< Proverbs 14 >
1 The wise woman builds her house, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
A lungkaang e napui ni teh a im hah a sak, hatei ka pathu e ni teh amae kut hoi ouk a raphoe.
2 The one who walks uprightly fears Yahweh, but the one who is dishonest in his ways despises him.
Kalanlah ka hring e ni BAWIPA a bari, hatei a hringnae ka longkawi e ni teh a dumdam.
3 From the mouth of a fool comes an offshoot of his pride, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
Tamipathu e pahni dawk kaisuenae bongpai ao, hatei tamilungkaang e pahni ni teh kânguenae a poe.
4 Where there are no cattle the feeding trough is clean, but an abundant crop can come by the strength of an ox.
Maitotan ohoehnae koe maito im a thoung, hatei moikapap pungnae teh maitotha dawk doeh ao.
5 A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.
Yuemkamcu e ka panuekkhaikung teh laithoe dei hoeh, hatei kapanuekkhaikung kaphawk ni doeh laithoe ouk a dei.
6 A mocker seeks wisdom and there is none, but knowledge comes easy to the one who is discerning.
Ka dudam e tami ni teh lungangnae ka tawng nakunghai hmawt mahoeh, hatei kathaipanueknaw hanelah teh panuenae heh ayawica.
7 Walk away from a foolish person, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
A pahni panuenae na hmu hoeh toteh, tamipathu teh cettakhai yawkaw.
8 The wisdom of the prudent person is to understand his own way, but the folly of fools is deception.
Ma e coungnae panue e heh poukthainae ka tawn e lungangnae doeh, hatei tamipathunaw e pathunae teh dumnae doeh.
9 Fools mock when the guilt offering is sacrificed, but among the upright favor is shared.
Tamipathu ni teh yonnae a panuikhai, hatei tamikalannaw koe ngaikhainae ao.
10 The heart knows its own bitterness and no stranger shares its joy.
Lungthin patawnae heh lungthin ni doeh a panue, ayânaw ni teh lunghawinae hai hmawngkhai katang hoeh.
11 The house of wicked people will be destroyed, but the tent of upright people will flourish.
Tamikathout imthung teh ka rawk han doeh, hatei tamikalan e rim teh a kamhlawng han.
12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end only leads to death.
Tami pouknae lahoi teh lam kalan lah a kamcu eiteh, apoutnae koe lah duenae koe ka phat e lam hai ao.
13 A heart can laugh but still be in pain and joy may end up being grief.
Panui lahun nahai lung a mathoe teh, panuinae a poutnae heh lungmathoenae lah a coung thai.
14 The one who is not faithful will get what his ways deserve, but a good person will get what is his.
Lungthin hoi hnuklah ka ban e teh, ama ngainae hoi a kawi han, hatei tamikahawi teh hot patet e lathueng vah ao dawkvah a lunghawi han.
15 The one who is naive believes everything, but the prudent man thinks about his steps.
Kamawngrame ni dei e pueng a yuem awh, hatei kâhruetcuet e tami ni teh a cei nahane lamthung kahawicalah a pouk.
16 A wise man fears and turns away from evil, but the fool confidently dismisses a warning.
Tamilungkaang ni teh a taki dawkvah yonnae hah a roun, hatei tamipathu ni teh amahoima a kâyuem teh a taran a hawi sak.
17 One who is quick to become angry does foolish things, and a person who makes evil schemes is hated.
Tami lungkaduem teh pathu laihoi a kâroe, hatei tamikathout e noenae teh hmuhmanae doeh.
18 The naive inherit foolishness, but prudent people are crowned with knowledge.
Kamawngrame e coe e teh pathunae doeh, hatei kho ka pouk e teh panuenae kâmuksak lah ao.
19 Evil people will bow down before those who are good and those who are wicked will bow down at the gates of the righteous person.
Tamikahawi teh tamikahawi hmalah a tabut vaiteh, tamikathout teh tamikalan e takhang koe a tabut han.
20 The poor person is hated even by his own companions, but the rich people have many friends.
Tamikathout teh a imri ni hai a hmuhma, hatei tami ka tawnta ni hui moi a tawn.
21 The one who shows contempt for his neighbor is sinning, but the one who shows favor to the poor is blessed.
A imri ka dudam e teh tamikayon doeh, hatei tamimathoe ka pahren e teh a lungkahawi e lah ao.
22 Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan to do good will receive covenant faithfulness and trustworthiness.
Hnokathout ka pouk e teh lam a phen toung nahoehmaw, hatei lungmanae hoi lawkkatang teh hawinae kapouknaw hane doeh.
23 With all hard work comes a profit, but when there is only talk, it leads to poverty.
Tawknae pueng dawk meknae ao teh, pahni hoi dei rumram e teh voutnae doeh.
24 The crown of wise people is their wealth, but the folly of fools brings them only more folly.
Tamilungkaangnaw e bawilukhung teh tawntanae doeh, hatei tamipathu pathunae hateh a pathunae doeh.
25 A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness breathes out lies.
Kapanuekkhaikung katang ni teh hringnae a rungngang, hatei kapanuekkhaikung kaphawk ni teh laithoe ouk a dei.
26 When someone fears Yahweh, he also has much confidence in him; these things will be like a strong place of protection for this man's children.
BAWIPA takinae dawkvah a taranhawi laihoi a tha ao teh, a canaw ni kânguenae a pang awh han.
27 The fear of Yahweh is a fountain of life, so that a person may turn away from the snares of death.
BAWIPA takinae teh hringnae tuiphuek lah ao teh, duenae karap dawk hoi kamlang sakkung lah ao.
28 The glory of a king is found in the great number of his people, but without people the prince is ruined.
Tamimaya koe siangpahrang barinae ao teh, tami younca koe e ukkung teh rawkphainae doeh.
29 A patient person has great understanding, but the quick-tempered person exalts folly.
A lung kasawe ni thaipanueknae a tawn, hatei tami lungkaduem e teh pathu tawmrasangnae doeh.
30 A tranquil heart is life for the body, but envy rots the bones.
Lungthin damnae teh tak hanelah hringnae lah ao teh utsinnae teh hru ka rawk sakkung doeh.
31 The one who oppresses the poor curses his Maker, but the one who shows favor to the needy honors him.
Tamimathoe repcoungroe e teh ama kasakkung dudam e lah ao, hatei kasakkung ka bari e ni tami kavoutthoupnaw pahrennae a tawn.
32 The wicked person is brought down by his evil actions, but the righteous person has a refuge even in death.
Tamikathout teh a thoenae ni letlang a pâlei teh, tamikalan teh a duenae koe kânguenae a tawn.
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of the discerning, but even among fools she lets herself be known.
Thaipanueknae katawnnaw lungthin dawk lungangnae ao, hatei tamipathu e lungthung kaawm e teh kamnue sak lah ao toe.
34 Doing what is right exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.
Lannae ni miphun a tawmrasang, hatei yonnae teh tami pueng hanelah min mathoenae doeh.
35 The favor of the king is with the servant who acts prudently, but his anger is for the one who acts shamefully.
Tamilungkaang okhai e teh siangpahrang ni a ngai pouh, hatei yeirai ka po sakkung koe a lung ouk a khuek