bolesnik, Lazar iz Betanije, iz sela Marije i sestre joj Marte.
2 And it was Marye, which anoyntide the Lord with oynement, and wipte hise feet with hir heeris, whos brother Lazarus was sijk.
Marija bijaše ono pomazala Gospodina pomašću i otrla mu noge svojom kosom. Njezin dakle brat Lazar bijaše bolestan.
3 Therfor hise sistris senten to hym, and seide, Lord, lo! he whom thou louest, is sijk.
Sestre stoga poručiše Isusu: “Gospodine, evo onaj koga ljubiš, bolestan je.”
4 And Jhesus herde, and seide to hem, This syknesse is not to the deth, but for the glorie of God, that mannus sone be glorified bi hym.
Čuvši to, Isus reče: “Ta bolest nije na smrt, nego na slavu Božju, da se po njoj proslavi Sin Božji.”
5 And Jhesus louyde Martha, and hir sistir Marie, and Lazarus.
A Isus ljubljaše Martu i njezinu sestru i Lazara.
6 Therfor whanne Jhesus herde, that he was sijk, thanne he dwellide in the same place twei daies.
Ipak, kad je čuo za njegovu bolest, ostade još dva dana u onome mjestu gdje se nalazio.
7 And after these thingis he seide to hise disciplis, Go we eft in to Judee.
Istom nakon toga reče učenicima: “Pođimo opet u Judeju!”
8 The disciplis seien to hym, Maister, now the Jewis souyten for to stoone thee, and eft goist thou thidir?
Kažu mu učenici: “Učitelju, Židovi su sad tražili da te kamenuju, pa da opet ideš onamo?”
9 Jhesus answerde, Whether ther ben not twelue ouris of the dai? If ony man wandre in the dai, he hirtith not, for he seeth the liyt of this world.
Odgovori Isus: “Nema li dan dvanaest sati? Hodi li tko danju, ne spotiče se jer vidi svjetlost ovoga svijeta.
10 But if he wandre in the niyt, he stomblith, for liyt is not in him.
Hodi li tko noću, spotiče se jer nema svjetlosti u njemu.”
11 He seith these thingis, and aftir these thingis he seith to hem, Lazarus, oure freend, slepith, but Y go to reise hym fro sleep.
To reče, a onda im dometnu: “Lazar, prijatelj naš, spava, no idem probuditi ga.”
12 Therfor hise disciplis seiden, Lord, if he slepith, he schal be saaf.
Rekoše mu nato učenici: “Gospodine, ako spava, ozdravit će.”
13 But Jhesus hadde seid of his deth; but thei gessiden, that he seide of slepyng of sleep.
No Isus to reče o njegovoj smrti, a oni pomisliše da govori o spavanju, o snu.
14 Thanne therfor Jhesus seide to hem opynli, Lazarus is deed;
Tada im Isus reče posve otvoreno: “Lazar je umro.
15 and Y haue ioye for you, that ye bileue, for Y was not there; but go we to hym.
Ja se radujem što ne bijah ondje, i to poradi vas - da uzvjerujete. Nego pođimo k njemu!”
16 Therfor Thomas, that is seid Didymus, seide to euen disciplis, Go we also, that we dien with hym.
Nato Toma zvani Blizanac reče suučenicima: “Hajdemo i mi da umremo s njime!”
17 And so Jhesus cam, and foond hym hauynge thanne foure daies in the graue.
Kad je dakle Isus stigao, nađe da je onaj već četiri dana u grobu.
18 And Bethany was bisidis Jerusalem, as it were fiftene furlongis.
Betanija bijaše blizu Jeruzalema otprilike petnaest stadija.
19 And many of the Jewis camen to Mary and Martha, to coumforte hem of her brothir.
A mnogo Židova bijaše došlo tješiti Martu i Mariju zbog brata njihova.
20 Therfor as Martha herde, that Jhesu cam, sche ran to hym; but Mary sat at home.
Kad Marta doču da Isus dolazi, pođe mu u susret dok je Marija ostala u kući.
21 Therfor Martha seide to Jhesu, Lord, if thou haddist be here, my brother hadde not be deed.
Marta reče Isusu: “Gospodine, da si bio ovdje, brat moj ne bi umro.
22 But now Y woot, that what euere thingis thou schalt axe of God, God schal yyue to thee.
Ali i sada znam: što god zaišteš od Boga, dat će ti.”
23 Jhesus seith to hir, Thi brother schal rise ayen.
Kaza joj Isus: “Uskrsnut će brat tvoj!”
24 Martha seith to hym, Y woot, that he schal rise ayen in the ayen risyng in the laste dai.
A Marta mu odgovori: “Znam da će uskrsnuti o uskrsnuću, u posljednji dan.”
25 Jhesus seith to hir, Y am ayen risyng and lijf; he that bileueth in me, yhe, thouy he be deed, he schal lyue;
Reče joj Isus: “Ja sam uskrsnuće i život: tko u mene vjeruje, ako i umre, živjet će.
26 and ech that lyueth, and bileueth in me, schal not die with outen ende. Bileuest thou this thing? (aiōn g165)
I tko god živi i vjeruje u mene, neće umrijeti nikada. Vjeruješ li ovo?” (aiōn g165)
27 Sche seith to hym, Yhe, Lord, Y haue bileued, that thou art Crist, the sone of the lyuynge God, that hast come in to this world.
Odgovori mu: “Da, Gospodine! Ja vjerujem da si ti Krist, Sin Božji, Onaj koji dolazi na svijet!”
28 And whanne sche hadde seid this thing, sche wente, and clepide Marie, hir sistir, in silence, and seide, The maister cometh, and clepith thee.
Rekavši to ode, zovnu svoju sestru Mariju i reče joj krišom: “Učitelj je ovdje i zove te.”
29 Sche, as sche herd, aroos anoon, and cam to hym.
A ona, čim doču, brzo ustane i pođe k njemu.
30 And Jhesus cam not yit `in to the castel, but he was yit in that place, where Martha hadde comun ayens hym.
Isus još ne bijaše ušao u selo, nego je dotada bio na mjestu gdje ga je Marta susrela.
31 Therfor the Jewis that weren with hir in the hous, and coumfortiden hir, whanne thei sayn Marie, that sche roos swithe, and wente out, thei sueden hir, and seiden, For sche goith to the graue, to wepe there.
Kad Židovi, koji su s Marijom bili u kući i tješili je, vidješe kako je brzo ustala i izišla, pođoše za njom; mišljahu da ide na grob plakati.
32 But whanne Marie was comun where Jhesus was, sche seynge hym felde doun to his feet, and seide to hym, Lord, if thou haddist be here, my brother hadde not be deed.
A kad Marija dođe onamo gdje bijaše Isus i kad ga ugleda, baci mu se k nogama govoreći: “Gospodine, da si bio ovjde, brat moj ne bi umro.”
33 And therfor whanne Jhesu saiy hir wepyng, and the Jewis wepynge that weren with hir, he `made noise in spirit, and troblide hym silf,
Kad Isus vidje kako plače ona i Židovi koji je dopratiše, potresen u duhu i uzbuđen
34 and seide, Where han ye leid hym? Thei seien to hym, Lord, come, and se.
upita: “Kamo ste ga položili?” Odgovoriše mu: “Gospodine, dođi i pogledaj!”
35 And Jhesus wepte. Therfor the Jewis seiden,
I zaplaka Isus.
36 Lo! hou he louede hym.
Nato su Židovi govorili: “Gle, kako ga je ljubio!”
37 And summe of hem seiden, Whethir this man that openyde the iyen of the borun blynde man, myyte not make that this schulde not die?
A neki između njih rekoše: “Zar on, koji je slijepcu otvorio oči, nije mogao učiniti da ovaj ne umre?”
38 Therfor Jhesus eft makynge noise in hym silf, cam to the graue. And there was a denne, and a stoon was leid theronne.
Isus onda, ponovno potresen, pođe grobu. Bila je to pećina, a na nju navaljen kamen.
39 And Jhesus seith, Take ye awey the stoon. Martha, the sistir of hym that was deed, seith to hym, Lord, he stynkith now, for he hath leye foure daies.
Isus zapovjedi: “Odvalite kamen!” Kaže mu pokojnikova sestra Marta: “Gospodine, već zaudara. Ta četvrti je dan.”
40 Jhesus seith to hir, Haue Y not seid to thee, that if thou bileuest, thou schalt se the glorie of God?
Kaže joj Isus: “Nisam li ti rekao: budeš li vjerovala, vidjet ćeš slavu Božju?”
41 Therfor thei token awei the stoon. And Jhesus lifte vp hise iyen, and seide, Fadir, Y do thankyngis to thee, for thou hast herd me; and Y wiste,
Odvališe dakle kamen. A Isus podiže oči i reče: “Oče, hvala ti što si me uslišao.
42 that thou euermore herist me, but for the puple that stondith aboute, Y seide, that thei bileue, that thou hast sent me.
Ja sam znao da me svagda uslišavaš; no rekoh to zbog nazočnog mnoštva: da vjeruju da si me ti poslao.”
43 Whanne he hadde seid these thingis, he criede with a greet vois, Lazarus, come thou forth.
Rekavši to povika iza glasa: “Lazare, izlazi!”
44 And anoon he that was deed, cam out, boundun the hondis and feet with boondis, and his face boundun with a sudarie. And Jhesus seith to hem, Vnbynde ye hym, and suffre ye hym to go forth.
I mrtvac iziđe, noge mu i ruke bile povezane povojima, a lice omotano ručnikom. Nato Isus reče: “Odriješite ga i pustite neka ide!”
45 Therfor many of the Jewis that camen to Marie and Martha, and seyn what thingis Jhesus dide, bileueden in hym.
Tada mnogi Židovi koji bijahu došli k Mariji, kad vidješe što Isus učini, povjerovaše u nj.
46 But summe of hem wente to the Farisees, and seiden to hem, what thingis Jhesus `hadde don.
A neki od njih odu farizejima i pripovjede im što Isus učini.
47 Therfor the bischopis and the Farisees gadriden a counsel ayens Jhesu, and seiden, What do we? for this man doith many myraclis.
Stoga glavari svećenički i farizeji sazvaše Vijeće. Govorili su: “Što da radimo? Ovaj čovjek čini mnoga znamenja.
48 If we leeue hym thus, alle men schulen bileue in hym; and Romayns schulen come, and schulen take our place and oure folk.
Ako ga pustimo tako, svi će povjerovati u nj pa će doći Rimljani i oduzeti nam ovo mjesto i narod!”
49 But oon of hem, Cayfas bi name, whanne he was bischop of that yeer, seide to hem,
A jedan od njih - Kajfa, veliki svećenik one godine - reče im: “Vi ništa ne znate.
50 Ye witen nothing, ne thenken, that it spedith to you, that o man die for the puple, and that al the folc perische not.
I ne mislite kako je za vas bolje da jedan čovjek umre za narod, nego da sav narod propadne!”
51 But he seide not this thing of hym silf, but whanne he was bischop of that yeer, he prophesiede, that Jhesu was to die for the folc,
To ne reče sam od sebe, nego kao veliki svećenik one godine prorokova da Isus ima umrijeti za narod;
52 and not oneli for the folc, but that he schulde gadere in to oon the sones of God that weren scaterid.
ali ne samo za narod nego i zato da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno.
53 Therfor fro that day thei souyten for to sle hym.
Toga dana dakle odluče da ga ubiju.
54 Therfor Jhesus walkide not thanne opynli among the Jewis; but he wente in to a cuntre bisidis desert, in to a citee, that is seid Effren, and there he dwellide with hise disciplis.
Zbog toga se Isus više nije javno kretao među Židovima, nego je odatle otišao u kraj blizu pustinje, u grad koji se zove Efrajim. Tu se zadržavao s učenicima.
55 And the pask of the Jewis was niy, and many of the cuntrey wenten vp to Jerusalem bifor the pask, to halewe hem silf.
Bijaše blizu židovska Pasha i mnogi iz toga kraja uziđoše prije Pashe u Jeruzalem da se očiste.
56 Therfor thei souyten Jhesu, and spaken togidere, stondynge in the temple, What gessen ye, for he cometh not to the feeste day?
Iskahu dakle Isusa te se stojeći u Hramu zapitkivahu: “Što vam se čini? Zar on ne kani doći na Blagdan?”
57 For the bischopis and Farisees hadden youun a maundement, that if ony man knowe where he is, that he schewe, that thei take hym.
A glavari svećenički i farizeji izdadoše naredbu: ako tko sazna gdje je, neka dojavi da ga uhvate.

< John 11 >