< Ezekiel 41 >

1 [in the vision] the man brought me to into the Holy Place in the temple and measured the walls on each side of the doorway of that room: They were about (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) thick.
Kisha yule mtu akanileta katika sehemu ya nje ya patakatifu, naye akaipima miimo; upana wake ulikuwa dhiraa sita kila upande.
2 The entrance was (17-1/2 feet/5.3 meters) wide, and the walls of each side of it were (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) wide. He also measured the Holy Place, it was (70 feet/21.4 meters) long and (35 feet/10.7 meters) wide.
Ingilio lilikuwa la upana wa dhiraa kumi na kuta zilizojitokeza kila upande zilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa tano. Pia akapima sehemu ya nje ya patakatifu, nayo ilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa arobaini na upana wa dhiraa ishirini.
3 Then he entered the inner room [of the temple] and measured the walls of the entrance; [each was] (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meter) thick. The doorway was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) wide, and the walls on each side of the entrance were (12-1/4 feet/3.7 meters) long.
Kisha akaingia sehemu takatifu ndani ya Hekalu na kupima miimo ya ingilio, kila mmoja ulikuwa na upana wa dhiraa mbili. Ingilio lilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa sita, na kuta zilizotokeza kila upande zilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa saba.
4 Then he measured the inner room: It was (35 feet/10.7 meters) long and (35 feet/10.7 meters) wide. He said to me, “This is the Very Holy Place.”
Naye akapima urefu wa sehemu takatifu ndani, nao ulikuwa dhiraa ishirini, na upana wake ulikuwa dhiraa ishirini hadi mwisho wa sehemu ya nje ya sehemu takatifu. Akaniambia, “Hapa ndipo Patakatifu pa Patakatifu.”
5 Then he measured the wall of the temple: It was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) thick.[There was a row of rooms along the outside wall of the temple]. Each of those rooms was (7 feet/2.1 meters) wide.
Kisha akapima ukuta wa Hekalu, nao ulikuwa na unene wa dhiraa sita, na kila chumba cha pembeni kuzunguka Hekalu kilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa nne.
6 There were three levels of rooms, one above the other. There were thirty rooms on each level. There were ledges all around the wall of the temple that were supports for those side rooms; so those supports were not built into the wall of the temple.
Vyumba vya pembeni vilikuwa na ghorofa tatu, kimoja juu ya kingine, kila ghorofa ilikuwa na vyumba thelathini. Kulikuwa na boriti katika ukuta wote wa Hekalu ili kuimarisha vyumba vya pembeni, kwa hiyo boriti hizo hazikushikamanishwa kwenye ukuta wa Hekalu.
7 Each of those side rooms was wider than the one below it. The most narrow rooms were built first, at the bottom. Then a wider set of rooms was built over it, and the widest set was at the top. A set of stairs was built from the lowest level through the middle level to the highest level.
Vyumba vya pembeni vilivyozunguka Hekalu vilizidi kupanuka kulingana na sakafu zilivyokwenda juu. Ujenzi uliozunguka Hekalu ulijengwa kukwea juu, kwa hiyo vyumba vilipanuka kwa kadiri ya kila kimoja kilivyokwenda juu. Ngazi za kupandia zilianzia sakafu ya chini hadi sakafu ya juu kabisa kwa kupitia sakafu ya kati.
8 I saw that there was a terrace (OR, raised platform) around the temple. The terrace was the foundation for those side rooms; it was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) high.
Nikaona pia kuwa Hekalu lilikuwa na kitako kilichoinuliwa pande zote, huu ulikuwa ndio msingi wa vile vyumba vya pembeni ambao ulikuwa na urefu wa ule ufito mmoja wa kupimia, yaani, dhiraa ndefu sita.
9 The outer wall of those side rooms was (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick. All around those side rooms there was an open area that was (35 feet/10.6 meters) wide.
Ukuta wa nje wa vyumba vya pembeni ulikuwa na unene wa dhiraa tano. Eneo la wazi katikati ya vyumba vya pembeni vya Hekalu
10 There was a row of rooms for the priests on each side of the outer wall of the inner courtyard.
na vyumba vya makuhani lilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa ishirini kuzunguka Hekalu pande zote.
11 There were two doors from those side rooms into another open area; one faced north and one faced south. That open area was (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) wide.
Kulikuwa na maingilio kwenye vyumba vya pembeni kutokea eneo lililo wazi, moja upande wa kaskazini na lingine upande wa kusini, nao msingi uliounganisha lile eneo la wazi ulikuwa na upana wa dhiraa tano ukilizunguka lote.
12 There was a large building on the west side of the temple area. It was (122-1/2 feet/37.1 meters) wide and (157-1/2 feet/47.7 meters) long. And its walls were [also] (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick.
Jengo lililoelekeana na ua wa Hekalu upande wa magharibi lilikuwa na upana wa dhiraa sabini. Ukuta wa jengo hilo ulikuwa na unene wa dhiraa tano, kulizunguka lote, urefu ulikuwa wa dhiraa tisini.
13 Then the man measured the temple. It was (175 feet/53 meters) long, and the [temple] courtyard, where the large building was, including its walls was [also] (175 feet/53 meters) wide.
Kisha akapima Hekalu, lilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa mia moja na ua wa Hekalu na jengo pamoja na kuta zake vilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa mia moja pia.
14 The courtyard on the east side of the temple, across the front of the temple, was also (175 feet/53 meters) wide.
Upana wa ua wa Hekalu upande wa mashariki, pamoja na upande wa mbele wa Hekalu ulikuwa dhiraa mia moja.
15 Then he measured the building on the west [side]. Including its walls it was also (175 feet/53 meters) wide. The outer walls of the Holy Place, the Very Holy Place, and the entry room,
Kisha akapima urefu wa jengo linaloelekeana na ua upande wa nyuma wa Hekalu, pamoja na vyumba vyake kila upande, ilikuwa dhiraa mia moja. Sehemu takatifu ya nje, sehemu takatifu ya ndani, pamoja na baraza inayoelekeana na ukumbi,
16 the inner walls above and below the windows, and the frames of the windows were all covered with [thin] panels of wood.
pamoja na vizingiti, madirisha membamba na vyumba vyote vitatu, kila kimoja pamoja na kizingiti vilifunikwa kwa mbao. Sakafu, ukuta mpaka kwenye madirisha na madirisha yenyewe vilifunikwa kwa mbao.
17 All the walls inside the temple were decorated [carvings of] winged creatures and palm trees: Between each figure of a winged creature was a carving of a palm tree. Each winged creature had two faces:
Katika nafasi iliyokuwa juu ya upande wa nje wa ingilio la sehemu takatifu ya ndani, na katika kuta zilizozunguka sehemu takatifu ya ndani na sehemu takatifu ya nje, kwa nafasi zilizo sawa,
18 One was a face of a human, and one was the face of a lion. Those figures were carved on the walls all around the inside of the temple.
kulinakshiwa makerubi na miti ya mitende. Miti ya mitende ilikuwa kati ya kerubi na kerubi. Kila kerubi alikuwa na nyuso mbili:
upande mmoja uso wa mwanadamu kuelekea mti wa mtende na upande mwingine uso wa simba ukielekea mti mwingine wa mtende. Ilinakshiwa kuzunguka Hekalu lote.
20 They covered all the walls, from the floor to the top of the walls.
Kuanzia sakafu mpaka eneo lililo juu ya ingilio, palinakshiwa makerubi na miti ya mitende pamoja na kwenye ukuta wa nje wa patakatifu.
21 At the entrance to the Holy Place of the temple there were square doorposts. In front of the Very Holy Place there was something that resembled
Mahali patakatifu pa nje palikuwa na miimo ya mlango uliokuwa mraba na ule uliokuwa katika Patakatifu Pa Patakatifu ulikuwa unafanana na huo mwingine.
22 a wooden altar. It was (5.2 feet/1.6 meters) high and (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meters) wide on all four sides. Its corners and base and sides were [all made] of wood. The man said to me, “This is the table that is in the presence of Yahweh.”
Kulikuwa na madhabahu ya mbao kimo chake dhiraa tatu na ilikuwa dhiraa mbili mraba pande zote, tako lake na pande zake zilikuwa za mbao. Yule mtu akaniambia, “Hii ni meza ambayo iko mbele za Bwana.”
23 The Holy Place and the Very Holy Place had double doors.
Mahali patakatifu pa nje na Patakatifu Pa Patakatifu zilikuwa na milango miwili.
24 Each doorway had two doors that [on hinges].
Kila mlango ulikuwa na vipande viwili, vipande viwili vilivyoshikwa na bawaba vyenye kufunguka kwa kila mlango.
25 On the doors of the Holy Place there were carvings of winged creatures and palm trees, like those on the walls of the Holy Place. There was also a wooden roof over the front of the entry room [of the temple].
Juu ya hiyo milango ya Patakatifu palinakshiwa makerubi na miti ya mitende kama yale yaliyonakshiwa kwenye kuta, na kulikuwa na ubao ulioningʼinia mbele ya baraza kwa nje.
26 On the side walls of the entry room were narrow windows with [figures of] palm trees [carved] on the sides of the windows. The side rooms around the temple also had roofs.
Katika kuta za pembeni za ukumbi kulikuwa na madirisha membamba yaliyonakshiwa miti ya mitende kila upande. Vyumba vya pembeni vya Hekalu pia vilikuwa vimefunikwa kwa mbao.

< Ezekiel 41 >