< John 10 >

1 Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, he that cometh not in by the dore in to the foold of scheep, but stieth bi another weie, is a nyyt theef and a dai theef.
“Zaista, zaista, kažem vam: tko god u ovčinjak ne ulazi na vrata, nego negdje drugdje preskače, kradljivac je i razbojnik.
2 But he that entrith bi the dore, is the scheepherde of the scheep.
A tko na vrata ulazi, pastir je ovaca.
3 To this the porter openeth, and the scheep heren his vois, and he clepith his owne scheep bi name, and ledith hem out.
Tome vratar otvara i ovce slušaju njegov glas. On ovce svoje zove imenom pa ih izvodi.
4 And whanne he hath don out his owne scheep, he goith bifor hem, and the scheep suen hym; for thei knowun his vois.
A kad sve svoje izvede, pred njima ide i ovce idu za njim jer poznaju njegov glas.
5 But thei suen not an alien, but fleen from hym; for thei han not knowun the vois of aliens.
Za tuđincem, dakako, ne idu, već bježe od njega jer tuđinčeva glasa ne poznaju.”
6 Jhesus seide to hem this prouerbe; but thei knewen not what he spak to hem.
Isus im kaza tu poredbu, ali oni ne razumješe što im htjede time kazati.
7 Therfor Jhesus seide to hem eftsoone, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to you, that Y am the dore of the scheep.
Stoga im Isus ponovno reče: “Zaista, zaista, kažem vam: ja sam vrata ovcama.
8 As many as han come, weren nyyt theues and day theues, but the scheep herden not hem.
Svi koji dođoše prije mene, kradljivci su i razbojnici; ali ih ovce ne poslušaše.
9 Y am the dore. If ony man schal entre bi me, he schal be sauyd; and he schal go ynne, and schal go out, and he schal fynde lesewis.
Ja sam vrata. Kroza me tko uđe, spasit će se: i ulazit će i izlaziti i pašu nalaziti.
10 A nyyt theef cometh not, but that he stele, sle, and leese; and Y cam, that thei han lijf, and haue more plenteousli.
Kradljivac dolazi samo da ukrade, zakolje i pogubi. Ja dođoh da život imaju, u izobilju da ga imaju.”
11 I am a good scheepherde; a good scheepherde yyueth his lijf for hise scheep.
“Ja sam pastir dobri. Pastir dobri život svoj polaže za ovce.
12 But an hirid hyne, and that is not the scheepherde, whos ben not the scheep his owne, seeth a wolf comynge, and he leeueth the scheep, and fleeth; and the wolf rauyschith, and disparplith the scheep.
Najamnik - koji nije pastir i nije vlasnik ovaca - kad vidi vuka gdje dolazi, ostavlja ovce i bježi, a vuk ih grabi i razgoni:
13 And the hirid hyne fleeth, for he is an hirid hyne, and it parteyneth not to hym of the scheep.
najamnik je i nije mu do ovaca.
14 Y am a good scheepherde, and Y knowe my scheep, and my scheep knowen me.
Ja sam pastir dobri i poznajem svoje i mene poznaju moje,
15 As the fadir hath knowun me, Y knowe the fadir; and Y putte my lijf for my scheep.
kao što mene poznaje Otac i ja poznajem Oca i život svoj polažem za ovce.
16 Y haue othere scheep, that ben not of this foolde, and it bihoueth me to brynge hem togidir, and thei schulen here my vois; and it schal be maad o foolde and o scheepherde.
Imam i drugih ovaca, koje nisu iz ovog ovčinjaka. I njih treba da dovedem i glas će moj čuti i bit će jedno stado, jedan pastir.
17 Therfor the fadir loueth me, for Y putte my lijf, that eftsoone Y take it.
Zbog toga me i ljubi Otac što polažem život svoj da ga opet uzmem.
18 No man takith it fro me, but Y putte it of my silf. Y haue power to putte it, and Y haue power to take it ayen. This maundement Y haue takun of my fadir.
Nitko mi ga ne oduzima, nego ja ga sam od sebe polažem. Vlast imam položiti ga, vlast imam opet uzeti ga. Tu zapovijed primih od Oca svoga.”
19 Eft dissencioun was maad among the Jewis for these wordis.
Među Židovima ponovno nasta podvojenost zbog tih riječi.
20 And many of hem seiden, He hath a deuel, and maddith; what heren ye hym?
Mnogi su od njih govorili: “Zloduha ima pa mahnita! Što ga slušate?”
21 Othere men seiden, These wordis ben not of a man that hath a feend. Whether the deuel may opene the iyen of blynde men?
Drugi su govorili: “Nisu to riječi opsjednuta. Zar zloduh može slijepima oči otvoriti?”
22 But the feestis of halewyng of the temple weren maad in Jerusalem, and it was wyntir.
Svetkovao se tada u Jeruzalemu Blagdan posvećenja. Bila je zima.
23 And Jhesus walkide in the temple, in the porche of Salomon.
Isus je obilazio Hramom po trijemu Salomonovu.
24 Therfor the Jewis camen aboute hym, and seiden to hym, Hou long takist thou awei oure soule? if thou art Crist, seie thou to vs opynli.
Okružili ga Židovi i govorili mu: “Dokle ćeš nam dušu držati u neizvjesnosti? Ako si ti Krist, reci nam otvoreno!”
25 Jhesus answerde to hem, Y speke to you, and ye bileuen not; the werkis that Y do in the name of my fadir, beren witnessyng of me.
Isus im odgovori: “Rekoh vam pa ne vjerujete. Djela što ih ja činim u ime Oca svoga - ona svjedoče za mene.
26 But ye bileuen not, for ye ben not of my scheep.
Ali vi ne vjerujete jer niste od mojih ovaca.
27 My scheep heren my vois, and Y knowe hem, and thei suen me.
Ovce moje slušaju glas moj; ja ih poznajem i one idu za mnom.
28 And Y yyue to hem euerelastynge lijf, and thei schulen not perische with outen ende, and noon schal rauysche hem fro myn hoond. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Ja im dajem život vječni te neće propasti nikada i nitko ih neće ugrabiti iz moje ruke. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 That thing that my fadir yaf to me, is more than alle thingis; and no man may rauysche fro my fadris hoond.
Otac moj, koji mi ih dade, veći je od svih i nitko ih ne može ugrabiti iz ruke Očeve.
30 Y and the fadir ben oon.
Ja i Otac jedno smo.”
31 The Jewis token vp stoonys, to stoone hym.
Židovi ponovno pograbiše kamenje da ga kamenuju.
32 Jhesus answerde to hem, Y haue schewide to you many good werkis of my fadir, for which werk of hem stonen ye me?
Isus im odgovori: “Mnoga vam dobra djela Očeva pokazah. Za koje me od tih djela kamenujete?”
33 The Jewis answerden to hym, We stoonen thee not of good werk, but of blasfemye, and for thou, sithen thou art a man, makist thi silf God.
Odgovoriše mu Židovi: “Zbog dobra te djela ne kamenujemo, nego zbog hule: što ti - čovjek - sebe Bogom praviš.”
34 Jhesus answerde to hem, Whether it is not writun in youre lawe, That Y seide, Ye ben goddis?
Odgovori im Isus: “Nije li pisano u vašem Zakonu: Ja rekoh: bogovi ste!
35 Yf he seide that thei weren goddis, to whiche the word of God was maad, and scripture may not be vndon,
Ako bogovima nazva one kojima je riječ Božja upravljena - a Pismo se ne može dokinuti -
36 thilke that the fadir hath halewid, and hath sent in to the world, ye seien, That `thou blasfemest, for Y seide, Y am Goddis sone?
kako onda vi onome kog Otac posveti i posla na svijet možete reći: 'Huliš!' - zbog toga što rekoh: 'Sin sam Božji!'
37 Yf Y do not the werkis of my fadir, nyle ye bileue to me;
Ako ne činim djela Oca svoga, nemojte mi vjerovati.
38 but if Y do, thouy ye wolen not bileue to me, bileue ye to the werkis; that ye knowe and bileue, that the fadir is in me, and Y in the fadir.
Ali ako činim, sve ako meni i ne vjerujete, djelima vjerujte pa uvidite i upoznajte da je Otac u meni i ja u Ocu.”
39 Therfor thei souyten to take hym, and he wente out of her hondis.
Nato ga ponovno nastojahu uhvatiti, ali im on izmaknu iz ruku.
40 And he wente eftsoone ouer Jordan, in to that place where Joon was firste baptisynge, and he dwelte there.
I ode ponovno na onu stranu Jordana - na mjesto gdje je prije Ivan krstio. I osta ondje.
41 And manye camen to hym, and seiden, For Joon dide no myracle;
A mnogi dođoše k njemu i rekoše mu: “Ivan doduše ne učini nijednog znamenja, ali se sve obistinilo što je rekao o ovome.”
42 and alle thingis what euer Joon seide of this, weren sothe. And many bileueden in hym.
Mnogi ondje povjerovaše u njega.

< John 10 >