< Exodus 4 >

1 Moses/I replied, “But what if [the Israeli people] (do not believe me/are not convinced) or not do what I tell them? What if they say, ‘Yahweh did not appear to you!’”
Mose akamjibu, “Itakuwaje kama hawataniamini au kunisikiliza, waseme, ‘Bwana hakukutokea’?”
2 Yahweh said to him/me, “[Look at] that thing you are holding in your hand. What is it?” He/I replied, “A (walking stick/shepherd’s stick).”
Ndipo Bwana akamwambia, “Ni nini hicho kilicho mkononi mwako?” Akajibu, “Fimbo.”
3 He said, “Throw it down on the ground!” So, he/I threw it on the ground, and it became a snake! And he/I ran/jumped away from it.
Bwana akasema, “Itupe chini.” Mose akaitupa chini hiyo fimbo nayo ikawa nyoka, naye akaikimbia.
4 But Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Reach down and pick it up by its tail!” So he/I reached down and caught it, and [when he/I picked it up], it became a stick in his/my hand [again.]
Kisha Bwana akamwambia, “Nyoosha mkono wako umkamate mkiani.” Basi Mose akanyoosha mkono akamkamata yule nyoka, naye akabadilika tena kuwa fimbo mkononi mwake.
5 Yahweh said, “[Do the same thing in front of the Israeli people], in order that they may believe that [I], Yahweh God, the one Abraham and Isaac and Jacob worshiped, truly appeared to you.”
Bwana akasema, “Hivi ndivyo Waisraeli watakavyoamini kuwa Bwana, Mungu wa baba zao, Mungu wa Abrahamu, Mungu wa Isaki, na Mungu wa Yakobo, amekutokea wewe.”
6 Yahweh spoke to Moses/me again, saying “Put your hand inside your robe [MTY]!” He/I did that. And when he/I took it out again, [surprisingly], his/my hand was white. It had a skin disease [that made it] as white as snow.
Kisha Bwana akamwambia, “Weka mkono wako ndani ya joho lako.” Basi Mose akaweka mkono wake ndani ya joho lake, naye alipoutoa, ulikuwa na ukoma, mweupe kama theluji.
7 Then God said, “Put your hand back inside your robe [MTY]!” So he/I did that, and when he/I took it out again, surprisingly, it was normal again, just like the rest of his/my body!
Mungu akamwambia, “Sasa urudishe tena huo mkono ndani ya joho lako.” Basi Mose akaurudisha mkono wake ndani ya joho lake na alipoutoa, ulikuwa mzima, kama sehemu zingine za mwili wake.
8 God said, “[You can do that in front of the Israeli people, too]. If they do not pay attention to what you say because of [seeing] the first miracle, they will (believe [you/be convinced) when you perform] the second miracle.
Ndipo Bwana akamwambia, “Kama hawatakuamini wewe, au kutojali ishara ya kwanza, wataamini ishara ya pili.
9 If they do not believe you or do what you say, even [after you perform] those two miracles, get some water from the Nile [River] and pour it on the ground. [When you do that], the water from the river that you pour on the ground will become blood [MTY] (OR, [red like] blood).”
Lakini kama hawataamini ishara hizi mbili au hawatawasikiliza ninyi, chukua kiasi cha maji kutoka Mto Naili uyamimine juu ya ardhi kavu. Maji mtakayotoa mtoni yatakuwa damu juu ya ardhi.”
10 Moses/I replied, “O Yahweh! I am not an eloquent [speaker]! I was not an eloquent speaker before, and I have not become one since you started talking to me! I am not a good speaker [MTY], and I speak very slowly.”
Mose akamwambia Bwana, “Ee Bwana, kamwe sijapata kuwa msemaji kwa ufasaha wakati uliopita wala tangu ulipoanza kuzungumza na mtumishi wako. Ulimi wangu ni mzito kuzungumza.”
11 Then Yahweh said to him/me, “[You seem to forget] who it is that makes people able to speak [RHQ]! Who is it that enables people to be unable to speak or unable to hear, or able to see or not to see? It is I, Yahweh [RHQ]!
Bwana akamwambia, “Ni nani aliyempa mwanadamu kinywa? Ni nani aliyemfanya mtu kuwa kiziwi au bubu? Ni nani anayempa mtu kuona au upofu? Je, si mimi, Bwana?
12 So start going [to Egypt], and I will help you to speak [MTY], and I will tell you what you should say.”
Sasa nenda, nitakusaidia kusema, nami nitakufundisha jambo la kusema.”
13 But he/I replied, “O, Yahweh, I ask you, please send someone else [instead]!”
Lakini Mose akasema, “Ee Bwana, tafadhali mtume mtu mwingine kufanya kazi hiyo.”
14 Then Yahweh became very angry with Moses/me. He said, “[What about] your [older] brother Aaron, who is [also] a descendant of Levi? I know that he is a very good/eloquent speaker. He is actually on his way here [right now], and he will be very happy to see you.
Ndipo hasira ya Bwana ikawaka dhidi ya Mose, akamwambia, “Vipi kuhusu ndugu yako, Aroni Mlawi? Ninajua yeye anaweza kuzungumza vizuri. Naye yuko tayari njiani kukulaki, na moyo wake utafurahi wakati atakapokuona.
15 You can talk to him and tell him what to say [MTY], and I will help both of you [SYN] to know what to say [MTY]. And I will tell you both what you should do.
Utazungumza naye na kuweka maneno kinywani mwake. Nitawasaidia ninyi wawili kusema, nami nitawafundisha jambo la kufanya.
16 He will speak for you to the [Israeli] people. He will be (your spokesman/as though he was your mouth) [MET], and you will be to him as though you are [his] god.
Aroni ataongea na watu badala yako na itakuwa kwamba yeye amekuwa kinywa chako nawe utakuwa kama Mungu kwake.
17 [Be sure] to take with you the walking/shepherd’s stick [that is in your hand], because you will perform miracles with it.”
Lakini chukua fimbo hii mkononi mwako ili uweze kuitumia kufanya ishara hizo za ajabu.”
18 Moses/I returned to his/my father-in-law Jethro and said to him, “Please let me go back to Egypt, to see my fellow Israelis there. I want to know if they are still alive.” Jethro said to Moses/me, “Go, and may [God give you inner] peace.”
Kisha Mose akarudi kwa Yethro mkwewe akamwambia, “Niruhusu nirudi kwa watu wangu Misri kuona kama yuko hata mmoja wao ambaye bado anaishi.” Yethro akamwambia, “Nenda, nami nakutakia mema.”
19 Yahweh said to Moses/me [before he/I left] Midian, “You can [safely] return to Egypt, because the men who were wanting to kill you [MTY] are [now] dead.”
Basi Bwana alikuwa amemwambia Mose huko Midiani, “Rudi Misri kwa maana watu wote waliotaka kukuua wamekufa.”
20 So Moses/I took his/my wife and sons and put them on donkeys, and they/we returned to Egypt. And Moses/I took in his/my hand the stick that God [told him/me to take along].
Basi Mose akamchukua mkewe na wanawe, akawapandisha juu ya punda na kuanza safari kurudi Misri. Naye akaichukua ile fimbo ya Mungu mkononi mwake.
21 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “When you return to Egypt, be sure to perform all the miracles that I have given you power [to do], while the king is watching. But I will make him stubborn [IDM], with the result that he will not let the Israeli people leave [Egypt].
Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Utakaporudi Misri, hakikisha kwamba utafanya mbele ya Farao maajabu yote niliyokupa uwezo wa kuyafanya. Lakini nitafanya moyo wake kuwa mgumu ili kwamba asiwaruhusu watu waende.
22 Then say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh says: “The Israeli [people] [MTY] are [as dear to] me as firstborn sons [MET].
Kisha mwambie Farao, ‘Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: Israeli ni mwanangu mzaliwa wa kwanza,
23 I told you to let my people [MTY] leave [Egypt], in order that they may worship me [in the desert]. If you refuse to let them go, I warn you, I will kill your firstborn son!”’”
nami nilikuambia, “Ruhusu mwanangu aondoke, ili aweze kuniabudu mimi.” Lakini ukakataa kumruhusu kwenda, basi nitaua mwana wako mzaliwa wa kwanza.’”
24 [One night], as they were camping on the way [to Egypt], Yahweh appeared to Moses/me. He wanted/threatened to kill Moses/me [for disobeying his command that boys/sons be circumcised].
Mose alipokuwa mahali pa kulala wageni akiwa njiani kurudi Misri, Bwana akakutana naye, akataka kumuua.
25 Then [his/my wife] Zipporah took a flint knife and circumcised her son. Then she touched the boy’s feet (OR, genitals) with the piece of skin [she had cut off], and she said, “The blood [which flowed when I circumcised you] will protect you [from being harmed by Yahweh] [MET].”
Lakini Sipora akachukua jiwe gumu, akakata govi la mwanawe na kugusa nalo miguu ya Mose. Sipora akasema, “Hakika wewe ni bwana arusi wa damu kwangu.”
26 She said to him, “You are safe now [MET] because you have been circumcised.” So Yahweh did not harm her son.
Sipora alipomwita Mose, “Bwana arusi wa damu,” alikuwa anamaanisha ile tohara. Baada ya hayo Bwana akamwacha.
27 Yahweh said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet/see Moses!” So he went [there from Egypt] and met him/me at [Sinai], the mountain dedicated to God, and [greeted him/me by] kissing him/me [on the cheek].
Bwana akamwambia Aroni, “Nenda jangwani ukamlaki Mose.” Basi akakutana na Mose kwenye mlima wa Mungu, akambusu.
28 Moses/I told Aaron everything that Yahweh had said to him/me when he told him/me to return to Egypt. He/I also told Aaron about all the miracles that Yahweh told him/me to perform.
Kisha Mose akamwambia Aroni kila kitu Bwana alichomtuma kusema, vilevile habari za ishara na maajabu alizokuwa amemwamuru kufanya.
29 [So Aaron and Moses/I] returned [to Egypt]. There they/we gathered together all the Israeli elders/leaders.
Mose na Aroni wakawakusanya wazee wote wa Waisraeli,
30 Aaron told them everything that Yahweh had told Moses/me, and Aaron performed [all] the miracles as the people watched.
naye Aroni akawaambia kila kitu Bwana alichokuwa amemwambia Mose. Pia akafanya ishara mbele ya watu,
31 They believed [that what they/we were saying was true]. When they heard that Yahweh had seen how the Israeli people were being cruelly oppressed and that he was going to help them, they bowed down and worshiped [Yahweh].
nao wakaamini. Nao waliposikia kuwa Bwana anajishughulisha nao, na kwamba ameona mateso yao, walisujudu na kuabudu.

< Exodus 4 >