< John 1 >

1 In the Beginning the Word was; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.
Meet liki orekla faclu, Kas el nuna oasr yurin God, ac el oapana God.
2 He was in the Beginning with God;
Kas se inge el oasr yurin God meet liki mutaweyen faclu.
3 through him all things came into being, and nothing came into being apart from him.
God El orala ma nukewa kacl. Wangin kutena ma orekla saya, fin tia ke Kas.
4 That which came into being in him was Life; and the Life was the Light of Man;
Moul uh tuku liki Kas, ac moul se inge pa ase kalem nu sin mwet uh.
5 and the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness never overpowered it.
Kalem el tolak in lohsr, ac lohsr uh kofla konela.
6 There appeared a man sent from God, whose name was John;
God El supwama mwet fahkak se lal, pangpang John,
7 he came as a witness — to bear witness to the Light that through him all men might believe.
su tuku in fahkak nu sin mwet uh ke kalem sac, tuh mwet nukewa in lohng mwe fahk se inge ac lulalfongi.
8 He was not the Light, but he came to bear witness to the Light.
Tia el pa kalem sac, a el tuku in fahkak ke kalem sac.
9 That was the True Light which enlightens every man coming into the world.
Pa inge kalem na pwaye — kalem se ma tuku nu faclu ac tolak mwet nukewa.
10 He was in the world; and through him the world came into being — yet the world did not know him.
Kas el nuna oasr faclu, ac God El nwe orala faclu kacl, a faclu tiana akilenul.
11 He came to his own — yet his own did not receive him.
El tuku nu yen sel sifacna, a mwet lal sifacna tia eisal.
12 But to all who did receive him he gave power to become Children of God — to those who believe in his Name.
Tusruktu, oasr kutu sin mwet uh eisal ac lulalfongi in el; ke ma inge el oru tuh elos in ku in ekla tulik nutin God.
13 For not to natural conception, nor to human instincts, nor to will of man did they owe the new Life, but to God.
Elos tia ekla tulik nutin God ke inkanek in isusla lun mwet, ku ke lungse lun mwet, a ke oakwuk lun God.
14 And the Word became Man, and dwelt among us, (We saw his glory — the glory of the Only Son sent from the Father), full of love and truth.
Kas el ekla mwet ac muta inmasrlosr, sessesla ke kulang ac pwaye. Kut liye wolana lal, wolana su el eis ke sripen el Wen sefanna nutin Papa.
15 (John bears witness to him; he cried aloud — for it was he who spoke — “‘He who is Coming’ after me is now before me, for he was ever first”);
John el kaskas kacl. El wowoyak ac fahk, “Pa inge el su nga tuh kaskas kac ke nga fahk, ‘El tuku tukuk, tusruktu el fulat likiyu, mweyen el nuna oasr meet liki nga tuh isusla.’”
16 out of his fullness we have all received some gift, gift after gift of love;
Liki lungkulang yoklana lal el kalwenina in ase mwe insewowo nu sesr nukewa.
17 for the Law was given through Moses, love and truth came through Jesus Christ.
God El ase Ma Sap kacl Moses, a kulang ac pwaye tuku kacl Jesus Christ.
18 No man has ever yet seen God; God the Only Son, who is ever with the Father — He has revealed him.
Wangin sie mwet na liye God, a wen sefanna natul, su oana God ac muta sisken Papa pacl nukewa, el pa arulana fahkulak kalem nu sin mwet uh.
19 When the Jews sent some Priests and Levites to John from Jerusalem, to ask — “Who are you?”, his statement was this:
Mwet fulat lun mwet Jew in Jerusalem supwala kutu mwet tol ac mwet Levi nu yorol John in tuh siyuk sel, “Su kom an?”
20 He confessed and did not deny it, he confessed — “I am not the Christ.”
John el tia srunga topuk, ac el fahk lemtulauk, “Tia nga pa Christ.”
21 “What then?” they asked. “Are you Elijah?” “No,” he said, “I am not.” “Are you ‘the Prophet’?” He answered, “No.”
Elos siyuk, “Na fin ouingan, su kom an? Kom pa Elijah?” John el topuk, “Mo, tia nga pa el.” Elos siyuk, “Kom pa Mwet Palu sac?” El topuk, “Mo.”
22 “Who then are you?” they continued; “tell us, that we may have some answer to give to those who have sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
Elos fahk, “Na fahk nu sesr lah su kom an. Mea kom ac fahk keim sifacna? Enenu kut in us sie top folokla nu yorolos su supwekutme.”
23 “I,” he answered, “am — ‘The voice of one crying aloud in the Wilderness — “straighten the way of the Lord”’, as the Prophet Isaiah said.”
John el topuk ke kas ma mwet palu Isaiah el simusla: “Nga pa ‘pusren sie su wowoyak yen mwesis: Oru sie innek suwohs nu sin Leum elan fahsr kac!’”
24 These men had been sent from the Pharisees;
Na mwet utuk kas ma supweyukla sin mwet Pharisee,
25 and their next question was: “Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor yet ‘the Prophet’?”
elos siyuk sel, “Fin tia kom pa Christ ku Elijah ku Mwet Palu sac, efu ku kom baptaisi mwet uh?”
26 John’s answer was — “I baptize with water, but among you stands one whom you do not know;
John el topuk ac fahk, “Nga baptais ke kof, tusruktu oasr sie su muta inmasrlowos su kowos tiana akilen.
27 he is coming after me, yet I am not worthy even to unfasten his sandal.”
El tuku tukuk, tusruktu nga kupansuwol in tulala ah losyen fahluk lal.”
28 All this took place at Bethany, across the Jordan, where John was then baptizing.
Ma inge nukewa sikyak in acn se pangpang Bethany, ma oan kutulap in Infacl Jordan, yen John el orek baptais we.
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him, and exclaimed: “Here is the Lamb of God, who is to take away the sin of the world!
Len se toko ah, John el liyalak Jesus ke el tuku nu yorol, ac el fahk, “Liye, Lamb nutin God pa ingo, su eela ma koluk lun faclu!
30 It was of him that I spoke when I said ‘After me there is coming a man who is now before me, for he was ever First.’
Pa inge el su nga tuh kaskas kac ke nga fahk, ‘Mwet se ac tuku tukuk, tusruktu el fulat likiyu, mweyen el nuna oasr meet liki nga tuh isusla.’
31 I myself did not know him, but, that he may be made known to Israel, I have come, baptizing with water.”
Nga tuh tiana etu lah su el, tusruktu nga tuku baptaisi mwet ke kof in fahkulak nu sin mwet Israel.”
32 John also made this statement — “I have seen the Spirit descending as a dove out of the heavens, and it remained upon him.
Ac John el fahkak pac ouinge, “Nga sifacna liye ke Ngun oatui oana sie wuleoa inkusrao me, ac oan facl.
33 I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water, he said to me ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining upon him — he it is who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
Nga srakna tia etu lah el pa mwet sac, a God, su supweyume in baptais ke kof, El fahk nu sik, ‘Kom fah liye Ngun oatui ac oan fin sie mwet. El pa mwet se ma ac baptais ke Ngun Mutal.’”
34 This I have seen myself, and I have declared my belief that he is the Son of God.”
Na John el fahk, “Nga liye tari, ac nga fahk nu suwos lah el pa Wen nutin God.”
35 The next day, when John was standing with two of his disciples,
In len se toko ah, John el sifilpa tu insac, wi luo sin mwet tuma lutlut lal.
36 he looked at Jesus as he passed and exclaimed: “There is the Lamb of God!”
El liye ke Jesus el fahsryak, na John el fahk, “Pa ingo Lamb nutin God!”
37 The two disciples heard him say this, and followed Jesus.
Mwet lutlut luo lal eltal lohng ke el fahk ouinge, na eltal fahsr tokol Jesus.
38 But Jesus turned round, and saw them following. “What are you looking for?” he asked. “Rabbi,” they answered (or, as we should say, ‘Teacher’), “where are you staying?”
Jesus el tapulla ac liye lah eltal fahsr tokol, ac el siyuk, “Mea komtal suk an?” Na eltal topuk, “Rabbi, kom muta oya?” (Kalmen Rabbi pa “Mwet luti.”)
39 “Come, and you shall see,” he replied. So they went, and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was then about four in the afternoon.
Jesus el topuk, “Fahsru liye.” (In pacl sac ac ao akosr ma ke tafun len tok.) Ouinge eltal welul som ac liye yen el muta we, ac mutana yorol nwe ke ekela.
40 One of the two, who heard what John said and followed Jesus, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
Sie seltal pa Andrew, ma lel Simon Peter.
41 He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him: “We have found the Messiah!” (a word which means ‘Christ,’ or ‘Consecrated’.)
El sa na konalak Simon, ma lel, ac fahkang nu sel, “Kut konalak Messiah.” (Kalmen kas se inge pa “Christ.”)
42 Then he brought him to Jesus. Fixing his eyes on him, Jesus said: “You are Simon, the son of John; you shall be called Kephas” (which means ‘Peter,’ or ‘Rock’).
Na el pwanulla Simon nu yurin Jesus. Jesus el ngetang nu sel ac fahk, “Kom pa Simon wen natul John, tusruktu ac fah pangpang kom Cephas.” (Ine se inge oapana Peter, ac kalmac pa “eot.”)
43 The following day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. He found Philip, and said to him: “Follow me.”
Len se tok ah, Jesus el nunkauk elan som nu Galilee. El liyalak Philip ac fahk nu sel, “Fahsru wiyu!”
44 Philip was from Bethsaida, and a fellow-townsman of Andrew and Peter.
(Philip el mwet Bethsaida, siti se na ma Andrew ac Peter muta pac we.)
45 He found Nathanael and said to him: “We have found him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and of whom the Prophets also wrote — Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph’s son!”
Philip el konalak Nathanael ac fahk nu sel, “Kut konauk mwet se ma Moses el sim kacl in book in Ma Sap, oayapa su mwet palu simusla kacl. El pa Jesus, wen natul Joseph, mwet Nazareth.”
46 “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” asked Nathanael. “Come and see,” replied Philip.
Na Nathanael el siyuk, “Ya oasr ma wo ku in tuku Nazareth me?” Philip el fahk, “Fahsru ac liye.”
47 When Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, he said: “Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is no deceit!”
Ke Jesus el liyal Nathanael lah el fahsr nu yorol, el kaskas kacl ac fahk, “Mwet Israel na pwaye se pa inge. Wangin ma sufal in el!”
48 “How do you know me?” asked Nathanael. “Even before Philip called you,” replied Jesus, “when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
Nathanael el siyuk sel, “Kom ku eteyu?” Ac Jesus el fahk, “Nga liye kom ke kom muta ye sak fig soko, meet liki Philip el pangon kom ah.”
49 “Rabbi,” Nathanael exclaimed, “you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel!”
Na Nathanael el fahk, “Mwet Luti, kom Wen nutin God! Kom Tokosra lun Israel!”
50 “Do you believe in me,” asked Jesus, “because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You shall see greater things than those!
Jesus el fahk nu sel, “Ya kom lulalfongi mweyen na nga fahkot lah nga liye kom ye sak fig soko ah? Kom ac fah liye ma yohk liki ma inge!”
51 In truth I tell you,” he added, “you shall all see Heaven open, and ‘the angels of God ascending and descending’ upon the Son of Man.”
Ac el fahk nu selos, “Nga fahk na pwaye nu suwos: kowos ac fah liye kusrao ikakelik, ac lipufan lun God sowak ac oatui nu fin Wen nutin Mwet.”

< John 1 >