< John 3 >

1 Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, who was a leading man among the Jews.
Oasr sie mwet kol lun mwet Jew pangpang Nicodemus, su ma in u lun mwet Pharisee.
2 This man came to Jesus by night, and said to him: “Rabbi, we know that you are a Teacher come from God; for no one could give such signs as you are giving, unless God were with him.”
Sie fong ah el som nu yurin Jesus ac fahk nu sel, “Rabbi, kut etu lah kom sie mwet luti supweyukme sin God. Wangin sie mwet ku in oru mwenmen ma kom oru God El fin tia welul.”
3 “In truth I tell you,” exclaimed Jesus, “unless a man is reborn, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
Jesus el fahk, “Nga fahk na pwaye nu sum: sie mwet el fin tia sifil isusla, el koflana liye Tokosrai lun God.”
4 “How can a man,” asked Nicodemus, “be born when he is old? Can he be born a second time?”
Na Nicodemus el siyuk sel, “Sie mwet matu ac sifilpa osweyukla fuka? Mea, el ku in sifil ilyak nu insien nina kial ac isusla pacl se akluo?”
5 “In truth I tell you,” answered Jesus, “unless a man owes his birth to Water and Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
Jesus el topuk, “Nga fahk na pwaye nu sum: sie mwet el fin tia isusla ke kof ac Ngun, el koflana ilyak nu in Tokosrai lun God.
6 All that owes its birth to human nature is human, and all that owes its birth to the Spirit is spiritual.
Mwet su isusla ke ikwa, ma lun ikwa; a mwet su isusla ke Ngun, ma lun ngun.
7 Do not wonder at my telling you that you all need to be reborn.
Nik kom lut mweyen nga fahk lah kowos nukewa enenu in sifilpa isusla.
8 The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes, or where it goes; it is the same with every one that owes his birth to the Spirit.”
Eng uh tuh nu yen el lungse. Kom lohng kusa, a kom tia etu yen el tuku we me, ku yen el ac som nu we. Ac oapana inge elos nukewa su isusla ke Ngun.”
9 “How can that be?” asked Nicodemus.
Nicodemus el siyuk, “Mea, ku in ouingan?”
10 “What! You a teacher of Israel,” exclaimed Jesus, “and yet do not understand this!
Jesus el topuk, “Kom sie mwet luti fulat in Israel, ya pwaye kom tia etu ma se inge?
11 In truth I tell you that we speak of what we know, and state what we have seen; and yet you do not accept our statements.
Nga fahk na pwaye nu sum: kut kaskas ke ma kut etu, ac fahkak ma kut liye uh. Ne ouinge, wangin sie suwos lulalfongi ma kut fahk uh.
12 If, when I tell you earthly things, you do not believe me, how will you believe me when I tell you of heavenly things?
Kowos tia lulalfongiyu ke nga fahk nu suwos ke ma lun faclu, na kowos ac lulalfongiyu fuka nga fin kaskas ke ma nu inkusrao?
13 No one has ascended to Heaven, except him who descended from Heaven — the Son of Man himself.
Soenna oasr sie mwet na sowak nu inkusrao sayen Wen nutin Mwet, su oatui inkusrao me.”
14 And, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up;
Oana ke Moses el tuh srupusrak serpent bronze soko fin sak soko in acn mwesis ah, in ouiya sacna Wen nutin Mwet el fah sripsripyak,
15 that every one who believes in him may have Immortal Life.” (aiōnios g166)
tuh elos nukewa su lulalfongi in el elos fah ku in ilyak nu ke sie moul sasu wangin saflaiya. (aiōnios g166)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that every one who believes in him may not be lost, but have Immortal Life. (aiōnios g166)
Tuh God El lungse faclu ouinge: El ase Wen sefanna natul, tuh elos nukewa su lulalfongi in el fah tia misa, a elos fah eis moul ma pahtpat. (aiōnios g166)
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
Tuh God El tia supwama Wen natul in tuh nununku faclu, a tuh faclu in eis moul kacl.
18 He who believes in him escapes condemnation, while he who does not believe in him is already condemned, because he has not believed in the only Son of God.
Kutena mwet su lulalfongi in Wen el tia nununkeyuk; tusruktu kutena mwet su tia lulalfongi, el nununkeyuk tari, mweyen el tia lulalfongi in Wen sefanna nutin God.
19 The ground of his condemnation is this, that though the Light has come into the world, men preferred the darkness to the Light, because their actions were wicked.
Pa inge luman nununku sac: kalem tuku tari nu faclu, a mwet uh elos lungse lohsr yohk liki kalem sac, mweyen orekma lalos uh koluk.
20 For he who lives an evil life hates the light, and will not come to it, for fear that his actions should be exposed;
Kutena mwet su oru ma koluk el srunga kalem, ac el fah tia tuku nu ke kalem, mweyen el tia lungse orekma koluk lal in liyeyuk.
21 but he who acts up to the truth comes to the light, that his actions may be shown to have been done in dependence upon God.
A kutena mwet su oru ma pwaye el tuku nu ke kalem, tuh in kalem lah ma el oru el oru in akos God.
22 After this, Jesus went with his disciples into the country parts of Judea; and there he stayed with them, and baptized.
Tukun ma inge, Jesus ac mwet tumal lutlut elos som nu in acn Judea, ac el muta yorolos we ke kutu pacl, ac el baptaisi mwet.
23 John, also, was baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there were many streams there; and people were constantly coming and being baptized.
John el oayapa oru baptais lal in acn Aenon apkuran nu Salim, mweyen yohk kof in acn sac. Mwet uh fahsrel ac el baptaiselos.
24 (For John had not yet been imprisoned).
(Ma inge ma meet liki John el kapiri in presin.)
25 Now a discussion arose between some of John’s disciples and a Jew on the subject of ‘purification;’
Kutu sin mwet lutlut lal John mutawauk in akukuin yurin sie mwet Jew ke ouiyen aknasnas ke alu lun mwet Jew.
26 and the disciples came to John and said: “Rabbi, the man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan, and to whom you have yourself borne testimony — he, also, is baptizing, and everybody is going to him.”
Ke ma inge elos som nu yorol John ac fahk nu sel, “Mwet Luti, kom esam mwet se ma tuh wi kom layen kutulap ke infacl Jordan, mwet se ma kom tuh fahkak kac ah? Inge el wi pac orek baptais, ac mwet uh rirla nu yorol!”
27 John’s answer was — “A man can gain nothing but what is given him from Heaven.
John el topuk, “Wangin ma ku in sikyak nu sin sie mwet, fin tia ma sin God me.
28 You are yourselves witnesses that I said ‘I am not the Christ,’ but ‘I have been sent before him as a Messenger.’
Kowos sifacna mwet loh luk ke nga tuh fahk, ‘Tia nga pa Christ, a supweyukme nga meet lukel.’
29 It is the bridegroom who has the bride; but the bridegroom’s friend, who stands by and listens to him, is filled with joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. This joy I have felt to the full.
In pacl in marut, mukul se ma marut uh ac ma kial pa mutan sac. Tusruktu mwet kawuk se lun mukul sac el engankin lah el tu siskal ac lohng pusren mukul marut sac. Ouinge engan luk uh oapana engan lun mukul se ma kawuk lun mukul marut sacn.
30 He must become greater, and I less.”
Ac fah puseni mwet fahsr tukun Jesus, ac mwet luk uh ac fah pueni.”
31 He who comes from above is above all others; but a child of earth is earthly, and his teaching is earthly, too. He who comes from Heaven is above all others.
El su tuku lucng me el fulat liki nukewa. El su ma faclu me el ma lun faclu ac el kaskas ke ma lun faclu, a el su tuku inkusrao me el fulat liki nukewa.
32 He states what he has seen and what he heard, and yet no one accepts his statement.
El fahkak ke ma el liye ac lohng tari, a wangin mwet lulalfongi ma el fahk uh.
33 They who did accept his statement attested the fact that God is true.
Kutena mwet su lulalfongi ma el fahk, el akkalemye lah el lulalfongi lah ma God El fahk uh ma pwaye.
34 For he whom God sent as his Messenger gives us God’s own teaching, for God does not limit the gift of the Spirit.
El su God El supwama el fahk kas lun God, mweyen God El sang nufon Ngun lal nu sel.
35 The Father loves his Son, and has put everything in his hands.
Papa El lungse Wen natul, ac El sang elan ku fin ma nukewa.
36 He who believes in the Son has Immortal Life, while he who rejects the Son will not even see that Life, but remains under ‘God’s displeasure.’ (aiōnios g166)
Kutena mwet su lulalfongi ke Wen oasr moul ma pahtpat lal. Kutena mwet su seakos Wen fah wangin moul lal, a el ac fah mutana ye kaiyuk lun God. (aiōnios g166)

< John 3 >