< Jude 1 >

1 [I am] Jude. I [serve] Jesus Christ [like] a voluntary slave [MET]. I am a [younger] brother of James, [the leader of all the congregations. I am writing] to you whom [God] has chosen [to belong to him. You are] loved by God [our] Father and protected by Jesus Christ (OR, whom [God] has protected [to present] to Jesus Christ).
Judas, Jesu Kristi Tjener og Broder til Jakob, til de kaldede, som ere elskede i Gud Fader og bevarede for Jesus Kristus:
2 [I pray that] you will continue to [experience] very much [God acting] mercifully toward you, [causing you to have inner] peace, and loving [you].
Barmhjertighed og Fred og Kærlighed vorde eder mangfoldig til Del!
3 You whom I love, I (was very eager/very much wanted) to write to you about that which we all (share/have in common), which is how ([God/Jesus Christ]) [has] saved [us]. But now I realize that it is necessary [for me] to write to you in order to exhort you to defend the [truth about Christ] that we believe. [Jesus and his apostles] gave that truth once and for all to us who belong to God, [and we must not let it be changed] {[anyone revise/change it]}.
I elskede! da det lå mig alvorligt på Sinde at skrive til eder om vor fælles Frelse, fandt jeg det nødvendigt at skrive til eder med Formaning om at stride for den Tro, som een Gang er bleven overgiven de hellige.
4 Some people falsely [teach that because] God kindly does for us what we do not deserve, it (does not matter/is all right) if we continue to sin. [Those people show by the way that they conduct their lives] that they do not want to admit/accept that Jesus Christ [is] our only Master and Lord. [It was written] long ago {[Someone] long ago wrote} that [God] would condemn (such ungodly people/people like that whose lives are displeasing to him). But some [of those] people have entered [MET] [like crawling snakes] into your congregations [and oppose the truth about Christ, so you must resist/oppose them].
Thi der har indsneget sig nogle Mennesker, om hvem det for længe siden er forud skrevet, at de vilde falde under denne Dom: Ugudelige, som misbruge vor, Guds Nåde til Uterlighed og fornægte vor eneste Hersker og Herre Jesus Kristus.
5 Although you previously knew all these things, [there are certain things about] which I desire to remind you. [Do not forget that although] the Lord rescued [his people] from Egypt, he later destroyed most of those same people, ones who did not believe [in him].
Men skønt I een Gang for alle vide det alt sammen, vil jeg minde eder om, at da Herren havde frelst Folket ud af Ægyptens Land, ødelagde han næste Gang dem, som ikke troede,
6 And there were [many] angels to [whom God assigned/gave positions of authority in heaven]. But many did not continue to rule with authority [in those positions]. Instead, they abandoned the place that [God] gave them to live [in heaven]. So God has put those angels in chains forever in the darkness [in hell. They will stay there] until the great day when [God] will judge [and punish] them. (aïdios g126, questioned)
og de Engle, som ikke bevarede deres Højhed, men forlode deres egen Bolig, bar han holdt forvarede i evige Lænker under Mørke til den store Dags Dom; (aïdios g126)
7 Similarly, the people who lived [MTY] in Sodom and Gomorrah [cities] and the nearby cities committed sexual immorality. They sought all kinds of sexual relations that differ [from what God permits. So God destroyed their cities. What happened to those people and those angels] shows that [God will] punish [people, such as the ones who teach false doctrine], in the eternal fire [of hell]. (aiōnios g166, questioned)
ligesom Sodoma og Gomorra og de omliggende Stæder, der på samme Måde som disse vare henfaldne til Utugt og gik efter fremmed Kød), ere satte til et Eksempel, idet de bære en evig Ilds Straf. (aiōnios g166)
8 Similarly, these [ungodly people in your midst] also defile their own bodies [by living immorally], because [they claim/say that God revealed] in visions [that they should act that way]. They refuse to [allow] anyone to have authority over them, and they (revile/speak evil about) [God’s] glorious/wonderful [angels].
Alligevel gå også disse ligedan i Drømme og besmitte Kød, foragte Herskab og bespotte Herligheder.
9 When (the devil/Satan) argued with the chief angel, Michael, about [who would take away] the body of [the prophet] Moses [to bury it], Michael did not [do as these teachers of false doctrine do. Even though Michael has much more authority than they do], he did not disrespectfully (revile/say evil things to) Satan and accuse/condemn him. Instead, he [only] said, “[I desire that] the Lord [God] will rebuke you!”
Men Overengelen Mikael turde, da han tvistedes med Djævelen og talte om Mose Legeme, ikke fremføre en Bespottelsesdom, men sagde: "Herren straffe dig!"
10 But the [ones in your midst] who teach false doctrine (revile/speak evil against) the [spiritual] beings that they do not understand. They also [do the evil things that they desire], things that they know about (naturally/without needing to think), things that they just do without considering [the consequences/results], like animals. So they destroy themselves. [But they will also be punished by God] {[God will also] punish them}.
Disse derimod bespotte, hvad de ikke kende; og hvad de som de ufornuftige Dyr vide Besked om af Naturen, dermed ødelægge de sig selv.
11 [God will do] terrible things to those who teach false doctrine! They conduct their lives [wickedly] like Cain, [who murdered his brother because he was] ([jealous/angry because God accepted his brother’s sacrifice and did not accept his]). These false teachers (devote themselves to [MET] [doing] wrong things [like] Balaam, who [tried to induce God’s people to sin in order to get the money that was offered to him]. They will perish like Korah, who rebelled [against the authority that God gave to Moses].
Ve dem! thi de ere gåede på Kains Vej og have styrtet sig i Bileams Vildfarelse for Vindings Skyld og ere gåede til Grunde i Horas Genstridighed.
12 Those teachers of false doctrine are [as dangerous to you as] [MET] (hidden rocks on a reef/rocks underneath the surface of the ocean) [are to a boat]. When you gather together [to eat the meals that] help you believers to love each other more and have a closer relationship with each other, they [join you and] carouse shamelessly, caring [only] for themselves [and not for others. Because they do not do anything to help others] [MET], they are [as useless as] clouds that are blown along by the wind {that the wind blows along} but that do not [produce/give] any rain. [They are as disappointing as] [MET] trees that do not produce fruit in the autumn [as we expect them to]. They are not only [spiritually] [MET] dead themselves, [but they are] not [able to cause others to be] alive [spiritually, just like] [MET] trees that have been {that [someone] has} uprooted and [as a result] are unable to produce any fruit.
Disse ere Skærene ved eders Kærlighedsmåltider, fordi de uden Undseelse frådse med og pleje sig selv; de ere vandløse Skyer, som drives forbi af Vinden; bladløse Træer uden Frugt, to Gange døde, oprykkede med Rode;
13 They are [restless] [MET], [like] the pounding waves of the ocean. [Just like] waves [produce foul-smelling] foam on the shore, [those teachers of false doctrine do] shameful [MTY] [deeds. We cannot depend/rely on them to show us how to conduct our lives] [MET], [just like we cannot depend/rely on] (meteors/falling stars) [to show us the way when we travel]. [God] has reserved intense darkness for them forever [in hell]. (aiōn g165, questioned)
vilde Bølger på Hav, som udskumme deres egen Skam; vild farende Stjerner; for dem er Mørke og Mulm bevaret til evig Tid. (aiōn g165)
14 Enoch, the sixth [person in the line of people who descended] from Adam, prophesied this about those [teachers of false doctrine]: “Listen carefully to this: The Lord will certainly come with a countless number of his holy [angels] in order
Men om disse har også Enok, den syvende fra Adam, profeteret, da han sagde: "Se, Herren kom med sine hellige Titusinder
15 to judge everyone, and to punish all wicked and (ungodly people/people whose lives are displeasing to God) for all the (ungodly things/things that displease God) that they did in (an ungodly way/a way that displeases God), and for all the harsh things that ungodly sinful people have spoken against him.”
for at holde Dom over alle og straffe alle de ugudelige for alle deres Ugudeligheds Gerninger, som de have bedrevet, og for alle de formastelige Ord, som de have talt imod ham, de ugudelige Syndere!"
16 Those [teachers] of [false doctrine] grumble [about] the [things that God does]. They complain [about what happens to them]. They do the sinful things that their [bodies] desire. They talk boastfully. They (flatter/say nice things to) people, only in order to get [those people to give them the] things that they want.
Disse ere de, som knurre, som klage over deres Skæbne, medens de vandre efter deres Begæringer, og deres Mund taler overmodige Ord, medens de for Fordels Skyld vise Beundring for Personer.
17 But you people whom I love need to remember the things that were predicted by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ {that the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said would happen}.
I derimod, I elskede! kommer de Ord i Hu, som forud ere talte af vor Herres Jesu Kristi Apostle;
18 They told you, “In the final period of time [in which we are now living] there will be people who will laugh at [the truths that God has revealed]. They will do the (ungodly things/things that are displeasing to God) that their [bodies] desire.”
thi de sagde eder: I den sidste Tid skal der være Spottere, som vandre efter deres Ugudeligheders Begæringer.
19 [That describes] the teachers of false doctrine [well, because] they are the ones who cause divisions among believers. They do what their own minds tell them to do. The Spirit [of God] does not live within them.
Disse ere de, som volde Splittelser, sjælelige, som ikke have Ånd.
20 But you people whom I love, (hold/continue to trust) firmly to the very sacred truths that you believe. Pray by [letting] the Holy Spirit enable/empower you.
I derimod, I elskede! opbygger eder selv på eders helligste Tro; beder i den Helligånd;
21 Keep conducting your lives in [a way that is appropriate for those whom] God loves. Keep constantly expecting that our Lord Jesus Christ will [act] mercifully toward you. Keep expecting that until [the time when we begin] living eternally [with him]. (aiōnios g166)
bevarer således eder selv i Guds Kærlighed, forventende vor Herres Jesu Kristi Barmhjertighed til evigt Liv. (aiōnios g166)
22 Mercifully [help] those who are not certain [what teaching they should believe].
Og revser nogle, når de tvivle,
23 [Rescue] others from [the influence of those who teach what is false] [MET], [as you would rescue things by] snatching [them from] a fire. Pity those [whom the teachers of false doctrine have completely convinced], but beware that [you yourselves are not influenced by them] {that they do not influence you}. Detest [doing or even thinking about the sins that those people commit, just like you would detest] [MET] touching not only filthy things but the clothes that were stained by those things {that those things stained}.
frelser andre ved at udrive dem af Ilden, forbarmer eder over andre med Frygt, så I hade endog den af Kødet besmittede Kjortel.
24 God is able to keep you from ceasing to trust in him (OR, from sinning), and he is able to bring you into his glorious presence. [As you stand before him], there will be nothing [for which] you [will] be condemned {[he can] condemn you}, and you will be rejoicing greatly.
Men ham, som er mægtig til at bevare eder fra Fald og fremstille eder for sin Herlighed ulastelige i Fryd,
25 He is the only true God. He has saved us as a result of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for us]. God was glorious and great and mighty and he [ruled] with great authority before time began. [He is still like that], and [he will remain like that] forever! (Amen!/That is true!) (aiōn g165)
den eneste Gud, vor Frelser ved vor Herre Jesus Kristus, tilkommer Ære og Majestæt, Vælde og Magt, forud for al Tid og nu og i alle Evigheder! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Jude 1 >