< Hebrews 9 >
1 [To continue]: In the first [covenant, God] regulated how people [should perform] rituals, and [he told them to make] [MTY] a sanctuary.
Woli lilagano lyo kwamba lyaliga lili no lubhaju lwo kulamya anu kunsi no bhutinge kuchalo anu.
2 [That sanctuary] was a tent that [the Israelites] set up. In its outer room there was the lampstand and the table [on which they put] the bread that [the priests] presented [to God. That room] was called ‘the holy place’.
Kulwokubha munda ya liyema aliga lulimo olusika lwilabhilwe, olusika lwa anja, kabhilikilwaga lwelu. Mulubhaju lunu bhaliga bhilio ingango ya itala, imeja ne mikate jobhwonyesho.
3 Behind the curtain inside [the holy place] there was [another] room. That was called ‘the very holy place’.
Na inyuma ya lipajiya lya kabhili lwaliga lulimo olusika lundi, kabhilikilwaga lwelu muno.
4 It had an altar, [made from] gold, [for burning] incense. [It also had the chest which they called] the chest of the covenant. All its sides were covered with gold. In it was the golden pot which contained [pieces of the food they called] manna. [That was the food with which God miraculously fed the people before they entered the promised land]. In the chest there was also Aaron’s walking stick that budded [to prove that he was God’s true priest]. In the chest were also the stone tablets [on which God had written] the Ten Commandments.
Yaliga galimo amajabhau ga ijaabhu kwo kututilamo obhuvumba. Nalindi yaliga lilimo lisandikwa lya lilagano, linu lyaliga lyumbakilwa kwa jijaabhu jenyele. Munda yalyo yaliga jilimo libhakuli lya jijaabhu linu lyaliga lilimo imanna, insimbo ya Haruni inu yamelele amanyansi, na jimbao ja mabhuyi ejamalagano.
5 On top of [the chest] were [figures of] winged creatures [that symbolized God’s] glory. Their [wings] overshadowed the chest’s lid where [the high priest sprinkled the blood] (to [atone for/to forgive]) [those who had sinned. I] do not [need] to write about these things in detail now.
Ingulu ya lisandikwa lya malagano amasusano ga maserafi agalikushyo galiga gafundikiye na mabhabha imbele ye chitebhe che chigongo, echo kwa woli chitakutula kucholesha kwo bhugaji woli.
6 After all those things were prepared {After they had prepared all those things like that} [in the two rooms of the tent], the [Jewish] priests habitually went into the outer [room of the] tent to perform their rituals.
Byejile bhyawa ebhinu bhinu okukumisibhwa, Abhagabhisi bhengilaga mulusika lwa anja olwa liyema okukola obhufulubhendi bhwebhwe.
7 But into the inner room, only the Supreme Priest [went], once a year. He always took [LIT] the blood [of animals that they had slaughtered]. He offered them [to God] for his own [sins] and for the sins that other people had committed. They included sins that they did not realize [were sinful].
Nawe omugabhisi omukulu engilaga mulusika lwa kabhili omwenela lugendo lumwi bhuli mwaka, na atasigaga okusosha echogo ingulu yae omwene, na kubhibhibhi bhya bhanu bhinu bhakolaga bhutamenya.
8 By those things the Holy Spirit indicated that [just like God] did not reveal the way [for ordinary people] to enter into the inner room while the outer room still existed [MET], [similarly he did not reveal the way for ordinary people to enter the presence of God while the Jewish system of offering sacrifices was in effect].
Mwoyo Mwelu kaikati, injila yo lubhaju olwelu muno ichali kusululwa kulwokubha liyema lyo kwamba lichemeleguyu.
9 [The things that the priests did inside the outer room] [MTY] symbolized [what was true] during the time [when the first covenant was in effect]. According to [the first covenant] (OR, [In that outer room]), [priests] offered gifts and other sacrifices to God. But [by offering them], the people who brought them were unable to make themselves feel that they were no longer guilty for having sinned.
Chinu nicholeshocho mwanya gunu woli. Bhyona ebhiyanwa ne bhyogo bhinu ebhisosibhwa woli bhitakutula kukumisha omwoyo gwa unu kalamya.
10 [They brought those gifts and made those sacrifices] according to [regulations concerning] things to eat and drink, and [according to rules that required people to] wash various things. [God] declared that those regulations about our bodies were to be in effect until [he put into effect the new covenant]; that was a better system.
Nibhilyo ne bhinywebhwa bhyenene bhigwatanyibhwe no kulamya kwo kwiyosha. Byona bhinu bhyaliga bhili bhwisombolo bho mubhili bhinu bhyaliga bhilabhilwe okukinga okuja echilagilo echiyaya inu ilitulwa kulubhaju lwayo.
11 But when Christ came as our Supreme Priest, [he brought] the good things that are now available. When he appeared, [he went into God’s presence in heaven. That is like a] [MET] very great and perfect tent not made by humans {which no human made} [SYN]; that is, it is not part of the world [God] created. It was better [than the tent Moses set up here on earth].
Kristo ejile kuti mugabhisi mukulu we misango jo bhwana jinu jijile. okulabhila obhukulu no bhulengelesi bhwa liyema likulu linu litakolelwe na mabhoko ga bhanu, unu atali we chalo chinu chamogelwe.
12 [When a Supreme Priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes] goats’ blood and calves’ blood [to offer as a sacrifice]. But Christ did not [do that. It was as though] he went into that very holy place only once, taking his own blood with him. By doing that, he eternally redeemed us. (aiōnios )
Yaliga lutali lwa lwamba lwa mbusi na bhinyala, tali kwa insagama yae omwene ati Kristo engiye olubhaju olwelu lugendo lumwi kubhuli munu no kuchikumisisha okuchungulwa kweswe kajanende. (aiōnios )
13 The priests sprinkle on people goats’ blood and bulls’ blood and [the water that has been filtered through] the ashes of a [red] heifer that has been [completely burned. By performing that ritual, they can ritually] cleanse the bodies of those who are [ceremonially] unclean. Furthermore, performing those rituals enabled people to have fellowship with God again.
Labha kwo lwamba lwa jimbusi no lwajindume no kumijibhwa kwa lifu lye bhinyala kubhanu bhalibhajabhi mbasololwa ku Nyamuanga nibhakolwa emibhili jebhwe kubha jakisi,
14 [So, because we know what] Christ [accomplished when] his blood flowed [when he died for us] [PRS, MTY], we will be very certain that we are not guilty [of having] done those things [that those who are spiritually] dead do. [As a result], we can serve God, who is all-powerful. [The priests always offer to God animals] with no defects. Similarly, when Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] to God, he was sinless [MET]. He did that as a result of [God’s] eternal Spirit [helping him]. (aiōnios )
Angu gatakukila muno insagama ya Kristo unu okulabhila Mwoyo gwa kajanende esosishe omwene ku Nyamuanga, okwosha emitima jeswe okusoka mubhikolwa bhyeswe ebhifuye okumukolela Nyamuanga unu alamile? (aiōnios )
15 [By] dying [for us], [Christ] ([redeemed/] free from the penalty for their sins) even those who disobeyed the [conditions of] (OR, [during the time of]) the first covenant. So, [because] no [one could be made perfect by obeying the old covenant], now Christ establishes [between God and people] a new covenant. He does that in order that those whom God has chosen may eternally have [the blessings that God] has promised them. (aiōnios )
Kulwainsonga eyo, Kristo nimutumwa wa lilagano liyaya. Inu niyoinsonga ati olufu nilubhasiga agali bhona bhanu bhali bhalilagano lyo kwamba okusoka muntambala ye ebhibhibhi bhyebhwe, koleleki bhona bhanu bhabhilikiwe na Nyamuanga bhabhone okulamila omulago gwo kulya omwandu gwebhwe ogwakajanende. (aiōnios )
16 A covenant [is like a will. In the case of a will], [in order to put its provisions into effect], someone must prove that the one who made it has died.
Labha lilio lilagano linu elilama, nibhusibhusi likumisibhwe nolufulwo munu alikolele.
17 A will goes into effect [only when the one who makes the will] has died. It is not in effect when the one who made it is still alive.
Kulwokubha lilagano elibha na managa olubhaju lunu olusokana no lufu, kulwokubha litana managa omwanya gunu unu alikolele alimo omwoyo.
18 And so [God] put the first covenant into effect only [LIT] by means of [animals’] blood that was shed [when they were slaughtered].
Kulwejo nolo lilagano lyo kwamba lyatulilweo lutabhao nsagama.
19 After Moses had declared to all the Israelites everything that God commanded in the laws [that God gave him], he took calves’ and goats’ blood [mixed] with water. He [dipped into it] scarlet wool [that he tied around] a sprig of hyssop. Then he sprinkled [with some of the blood] the scroll itself containing God’s laws. Then he sprinkled [more of that blood on all the] people,
Omwanya gunu Musa asosishe amalagililo ge bhilagilo kubhanu bhona, agegele olwamba lwa jing'a na jimbusi, amwi na manji, echitambala chimutuku, na isopo, nokubhamijila ligombo elyene na bhanu bhona.
20 saying to them, “This is the blood [which brings into effect] the covenant that God commanded that you [obey].”
Neya naikati, “Inu ninsagama ya indagano inu Nyamuanga abhayana echilagilo kwimwe”.
21 Likewise, he sprinkled with that blood the tent and every object that they used in performing rituals.
Kumwanya ogwo ogwo ela, amijile olwamba ingulu ya liyema ne bhinu bhyona bhinu bhyakolaga emilimu je chigabhisi.
22 It was by [sprinkling] blood that they [ritually] cleansed almost everything. That was what [was stated in] God’s laws. If blood is not shed [when people offer a sacrifice, God] cannot forgive [the person who is making the sacrifice].
Nokulubhana nebhilagilo, bhuli chinu echosibhwa kwa insagama. Insagama ikalema okwitika gutalio kwiswalililwa.
23 So, by rituals like that, it was necessary for [the priests] to cleanse the things that symbolized what Christ does [MTY] in heaven. But God has to [consecrate] the [people who will enter] [MTY] heaven [by means of] better sacrifices than those.
Kulwejo jaliga jili bhusi bhusi ebhinu bhya mulwile bhyosibhwe ne bhyogo bhya jintanyi. Nolo kutyo, ebhinu bhya mulwile ebhyene bhyaliga bhiilwe okwosisibhwa kwe chogo chinu chilichakisi muno.
24 Christ did not enter a sanctuary that humans made. That one only represented the true [sanctuary]. Instead, he entered heaven itself, in order to now be in God’s presence [to plead with] God for us.
Kulwokubha Kristo atengiye olubhaju lwo bhwelu muno kanu kakolelwe na mabhoko, inu ili chinu echene. Tali omwene engiye mulwile, olubhaju lunu woli ali imbele yo bhusu bhwa Nyamuanga ingulu yeswe.
25 The [Jewish] Supreme Priest enters the very holy place once every year, taking blood that is not his own, [to offer it as a sacrifice]. But when Christ entered heaven, it was not in order to offer himself repeatedly like that.
Atengiye eyo ingulu yo kwisosha chiyanwa ingulu yae kamfu kamfu, lwakutyo kakola omugabhisi omukulu, unu kengila olubhaju olwelu muno omwaka kwo mwaka amwi na insagama yo oundi,
26 [If that were so], he would have needed to suffer [and shed his blood] repeatedly since [the time when God] created the world. But instead, in this final age, [Christ] has appeared once in order that by sacrificing himself he could cause [that people] no longer will be [punished for their] sins. (aiōn )
labha eyo chimali yaliga chilichimali, jakabhee jilibhusi bhusi kumwene okunyansibhwa kwiya kamfu kamfu okwambila obhwambilo bhwe chalo. Nawe woli nilugendo lumwi okukinga kubhutelo bhwe miyaka jinu esuluye okusoshao ebhibhibhi kwe chogo chae omwene. (aiōn )
27 All people must die once, and after that [God] will judge them [for their sins].
Lwakutyo jili ati bhuli munu kafwa lumwi, naikamala niija indamu,
28 Likewise, when Christ [died], [God] offered him once to be a sacrifice, to punish him instead of the many [people who had] sinned. He will come [to earth] a second time, not [in order to sacrifice himself again for those who] have sinned, but in order to [complete] his saving those who expectantly wait for him.
nikwokutyo jili Kristo ona asosibhwe lumwi okusoshao ebhibhibhi bhyabhamfu, alisubha lindi lwa kabhili, atali kwo kufulubhendela ebhibhibhi, tali kwo kuchungula bhanu bhamulindiliye.