< James 2 >

1 Mi britheren, nyle ye haue the feith of oure Lord Jhesu Crist of glorie, in accepcioun of persoones.
Toronoo nggare! Saa de mae hei mimihere neu Yesus Kristus, hita malangga manaselin naa, te hei feꞌe mete mataꞌ? Afiꞌ taꞌo naa!
2 For if a man `that hath a goldun ring, and in a feire clothing, cometh in youre cumpany, and a pore man entrith in a foul clothing,
Onaꞌ hambu atahori rua risiꞌ hei ume hule-oꞌe ma. Esa pake bꞌua makahahadꞌoꞌ ma ndeli liloꞌ sofe liman. Esa fai pake bꞌua manggenggeoꞌ.
3 and if ye biholden in to hym that is clothid with clere clothing, and if ye seie to hym, Sitte thou here wel; but to the pore man ye seien, Stonde thou there, ethir sitte vndur the stool of my feet; whether ye demen not anentis you silf,
De hei mutumue simbo atahori mana pake bꞌua makahahadꞌoꞌ a, ma fee ne mamana maloleꞌ sia mataꞌ, te mana pake bꞌua manggenggeoꞌ a, hei denu e mae, “Mumburiꞌ sia deaꞌ naa! Hokoꞌ na endoꞌ muꞌ a raeꞌ a!”.
4 and ben maad domesmen of wickid thouytis?
Mete ma hei mete mataꞌ taꞌo naa, hei onaꞌ mana nggero dedꞌeat nda tungga ndoon sa. Hambu dudꞌuꞌa deꞌulakaꞌ nauli nggi taꞌo naa.
5 Heere ye, my moost dereworthe britheren, whethir God chees not pore men in this world, riche in feith, and eiris of the kyngdom, that God bihiyte to men that louen him?
Toronoo susue nggare! Lamatualain pili nala atahori mana tudꞌa-loloeꞌ sia raefafoꞌ ia, fo ramahere tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ neu E, naa onaꞌ suꞌit sia rala nara. Ana o pili nala se fo dadꞌi Eni rau-inggun boe. Ana helu-fuli basa naa fee neu atahori mana sue Eni.
6 But ye han dispisid the pore man. Whether riche men oppressen not you bi power, and thei drawen you to domes?
No mete mataꞌ taꞌo naa, hei miloe-midꞌae atahori mana tudꞌa-loloeꞌ ra. Tao-tao te ara nda tao deꞌulaka saa neu nggi sa boe. Liliiꞌ, do? Atahori mamasuꞌi ra mana tuni-ndeni nggi. Ara o soaꞌ a rapepenggo, lea-nore nggi misiꞌ mamana nggero-furiꞌ a. Ara soa mina-maꞌen, ma hei hambu seen.
7 Whether thei blasfemen not the good name, that is clepid to help on you?
Hei ia ra, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus atahori nara. Te atahori mamasuꞌiꞌ ra akaꞌ olaꞌ ralutu Lamatuaꞌ Yesus nara malolen! Saa de ama akaꞌ sangga ralaꞌ mo se?
8 Netheles if ye performen the kingis lawe, bi scripturis, Thou schalt loue thi neiybour as thi silf, ye don wel.
Malole lenaꞌ, ama tao tungga Lamatuaꞌ hohoro-lalanen esa meulaun lenaꞌ oi, “musi sue atahori laen onaꞌ aom.” Hohoro-lalaneꞌ naa nenesuraꞌ sia Lamatualain Susura Meumaren.
9 But if ye taken persones, ye worchen synne, and ben repreued of the lawe, as trespasseris.
Te mete ma hei akaꞌ mete mataꞌ ma haꞌi ralaꞌ mo atahori mamasuꞌiꞌ a, hei milena-langga Lamatuaꞌ hohoro-lalanen ena. Tungga Lamatuaꞌ hohoro-lalanen, na, hei sala ena.
10 And who euere kepith al the lawe, but offendith in oon, he is maad gilti of alle.
Mete ma atahori tao tungga basa Lamatuaꞌ hohoro-lalanen, te ana nalena-langga akaꞌ atoran esa o, naa onaꞌ ana nalena-langga basa se.
11 For he that seide, Thou schalt do no letcherie, seide also, Thou schalt not sle; that if thou doist not letcherie, but thou sleest, thou art maad trespassour of the lawe.
Lamatuaꞌ fee basa atoran nae, “Afiꞌ hohongge.” Ana o fee atoran laen nae, “Afiꞌ tao misa atahori.” Dadꞌi mete ma hei nda hohongge sa, te tao misa atahori, naa onaꞌ hei milena-langga basa Lamatualain hohoro-lalanen ena.
12 Thus speke ye, and thus do ye, as bigynnynge to be demyd bi the lawe of fredom.
De mete ma hei mae olaꞌ do tao dalaꞌ sa, hei musi misinedꞌa taꞌo ia: dei fo Lamatualain mana naꞌetuꞌ nae hita tao tungga Eni atoran na fo sue atahori do hokoꞌ. Atoran naa, mana mboꞌi hendi nggita mia Lamatuaꞌ huku-dꞌokin.
13 For whi dom with out merci is to hym, that doith no mercy; but merci aboue reisith dom.
Lamatuaꞌ nda kasian atahori mana nda kasian atahori laen sa. Te mete ma hei miꞌena kasian mbali atahori laen, na, Lamatuaꞌ o naꞌena kasian neu nggi boe. Afi mimitau simbo Lamatuaꞌ huku-dꞌokin, Huu Ana ito-reken basa naa ra ena.
14 Mi britheren, what schal it profite, if ony man seie that he hath feith, but he hath not the werkis? whether feith schal mowe saue hym?
Toronoo nggare! Mete ma atahori sa nae eni namahere Lamatuaꞌ, te nda tao saa-saa natudꞌu nemeheren sa, na, nda ngguna saa sa boe. Nemehereꞌ mataꞌ naa nda fee ne masodꞌaꞌ sa.
15 And if a brother ethir sister be nakid, and han nede of ech daies lyuelode,
Onaꞌ hambu aꞌa touꞌ do aꞌa inaꞌ sa toꞌa saa esa tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ, onaꞌ nda ma bꞌua-bꞌaꞌuꞌ sa, do nda naꞌena nanat fai-fai esa sa.
16 and if ony of you seie to hem, Go ye in pees, be ye maad hoot, and be ye fillid; but if ye yyuen not to hem tho thingis that ben necessarie to bodi, what schal it profite?
Mete ma hei mifadꞌeꞌ maeꞌ a, “mumuhena Lamatuaꞌ fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu nggo”! Afiꞌ mumuhedꞌi, ma afi mate-ndoes, e!” Olaꞌ taꞌo naa nggunan sa, mete ma hei nda tao saa-saa fo tulun neu se sa?
17 So also feith, if it hath not werkis, is deed in it silf.
Dadꞌi mumuhereꞌ a na, nda feꞌe dai sa! Mete ma nemehere, te nda tao tungga nemehereꞌ naa sa, naa nda naran ‘nemehere’ sa. Nemehereꞌ naa mate ena, huu nda naꞌena ngguna saa sa boe.
18 But summan schal seie, Thou hast feith, and Y haue werkis; schewe thou to me thi feith with out werkis, and Y schal schewe to thee my feith of werkis.
Hambu atahori rareresi rae, “Atahori mamahereꞌ ruma ramahere rae sia hambu masodꞌaꞌ huu nemehere nara neu Lamatua, te ruma ramahere rae sira hambu masodꞌaꞌ huu sira tatao malolen.” Te dꞌalan taꞌo ia: bukti mia nemeherem na, naeni tatao malole mara. Mete ma nda tao dꞌala maloleꞌ ra sa, au nda ita bukti mia nemeherem sa. Au bisa utudꞌu nemehere ngga, no dꞌala maloleꞌ fo au taoꞌ ra.
19 Thou bileuest, that o God is; thou doist wel; and deuelis bileuen, and tremblen.
Tungga nenoriꞌ mana nae, “Lamatualain naa, mesaꞌ ne, nda hambu laen sa.” Naa, malole boe! Te nitu ra rahine lena nggo, huu ara o ramehere taꞌo naa boe, losa ara nggenggeꞌer ramatau, te huu nemehere nara nda nendi fee se masodꞌaꞌ sa. Dadꞌi afiꞌ duꞌa mae, muhine mendiꞌ a utam na dai ena. Hokoꞌ! Nggoaꞌ ee! Matetun, nemehereꞌ mana nda naꞌena bukti sa, nda ma ngguna saa sa boe.
20 But wolt thou wite, thou veyn man, that feith with out werkis is idul?
21 Whether Abraham, oure fadir, was not iustified of werkis, offringe Ysaac, his sone, on the auter?
Hai conto mia baꞌi Abraham. Leleꞌ naa, ana tao tungga saa fo Lamatuaꞌ parenda neu e, de nendi anan Isak fo ndae neu mei tutunu-hohotuꞌ ata. Huu naa, Lamatualain nae “Abraham tao ndaa ena.”
22 Therfor thou seest, that feith wrouyte with hise werkis, and his feith was fillid of werkis.
Abraham namahere neu Lamatuaꞌ, losa ana simbo fo tao tungga Lamatuaꞌ parendan. Dadꞌi tahine tae, ana namahere teme-ao neu Lamatuaꞌ, huu ana tao tungga parendaꞌ naa.
23 And the scripture was fillid, seiynge, Abraham bileuede to God, and it was arettid to hym to riytwisnesse, and he was clepid the freend of God.
Dadꞌi basa ia ra dadꞌi onaꞌ saa manasuraꞌ sia susura meumareꞌ oi, “Abraham namahere neu Lamatuaꞌ, ma Lamatuaꞌ simbo nala e dadꞌi atahori rala ndoos.” Ma nenesuraꞌ boe oi, Abraham naa, Lamatuaꞌ nonoon.”
24 Ye seen that a man is iustified of werkis, and not of feith oneli.
Mihine ena, to! Hita tahine tae, Lamatualain simbo atahori, mete ma ana namahere neu Lamatualain ma hiiꞌ a tao dꞌala maloleꞌ ra boe. Akaꞌ nemehereꞌ a, naa nda feꞌe dai sa.
25 In lijk maner, and whether also Raab, the hoore, was not iustified of werkis, and resseyuede the messangeris, and sente hem out bi anothir weie?
Nekendandaaꞌ esa fai mia ina Rahab. Inaꞌ naa langga fatu eniꞌ a maꞌahulun. Leleꞌ atahori Jeriko ra sangga rae risa atahori Israꞌel mana maku-maꞌu nara, Rahab neu naꞌakekekeꞌ se. Ana denu se rela tungga dalaꞌ laen, fo atahori ra nda humu rala se sa. De Lamatuaꞌ simbo nala e dadꞌi ina rala ndoos, huu tatao malolen.
26 For as the bodi with out spirit is deed, so also feith with out werkis is deed.
Nemehereꞌ mana nda naꞌena bukti sa, ona ao-sisiꞌ nda naꞌena ani-hahaeꞌ sa, naa mates ena. Onaꞌ naa boe, mete ma atahori sa namahere Lamatuaꞌ, te nda tao dꞌala maloleꞌ sa, naa ombo-koson! Naa nda nemehereꞌ matetuꞌ sa.

< James 2 >