< Colossians 1 >

1 Poul, apostle of `Crist Jhesu, bi the wille of God,
An Paulo, ma jaote mar Kristo Yesu kuom dwaro mar Nyasaye kaachiel gi Timotheo owadwa,
2 and Tymothe, brother, to hem that ben at Colose, hooli and feithful britheren in Crist Jhesu,
Andikonu kuom Kristo un owetewa maler kendo ma jo-adiera man Kolosai: Ngʼwono gi kwe moa kuom Nyasaye Wuonwa obed kodu.
3 grace and pees to you of God oure fadir and of the Lord Jhesu Crist. We don thankyngis to God, and to the fader of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, euermore preiynge for you, herynge youre feith in Crist Jhesu,
Pile ka walemonu to wadwoko erokamano ni Nyasaye ma en Wuon Ruodhwa Yesu Kristo,
4 and the loue that ye han to alle hooli men,
watimo kamano nikech wasewinjo yie ma un-go kuom Kristo Yesu, kendo hera ma uherogo joma oyie duto,
5 for the hope that is kept to you in heuenes. Which ye herden in the word of treuthe of the gospel,
Yieuni kod herau owuok kuom gima ugeno yudo mokannu maber e polo. Ma en e Injili mane obironu mokwongo ma uwinjo kendo urwako, en e wach geno mane akelo.
6 that cam to you, as also it is in al the world, and makith fruyt, and wexith, as in you, fro that dai in which ye herden and knewen the grace of God in treuthe.
E piny duto Injilini koro nyago olemo kendo landore, mana kaka osetimo e dieru nyaka chakre odiechiengʼ ma nuwinjoe kendo ungʼeyo ngʼwono mar Nyasaye e adierane duto.
7 As ye lerneden of Epafras, oure felawe most dereworthe, which is a trewe mynystre of Jhesu Crist for you;
Ne upuonjoru wachni kuom owadwa mwageno Epafra ma en misumba Kristo, kendo ma jatich Kristo ma ja-adiera matiyonu karwa.
8 which also schewide to vs youre louyng in spirit.
Epafra bende nonyisowa kuom hera ma Roho Maler osemiyou.
9 Therfor we fro the dai in which we herden, ceessen not to preye for you, and to axe, that ye be fillid with the knowing of his wille in al wisdom and goostli vndurstondyng;
Kuom mano, chakre odiechiengʼ mane wawinjo kuomu pok waweyo ma ok walamonu ka wakwayo Nyasaye mondo opongʼu gi ngʼeyo dwarone, ka un gi rieko duto mar chuny kod winjo ma Roho Maler chiwo.
10 that ye walke worthili to God plesynge bi alle thingis, and make fruyt in al good werk, and wexe in the science of God,
Bende walamo kamano mondo udag e ngima ma Ruoth morgo, ka umiye mor e yore duto, kendo unyago olemo mag timbe mabeyo bende ka umedo bedo gi ngʼeyo Nyasaye.
11 and ben coumfortid in al vertu bi the miyt of his clerenesse, in al pacience and long abiding with ioye,
Tekone maduongʼ biro miyo ubed motegno, mondo ubed joma odhil matimo kinda e yore duto, kendo
12 that ye do thankyngis to God and to the fadir, which made you worthi in to the part of eritage of hooli men in liyt.
magoyo erokamano ni Wuoro ka un gi mor. En ema osewalou tenge mondo uyud gweth mag jomaler e pinyruodh ler.
13 Which delyueride vs fro the power of derknessis, and translatide in to the kyngdom of the sone of his louyng,
Nikech oseresowa waa e loch mar mudho mi okelowa e pinyruoth mar Wuode mohero,
14 in whom we han ayenbiyng and remyssioun of synnes.
Ne owarowa koweyonwa richowa.
15 Which is the ymage of God vnuysible, the first bigetun of ech creature.
Kristo e kido mineno mar Nyasaye ma ok ne, kendo en e wuowi makayo mar Nyasaye man-gi duongʼ kuom chwech duto.
16 For in hym alle thingis ben maad, in heuenes and in erthe, visible and vnuysible, ether trones, ether dominaciouns, ether princehodes, ethir poweris, alle thingis ben maad of nouyt bi hym, and in hym,
Kuome gik moko duto nochwe; gik manie polo gi manie piny; gik mineno kod gik ma ok ne; kata bed ni gin duongʼ kata teko, kata ruodhi, kata loch. Mago duto Nyasaye nochweyo kuom Kristo kendo nochweyogi ni Kristo.
17 and he is bifor alle, and alle thingis ben in hym.
Ne entie kapok gimoro amora nobetie, kendo kuome ema gik moko duto oriwore.
18 And he is heed of the bodi of the chirche; which is the bigynnyng and the firste bigetun of deede men, that he holde the firste dignyte in alle thingis.
En ewi ringruok, ma en kanisa, kendo en ema nokwongo chier koa kuom joma otho mondo obed gi loch kuom gik moko duto.
19 For in hym it pleside al plente to inhabite,
Nyasaye ne mor mondo kite duto obed kuom Wuode,
20 and bi hym alle thingis to be recounselid in to hym, and made pees bi the blood of his cros, tho thingis that ben in erthis, ether that ben in heuenes.
kendo kuome Nyasaye nomiyo gik moko duto obedo gi winjruok kaachiel kode, kata gibed gik moko manie piny gi gik manie polo, kokelo kwe kuom remb Wuode mane ochwer e msalaba.
21 And whanne ye weren sumtyme aliened, and enemyes bi wit in yuele werkis,
Chon ne upogoru gi Nyasaye, kendo ne un wasike kuom pachu nikech timbe maricho mane utimo.
22 now he hath recounselid you in the bodi of his fleisch bi deth, to haue you hooli, and vnwemmyd, and with out repreef bifor hym.
To koro osetimonu winjruok e kindu kode kuom tho Kristo e ringruok, mondo oteru e nyime kuler ka uonge gi songa kuomu kata ketho.
23 If netheles ye dwellen in the feith, foundid, and stable, and vnmouable fro the hope of the gospel that ye han herd, which is prechid in al creature that is vndur heuene. Of which Y Poul am maad mynystre,
Mano biro timore mana ka udhi nyime e yieu, kendo kuchungʼ motegno ma ok uyiengni uweyo geno mar Injili. Ma e Injili mane uwinjo, kendo makoro oseyal ni chwech duto e bwo polo, kendo ma an Paulo asebedo ka atiyone.
24 and now Y haue ioye in passioun for you, and Y fille tho thingis that failen of the passiouns of Crist in my fleisch, for his bodi, that is the chirche.
Emomiyo koro amor ka aneno masiche nikech un, ka ringra chopo gik mane orem kuom masiche mane Kristo oneno nikech ringre Kristo owuon, ma en kanisa.
25 Of which Y Poul am maad mynystre bi the dispensacioun of God, that is youun to me in you, that Y fille the word of God,
Asedoko jatich mar kanyakla mar joma oyie kaluwore gi ote mane Nyasaye oorago iru mondo ayalnu wechene duto,
26 the priuyte, that was hid fro worldis and generaciouns. But now it is schewid to his seyntis, (aiōn g165)
ma en wach manopandi kuom higni gi tienge mangʼeny, to koro oseel tiende ni jomaler. (aiōn g165)
27 to whiche God wold make knowun the richessis of the glorie of this sacrament in hethene men, which is Crist in you, the hope of glorie.
Gin e joma Nyasaye oseyiero mondo onyis ogendini mwandu gi duongʼ man kuom wach mane opandino, en Kristo modak e chunyu kendo ma en e geno mar duongʼ.
28 Whom we schewen, repreuynge ech man, and techinge `ech man in al wisdom, that we offre ech man perfit in Crist Jhesu.
Kristono e mwalando ne ji duto ka wasiemogi kendo wapuonjogi rieko duto, mondo water ji duto e nyim Kristo ka ler chutho.
29 In which thing also Y trauele in stryuynge bi the worching of hym, that he worchith in me in vertu.
Mano emomiyo ka atiyo matek kuom tekone matiyo kuoma.

< Colossians 1 >