< Deuteronomy 2 >

1 “Then we turned around and went through the desert toward the (Red Sea/Gulf of Aqaba), as Yahweh told us to do, and we wandered in the Edom area for many years.
Nous partîmes alors en rétrogradant vers le désert, du côté de la mer des Joncs, comme l’Éternel me l’avait ordonné, et nous fîmes un long circuit autour du mont Séir.
2 Then Yahweh said to me,
Puis l’Éternel me parla en ces termes:
3 ‘You have been wandering around this hilly area for a long enough time. Now turn [and travel] toward the north.
"Assez longtemps vous avez tourné autour de cette montagne; acheminez-vous vers le nord.
4 And tell the people that they are about to travel near the land that belongs to the descendants of Esau, who are also descendants of Isaac. They live in the [hilly] Edom region. They will be afraid of you,
Et toi, ordonne au peuple ce qui suit: Vous touchez aux confins de vos frères, les enfants d’Esaü, qui habitent en Séir. Ils vous craignent, mais tenez-vous bien sur vos gardes,
5 but do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you even a tiny bit [HYP] of their land. I have given that land to the descendants of Esau.
ne les attaquez point! Car je ne vous accorde pas, de leur pays, même la largeur d’une semelle, attendu que j’ai donné la montagne de Séir comme héritage à Esaü.
6 [When you travel near their land], buy food and water from them.’
Les aliments que vous mangerez, achetez-les-leur à prix d’argent: l’eau même que vous boirez, payez-la leur à prix d’argent.
7 Do not forget that Yahweh our God has blessed you in everything that you [SYN] have done. He knows [what has happened to you while] you have wandered in this huge desert. But he has been with you during those 40 years, and as a result you have had everything that you needed [LIT].
Car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, t’a béni dans toutes les œuvres de tes mains; il a veillé sur ta marche à travers ce long désert. Voici quarante ans que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, est avec toi: tu n’as manqué de rien."
8 So we continued to travel. We avoided going through the hilly area where the descendants of Esau live. We stayed away from the road through the Jordan [River] Valley past Ezion-Geber and Elath [towns], and we turned and traveled northeast toward the desert area where the Moab people-group lives.
Nous nous détournâmes ainsi de nos frères, les enfants d’Esaü, qui habitent le Séir, du chemin de la plaine, d’Elath et d’Asiongaber. Changeant de direction, nous traversâmes le désert de Moab.
9 Yahweh said to me, ‘Do not bother/harass the people of Moab, and do not start to fight against them, because I am not going to give you any of their land. [Do not forget that] they are descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot, and I have given to them Ar [city, their capital, and the other areas in that country].’”
Et l’Éternel me dit: "Ne moleste pas Moab et n’engage pas de combat avec lui: je ne te laisserai rien conquérir de son territoire, car c’est aux enfants de Loth que j’ai donné Ar en héritage.
10 A large group of giants called Emim formerly lived there. They were strong and numerous, and as tall as the giants who were descendants of Anak.
(Les Emîm y demeuraient primitivement, nation grande, nombreuse et de haute stature, comme les Anakéens,
11 They and the descendants of Anak are also called the Repha giants, but the people of Moab call them Emim.
eux aussi, ils sont réputés Rephaïtes comme les Anakéens, et les Moabites les nomment Emîm.
12 The Hor people-group also formerly lived in the Edom area, but the descendants of Esau chased them out. They defeated and killed them and (settled in/occupied) their land, just as the Israeli people later expelled their enemies from the land that Yahweh gave to them.
De même, dans le Séir habitaient autrefois les Horéens; mais les enfants d’Esaü les dépossédèrent, les exterminèrent et s’établirent à leur place, comme l’a fait Israël pour le pays de sa possession, que l’Éternel lui a donné).
13 [I also said to the Israeli people], “Then we crossed the Zered Gorge, as Yahweh told us to do.
Donc, mettez-vous en devoir de passer le torrent de Zéred." Et nous passâmes le torrent de Zéred.
14 It had been thirty-eight years from the time we first left Kadesh-Barnea until we crossed the Zered Gorge. During those years, all the Israeli (fighting men/soldiers) of that generation had died, as Yahweh had vowed would happen.
La durée de notre voyage, depuis Kadêch-Barnéa jusqu’au passage du torrent de Zéred, avait été de trente-huit ans. A cette époque, toute la génération guerrière avait disparu du milieu du camp, comme l’Éternel le leur avait juré.
15 They died because Yahweh opposed them, until he had gotten rid of all of them.
La main du Seigneur les avait aussi frappés, pour les anéantir du milieu du camp, jusqu’à leur entière extinction.
16 After all the men who had been old enough to fight in wars had died [DOU],
Or, lorsque tous ces gens de guerre eurent disparu, par la mort, du milieu du peuple,
17 Yahweh said to me,
l’Éternel me parla ainsi:
18 ‘Today you all must cross the border into the Moab region, near Ar, [their capital city].
"Tu vas dépasser maintenant la frontière de Moab, Ar;
19 When you come near the border of the land where the Ammon people-group live, do not bother/harass them or start to fight against them. They are also descendants of Lot, so I am not going to give you any of the land that I have given to them.’”
tu vas arriver en face des enfants d’Ammon. Ne les attaque pas, ne les provoque point: je ne te permets aucune conquête sur le sol des enfants d’Ammon, car c’est aux descendants de Loth que je l’ai donné en héritage.
20 That region is also called the land of the Repha giants, who formerly lived there. The Ammon people-group call them the Zamzum group.
(Celui-là aussi est considéré comme pays de Rephaïtes: des Rephaïtes l’occupaient d’abord, les Ammonites les appellent Zamzoummîm,
21 They were a large and powerful group, who were as tall as the descendants of Anak. But Yahweh got rid of them, and the Ammon people-group expelled them and took their land away from them and started to live there.
peuple grand, nombreux et de haute taille, comme les Anakéens; mais le Seigneur les extermina au profit des Ammonites, qui les vainquirent et les remplacèrent.
22 Yahweh had done the same thing for the descendants of Esau who live in the hilly area of Edom. He got rid of the Hor people-group, with the result that the Edom people-group took their land from them and started to live there. They still live there.
Ainsi a-t-il fait pour les enfants d’Esaü, qui habitent en Séir; car il a exterminé devant eux le Horéen, qu’ils ont dépossédé, et qu’ils remplacent encore aujourd’hui.
23 People who came from Crete [Island] got rid of the Av group [who previously lived in the land close to the Mediterranean Sea], as far south as Gaza. They took their land from them and started to live there.
De même, les Avvéens, qui habitaient des bourgades jusqu’à Gaza, des Kaftorîm sortis de Kaftor les ont détruits et se sont établis à leur place).
24 “[After we had gone through the Moab region], Yahweh said to us, ‘Now cross the Arnon [River]. I will help you to defeat [IDM] [the army of] Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who lives in Heshbon [city]. So attack their army and start to take their land from them.
Allez, mettez-vous en marche, et passez le torrent de l’Arnon. Vois, je livre en ton pouvoir Sihôn, roi de Hesbon, l’Amorréen, avec son pays; commence par lui la conquête! Engage la lutte avec lui!
25 Today I will begin to cause everyone, everywhere, to be afraid of you. Everyone who hears about you will tremble and be terrified.’
D’Aujourd’hui, je veux imprimer ta crainte et ta terreur à tous les peuples sous le ciel, tellement qu’au bruit de ton nom, l’on frémira et l’on tremblera devant toi."
26 Then I sent messengers to go from the desert to King Sihon at Heshbon. I told them to give this peaceful message to the king:
Et j’envoyai, du désert de Kedêmoth, une députation à Sihôn, roi de Hesbon, avec ces paroles pacifiques:
27 ‘Please allow us to travel through your land. We [promise that we] will stay on the road; we will not turn off to the right or to the left.
"Je voudrais passer par ton pays. Je suivrai constamment la grande route, je n’en dévierai ni à droite ni à gauche.
28 We will pay for any food or water that you allow us to buy. We want only to walk through your country,
Les vivres que je consommerai, vends-les moi à prix d’argent; donne-moi à prix d’argent l’eau que je veux boire. Je voudrais simplement passer à pied.
29 until we cross the Jordan [River] into the land that Yahweh our God is giving to us. Do for us just as the descendants of Esau who live in the Edom area and the Moab people-group did for us when they allowed us to go through their areas.’
Ainsi en ont usé avec moi les enfants d’Esaü, habitants de Séir, et les Moabites habitants d’Ar, pour que je puisse atteindre, par le Jourdain, le pays que l’Éternel, notre Dieu, nous destine."
30 But King Sihon would not allow us to go through his country. That was because Yahweh our God caused him to be stubborn [IDM]. The result was that Yahweh enabled us to defeat his army and take his land [IDM], which we still live in.
Mais Sihôn, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut pas nous livrer passage; car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, avait raidi son esprit et endurci son cœur, pour le faire tomber en ton pouvoir, comme aujourd’hui.
31 Yahweh said to me, ‘Listen! I am about to allow you to defeat Sihon’s [army] and to take the people’s land from them. So start to occupy it!’
L’Éternel me dit: "Vois, je t’ai d’avance livré Sihôn et son pays; commence la conquête en t’emparant de son pays."
32 Then Sihon came out [of the city] with all his army to fight against us at Jahaz [town].
Sihôn s’avança à notre rencontre avec tout son peuple, pour le combat, à Yahça.
33 But God enabled us to defeat [DOU] them, and we killed Sihon and his sons and all his soldiers.
L’Éternel, notre Dieu, le livra à notre merci et nous le battîmes, lui, ses fils et tout son peuple.
34 We captured all their cities and destroyed them all. We killed all the men and women and children; we did not allow any of them to remain alive.
Nous prîmes alors toutes ses villes, et nous frappâmes d’anathème toute ville où étaient des êtres humains, même les femmes et les enfants; nous ne laissâmes pas un survivant.
35 We took the valuable things that were in the cities that we captured and also their cattle.
Nous ne prîmes pour nous que le bétail, ainsi que le butin des villes que nous avions conquises.
36 Yahweh our God enabled us to capture [IDM] all their towns from Aroer [in the south], which is at the edge of the Arnon River [Valley], to the Gilead [region in the north]. Some of their cities had [walls around them], but we were able to [climb over them].
Depuis Aroer, qui est au bord du torrent d’Arnon, et la ville située dans cette vallée, jusqu’au Galaad pas une place n’a pu tenir devant, nous: l’Éternel, notre Dieu, nous a tout livré.
37 But we did not go near the area where the Ammon people-group live, or the banks of the Jabbok riverbed, or the towns in the hilly area, or any other place where Yahweh our God told us not to go.”
Mais tu as laissé intact le territoire des Ammonites: tout le bassin du torrent de Jacob, les villes de la Montagne, enfin tout ce que l’Éternel, notre Dieu, nous avait enjoint de respecter.

< Deuteronomy 2 >