< Deuteronomy 12 >

1 “(I will now tell you again/These, [again], are) the rules and regulations that you must faithfully obey in the land that Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors [worshiped], is giving to you to occupy. You must obey these laws all the time that you are alive.
"Voici les lois et les statuts que vous aurez soin d’observer dans le pays que l’Éternel, Dieu de tes pères, t’a destiné comme possession; vous les observerez tout le temps que vous vivrez dans ce pays.
2 You must destroy all the places where the people-groups that you will expel worship their gods, on the tops of mountains and hills and under big green trees.
Vous devez détruire tous les lieux où les peuples dépossédés par vous auront honoré leurs dieux, sur les hautes montagnes et sur les collines, et au pied des arbres touffus.
3 You must tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars. Completely burn the statues of their goddess Asherah in fires, and chop down their wooden idols, in order that no one will ever worship them [MTY] in those places again.
Renversez leurs autels, brisez leurs monuments, livrez leurs bosquets aux flammes, abattez les images de leurs dieux; effacez enfin leur souvenir de cette contrée.
4 “Do not worship Yahweh like [the people in Canaan worship their gods].
Vous n’en userez point de la sorte envers l’Éternel, votre Dieu;
5 Instead, you must go to the place that Yahweh will choose. It will be in the area where one of your tribes will live. That is where you must go to worship Yahweh.
mais uniquement à l’endroit que l’Éternel, votre Dieu, aura adopté entre toutes vos tribus pour y attacher son nom, dans ce lieu de sa résidence vous irez l’invoquer.
6 That is the place where you must bring your sacrifices that will be completely burned on the altar, and your other sacrifices, (your tithes/ten percent of all of your crops), other offerings that you decide to give, and the firstborn animals from your cattle and sheep.
Là, vous apporterez vos holocaustes et vos sacrifices, vos dîmes et vos offrandes, vos présents votifs ou spontanés, et les prémices de votre gros et menu bétail.
7 There, in the presence of Yahweh our God, who has [greatly] blessed you, you and your families will eat the good things that you have worked to produce, and you will be happy.
Là, vous les consommerez devant l’Éternel, votre Dieu, et vous jouirez, vous et vos familles, de tous les biens que vous devrez à la bénédiction de l’Éternel, votre Dieu.
8 “[When you are in that land], you must not do some of the things that we have been doing. Until now, you have all been worshiping [Yahweh] the way you wanted to,
Vous n’agirez point comme nous agissons ici actuellement, chacun selon sa convenance.
9 because you have not yet arrived in the land which Yahweh is giving to you, where you will be able to live peacefully.
C’Est que vous n’avez pas encore atteint la possession tranquille, l’héritage que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, te réserve.
10 But when you cross the Jordan [River], you will start to live in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you. He will protect you from all your enemies that will surround you, and you will live peacefully/safely.
Mais quand, le Jourdain passé, vous serez fixés dans le pays que l’Éternel, votre Dieu, vous donne en héritage; quand il vous aura délivrés de tous vos ennemis d’alentour et que vous vivrez en sécurité,
11 “Yahweh will choose one place where he wants you to worship him. That is the place to which you must bring all the offerings that I command you to bring: The sacrifices that must be completely burned [on the altar], your other sacrifices, other offerings that you yourselves decide to give, (your tithes/ten percent of all your crops), and all the special offerings that you will solemnly promise to give to Yahweh.
c’est alors, au lieu choisi par l’Éternel, votre Dieu, pour y asseoir sa résidence, c’est là que vous apporterez tout ce que je vous prescris: vos holocaustes et vos sacrifices, vos dîmes et vos offrandes, et tous les présents de choix que vous aurez voués au Seigneur.
12 Rejoice there in the presence of Yahweh, along with your children, your male and female servants, and the descendants of Levi who live in your towns. Do not forget that the descendants of Levi will not have their own land, like you will have.
Et vous vous réjouirez en présence du Seigneur, votre Dieu, avec vos fils et vos filles, avec vos serviteurs et vos servantes, et aussi le Lévite qui sera dans vos murs, parce qu’il n’aura point, comme vous, de part héréditaire.
13 Be sure that you do not offer sacrifices anywhere you want to.
Garde-toi d’offrir tes holocaustes en tout lieu où bon te semblera:
14 You must offer them only in the place that Yahweh will choose for you, in an area that belongs to one of your tribes. That is the only place where he wants you to offer sacrifices that will be completely burned [on the altar], and to do the other things that I am commanding you to do [when you worship him].
mais uniquement au lieu que l’Éternel aura choisi dans l’une de tes tribus, là, tu offriras tes holocaustes, là, tu accompliras tout ce que je t’ordonne.
15 “However, you will be permitted to kill and eat the meat of your animals in the places where you live. As often as you want to, you may eat the meat of the animals that Yahweh our God will bless you by giving them to you. Those who have done things that cause them to become unacceptable to God and those who have not done things like that may all eat that meat, just like you would eat the meat of a deer or an antelope.
Néanmoins, tu pourras, à ton gré, tuer des animaux et en manger la chair, dans toutes tes villes, selon le bien-être que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, t’aura accordé; l’impur ainsi que le pur pourront la manger, comme la chair du chevreuil et du cerf.
16 But you must not eat the blood [of any animals]; you must let the blood drain onto the ground [before you cook the meat].
Seulement, vous n’en mangerez point le sang: tu le répandras sur la terre, comme de l’eau.
17 In the places where you live, you must not eat the things that you are offering [to Yahweh]: You must not eat the (tithes/ten percent) of your grain or of your wine, or of your [olive] oil, or the firstborn of your cattle and sheep, or the offerings that you yourselves decide to give to Yahweh, or any other offerings.
Tu ne pourras pas consommer dans tes villes la dîme de ton blé, de ton vin, de ton huile, les premiers-nés de ton gros ni de ton menu bétail, les dons que tu auras voués, ceux que tu offriras spontanément ou que prélèvera ta main;
18 Instead, you and your children and your male and female servants and the descendants of Levi who live in your towns must go to the place that he has chosen and eat those things there in the presence of Yahweh. And you should rejoice in the presence of Yahweh about everything that you do.
mais tu devras les consommer en présence de l’Éternel, ton Dieu, dans le lieu qu’il aura choisi, toi, ton fils et ta fille, ton serviteur et ta servante, et le Lévite qui sera dans tes murs; et tu jouiras, devant l’Éternel, ton Dieu, de ce que tu possèdes.
19 Be sure that you take care of the descendants of Levi all during the time that you live in your land.
Garde-toi de négliger le Lévite, tant que tu vivras dans ton pays.
20 “When Yahweh our God gives you much more land [than you will have when you first occupy it], which is what he has promised to do, and you say ‘I would like some meat to eat’ because you are craving/wanting some meat, you will be permitted to eat meat whenever you want to.
Quand l’Éternel, ton Dieu, aura étendu ton territoire comme il te l’a promis, et que tu diras: "Je voudrais manger de la viande," désireux que tu seras d’en manger, tu pourras manger de la viande au gré de tes désirs.
21 If the place that Yahweh our God chooses to be the place for you to worship him is far [from where you live], you are permitted to kill some of your cattle or sheep that Yahweh has given to you, and you may eat that meat at the places where you live, just like I have told you to do.
Trop éloigné du lieu choisi par l’Éternel, ton Dieu, comme siège de son nom, tu pourras tuer, de la manière que je t’ai prescrite, de ton gros ou menu bétail que l’Éternel t’aura donné, et en manger dans tes villes tout comme il te plaira.
22 Those who have done things that cause them to become unacceptable to God, and those who have not done things like that, are all permitted to all eat that meat, just like you would eat the meat of a deer or an antelope.
Seulement, comme on mange du chevreuil et du cerf, ainsi tu en mangeras; l’impur et le pur en pourront manger ensemble.
23 But be sure that you do not eat the blood [of any animal], because it is the blood that sustains life in living beings, and so you must not eat the life along with the meat.
Mais évite avec soin d’en manger le sang; car le sang c’est la vie, et tu ne dois pas absorber la vie avec la chair.
24 Do not eat the blood; instead, let it drain onto the ground.
Ne le mange point! Répands-le à terre, comme de l’eau.
25 If you obey this command and do what Yahweh says is right [for you to do], things will go well for you and for your descendants.
Ne le mange point! Afin que tu sois heureux, toi et tes enfants après toi, pour avoir fait ce qui plaît au Seigneur.
26 “But the sacred offerings that Yahweh has told you to give and the other offerings that you yourselves decide to give, you must take to the place that Yahweh will choose.
Quant aux choses saintes que tu posséderas et à tes offrandes votives, tu les apporteras au lieu qu’aura choisi le Seigneur:
27 You must offer there the sacrifices that will be completely burned [on Yahweh’s altar]. You must also offer there the sacrifices from which you may eat some of meat after you [kill the animals and] drain out the blood and some of it is thrown on the [sides of the] altar.
tu offriras tes holocaustes, la chair comme le sang, sur l’autel du Seigneur, ton Dieu; pour tes autres sacrifices, le sang en sera répandu sur l’autel du Seigneur, ton Dieu, mais tu en consommeras la chair.
28 Faithfully obey all these things that I have commanded you. If you do that, things will go well forever for you and your descendants, because you will be doing what Yahweh our God says is right [for you to do] and what pleases him.
Retiens et observe toutes ces instructions que je te donne, afin d’être heureux, toi et tes descendants à jamais, en faisant ce qu’aime et approuve l’Éternel, ton Dieu.
29 “When you enter the land that you will occupy, as you advance, Yahweh our God will get rid of the people-groups that live there.
Quand l’Éternel, ton Dieu, aura fait disparaître devant toi les peuples que tu vas déposséder, quand tu les auras dépossédés et que tu occuperas leur pays,
30 After he does that, be sure that you do not [worship the gods] that they have been worshiping, because if you do that, you will be caught in the same trap [that they were caught in] [MET]. Do not ask anyone about those gods, saying, ‘Tell me how they worshiped their gods, in order that I can [worship them] also.’
prends garde de te fourvoyer sur leurs traces, après les avoir vus périr; ne va pas t’enquérir de leurs divinités et dire: "Comment ces peuples servaient-ils leurs dieux? Je veux faire comme eux, moi aussi."
31 Do not try to worship Yahweh our God like they have worshiped their gods, because when they worship them, they do disgusting things, things that Yahweh hates. [The worst thing that they do is] that they sacrifice their own children and burn them [on their altars].
Non, n’agis point de la sorte envers l’Éternel, ton Dieu! Car tout ce qu’abhorre l’Éternel, tout ce qu’il réprouve, ils l’ont fait pour leurs dieux; car même leurs fils et leurs filles, ils les livrent au bûcher pour leurs dieux!
32 “Be sure to do everything that I have commanded you to do. Do not add anything to these commands, and do not take anything away from them.”
"Tout ce que je vous prescris, observez-le exactement, sans y rien ajouter, sans en retrancher rien.

< Deuteronomy 12 >