< Ezekiel 17 >

1 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
Shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
2 and he seide, Sone of man, sette forth a derk speche, and telle thou a parable to the hous of Israel;
“Mwanakomana womunhu, misa chinofananidzira utaurire imba yaIsraeri mufananidzo.
3 and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis. A greet egle of grete wyngis, with long stretchyng out of membris, ful of fetheris and of dyuersite, cam to the Liban, and took awei the merowe of the cedre.
Uti kwavari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Gondo guru rina mapapiro ane simba, rina manhenga marefu uye rizere namambava ana mavara mavara rakasvika kuRebhanoni. Rakabata musoro womusidhari,
4 He pullide awei the hiynesse of boowis therof, and bar it ouer in to the lond of Chanaan, and settide it in the citee of marchauntis.
rikagura davi rokumusoro-soro rikaenda naro kure kunyika yavashambadziri, rikandorisima muguta ravatengesi.
5 And he took of the seed of the lond, and settide it in the lond for seed, that it schulde make stidfast roote on many watris; he settide it in the hiyere part.
“‘Rakatora dzimwe mbeu dzenyika yenyu rikadzikavira muvhu rakaorera. Rakadzisima somuti womukonachando parutivi rwemvura zhinji,
6 And whanne it hadde growe, it encreesside in to a largere vyner, in lowe stature; for the boowis therof bihelden to that egle, and the rootis therof weren vndur that egle; therof it was maad a vyner, and it made fruyt in to siouns, and sente out boowis.
ikatungira ikava muzambiringa mupfupi unotandira. Matavi awo akadzoka akananga kwariri, asi midzi yawo yakaramba iri pasi pawo. Saka wakabva wava muzambiringa ukabudisa matavi uye ukatungira mashizha pamatavi.
7 And another greet egle was maad, with grete wyngis, and many fetheris; and lo! this vyner as sendynge hise rootis to that egle, stretchide forth his siouns to that egle, that he schulde moiste it of the cornfloris of his seed.
“‘Asi kwakanga kune rimwe gondo guru rakanga rina mapapiro ane simba guru uye rizere namambava. Zvino muzambiringa wakatandavadza midzi yawo yakananga kwariri kubva pamunda pawakanga wasimwa ukatambanudza matavi awo kwariri kuti uwane mvura.
8 Which is plauntid in a good lond on many watris, that it make boowis, and bere fruyt, that it be in to a greet vyner.
Wakanga wasimwa pavhu rakaorera pedyo nemvura zhinji kuti ubudise matavi, ubereke michero, ugova muzambiringa unoyevedza.’
9 Seie thou, Ezechiel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Therfor whether he schal haue prosperite? Whether Nabugodonosor schal not pulle awei the rootis of hym, and schal streyne the fruytis of hym? And he schal make drie alle the siouns of buriowning therof, and it schal be drie; and not in greet arm, nether in myche puple, that he schulde drawe it out bi the rootis.
“Uti kwavari, ‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Muti uyu uchakura here? Hauchazodzurwi ukadimurirwa muchero wawo kuti uome here? Mashizha awo matsva ose achangobukira achaoma. Hakuzombotsvakwi ruoko rune simba kana vanhu vazhinji kuti udzurwe nemidzi yawo.
10 Lo! it is plauntid, therfor whether it schal haue prosperite? Whether not whanne brennynge wynd schal touche it, it schal be maad drye, and schal wexe drie in the cornfloris of his seed?
Kunyange dai ukasimwazve, uchararama here? Haungazoomi chose here kana mhepo yokumabvazuva ikaurova, ukaoma mumunda mawakamera?’”
11 And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide, Seie thou to the hous terrynge to wraththe,
Ipapo shoko raJehovha rakasvika kwandiri richiti,
12 Witen ye not what these thingis signefien? Seie thou, Lo! the king of Babiloyne cometh in to Jerusalem; and he schal take the kyng and the princis therof, and he schal leede hem to hym silf in to Babiloyne.
“Uti kuimba iyi inondimukira, ‘Hamuzivi here kuti zvinhu izvi zvinorevei?’ Uti kwavari, ‘Mambo weBhabhironi akaenda kuJerusarema akandotorako mambo waro namakurukota aro, akadzokera navo kuBhabhironi.
13 And he schal take of the seed of the rewme, and schal smyte with it a boond of pees, and he schal take of it an ooth; but also he schal take awei the stronge men of the lond,
Ipapo akatora mumwe weimba youmambo ndokuita chibvumirano naye, akamuisa pasi pemhiko. Akatorawo varume vaitungamirira nyika iyo,
14 that it be a meke rewme, and be not reisid, but that it kepe the couenaunt of hym, and holde it.
kuitira kuti umambo huderere, husingazogoni kumukazve, huchingovapo chete nokuchengeta chibvumirano chake.
15 Which yede awei fro hym, and sente messangeris in to Egipt, that it schulde yyue to hym horsis and miche puple. Whether he that dide these thingis, schal haue prosperite, ether schal gete helthe? and whether he that brekith couenaunt, schal ascape?
Asi mambo akamupandukira nokutuma nhume dzake kuIjipiti kundotorako mabhiza nehondo huru. Achabudirira here? Ko, iye anoita zvinhu zvakadaro angapunyuka here? Achaputsa chibvumirano akazopunyuka here?
16 Y lyue, seith the Lord God, for in the place of the king that made hym kyng, whos ooth he made voide, and brak the couenaunt, which he hadde with hym, in the myddis of Babiloyne he schal die.
“‘Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, iye achafira muBhabhironi, munyika yamambo akamugadza pachigaro choushe, ane mhiko yaakazvidza uye ane chibvumirano chaakaputsa.
17 And not in greet oost, nether in myche puple Farao schal make batel ayens hym, in the castyng of erthe, and in bildyng of palis, that he sle many persones.
Faro nehondo yake ine simba neboka rake guru hazvingazombomubatsiri muhondo, kana vakavaka mirwi kana nhare dzokuparadza vanhu vazhinji.
18 For he dispiside the ooth, that he schulde breke the boond of pees, and lo! he yaf his hond; and whanne he hath do alle these thingis, he schal not ascape.
Akashora mhiko nokuputsa kwaakaita sungano. Nokuti akanga aisa ruoko rwake pakupika uku ndokuzoita zvinhu zvose izvi, haangapunyuki.
19 Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Y lyue, for Y schal sette on his heed the ooth which he dispiside, and the boond of pees which he brak.
“‘Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Zvirokwazvo noupenyu hwangu, ndichauyisa pamusoro pake mhiko yangu yaakazvidza uye nesungano yangu yaakaputsa.
20 And Y schal spredde abrood my net on hym, and he schal be takun in my net, and Y schal brynge hym in to Babiloyne; and there Y schal deme hym in the trespassyng, bi which he dispiside me.
Ndichamuteya nomumbure wangu, uye achabatwa nomusungo wangu. Ndichamuuyisa kuBhabhironi ndigomutongerako nokuti akanga asina kutendeka kwandiri.
21 And alle hise flieris a wei with al his cumpenye schulen falle doun bi swerd, forsothe the remenauntis schulen be schaterid in to ech wynd; and ye schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak.
Mauto ake ose anotiza achaurayiwa nomunondo, uye vakasara vavo vachaparadzirwa kunobva mhepo dzose. Ipapo uchaziva kuti ndini Jehovha ndazvitaura.
22 The Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal take of the merowe of an hiy cedre, and Y schal sette a tendir thing of the cop of hise braunchis; Y schal streyne, and Y schal plaunte on an hiy hil, and apperynge fer.
“‘Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Ini iyeni ndichatora bukira rinobva pamusoro chaipo pomusidhari ndigorisima; ndichavhuna davi nyoro kubva pabukira rapamusoro-soro ndigorisima pamusoro pegomo refu rakakwirira.
23 In the hiy hil of Israel Y schal plaunte it; and it schal breke out in to buriownyng, and it schal make fruyt, and it schal be in to a greet cedre, and alle briddis schulen dwelle vndur it; ech volatil schal make nest vndur the schadewe of hise boowis.
Pamusoro-soro pamakomo eIsraeri ndipo pandicharisima; richabudisa matavi rigobereka muchero rigova musidhari unoyevedza. Shiri dzemhando dzose dzicharukira matendere adzo pauri; dzichawana ugaro pamumvuri wamatavi awo.
24 And alle trees of the cuntrei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord; Y made low the hiy tre, and Y enhaunside the low tre, and Y made drie the greene tree, and Y made the drie tree to brynge forth boowis; Y the Lord haue spoke, and Y haue do.
Miti yose yomusango ichaziva kuti ini Jehovha ndinodzikisa miti yakareba uye ndinoita kuti miti mipfupi irebe. Ndinoomesa muti munyoro uye ndinoita kuti muti wakaoma ukure. “‘Ini Jehovha ndazvitaura, uye ndichazviita.’”

< Ezekiel 17 >