< Revelation 8 >

1 When [Jesus], the [one who is like a] lamb, opened the seventh seal, there was no sound at all in heaven for (a very short time/about half an hour).
Og da det åbnede det syvende Segl, blev der Tavshed i Himmelen omtrent en halv Time.
2 I saw the seven angels who stand in front of God. A trumpet was given {([God/An angel]) gave a trumpet} to each one of them.
Og jeg så de syv Engle, som stå for Guds Åsyn; og der blev givet dem syv Basuner.
3 Another angel, who had a golden container for burning incense, came and stood at the altar. [He was given] {[An angel] gave to him} a large quantity of incense, in order that he might offer it, with the prayers of all God’s people, upon the golden altar that is in front of [God’s] throne. [Then he burned this incense on the altar].
Og en anden Engel kom og stillede sig ved Alteret med et Guldrøgelsekar, og der blev givet ham megen Røgelse, for at han skulde føje den til alle de helliges Bønner på Guldalteret foran Tronen.
4 From the [pot in] the angel’s hand, the smoke of the incense, along with the prayers of God’s people, went up to God.
Og Røgen af Røgelsen steg op, med de helliges Bønner, fra Engelens Hånd før Guds Åsyn.
5 [In response], the angel took the golden incense burner and filled it with [coals of] fire from the altar. He threw [the contents of] the [MTY] incense burner onto the earth. Thunder sounded and rumbled, lightning was flashing, and the earth shook.
Og Engelen tog Røgelsekarret og fyldte det med Ild fra Alteret og kastede den på Jorden; og der kom Torden og Røster og Lyn og Jordskælv.
6 The seven angels, [each] of which had [one of] the seven trumpets, prepared to blow them.
Og de syv Engle, som havde de syv Basuner, gjorde sig rede til at basune.
7 When the first angel blew his trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood poured down onto the earth. [As a result], a third of [everything on the surface of] the land was burned up {[the fire] burned up a third of [everything on the surface of] the land}. A third of the trees were also burned up {It also burned up a third of the trees}, and [a third of] all the green grass was burned up.
Og den første basunede, og der kom Hagl og Ild, blandet med Blød, og blev kastet på Jorden; og Tredjedelen af Jorden blev opbrændt, og alt grønt Græs opbrændtes.
8 When the second angel blew his trumpet, something that was like a huge burning mountain fell into the ocean. [As a result], a third of the ocean became [red like] [MTY] blood,
Og den anden 'Engel basunede, og det var, som et stort brændende Bjerg blev kastet i Havet; og Tredjedelen af Havet blev til Blod.
9 a third of the living creatures in the ocean died, and a third of the ships [in the ocean] were destroyed.
Og Tredjedelen af de Skabninger i Havet, som havde Liv, døde; og Tredjedelen af Skibene blev ødelagt.
10 When the third angel blew his trumpet, a huge star, which was burning like a torch, fell from the sky into a third of the rivers and into [a third of] the springs.
Og den tredje Engel basunede, og fra Himmelen faldt der en stor Stjerne, brændende som en Fakkel, og den faldt på Tredjedelen al Floderne og på Vandkilderne.
11 The name of the star is Bitterness. [As a result], the water in a third [of the rivers and springs] became bitter, and many people died from [drinking] the water because it had become bitter.
Og Stjernens Navn kaldes Malurt; og Tredjedelen af Vandene blev til Malurt, og mange af Menneskene døde af Vandene, fordi de vare blevne beske.
12 When the fourth angel blew his trumpet, [God] struck the sun, the moon, and the stars, so that they lost a third of their light. The [sun] also did not shine during a third of the day, and [the moon and stars did not shine during a third] of the night.
Og den fjerde Engel basunede, og Tredjedelen af Solen og Tredjedelen af Månen og Tredjedelen af Stjernerne blev ramt, så at Tredjedelen af dem blev formørket, og Dagen mistede Tredjedelen af sit Lys og Natten ligeså.
13 As I watched, I heard an eagle that was flying high in the sky, shouting in a loud voice, “Terrible things will happen to [rebellious] people who live on the earth! Terrible things will happen when the three remaining angels blow their trumpets! And they are about to blow them!”
Og jeg så, og jeg hørte en Ørn flyve midt oppe under Himmelen og sige med høj Røst: Ve, ve, ve dem, som bo på Jorden, for de øvrige Basunrøster fra de tre Engle, som skulle basune.

< Revelation 8 >