< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 During the time that David [ruled], there was a famine [in Israel] for three years. David prayed to Yahweh about it. And Yahweh said, “[In order for the famine to end], Saul’s family needs to be punished [MTY] because Saul killed many people from Gibeon [city].”
Panguva yokutonga kwaDhavhidhi, kwakava nenzara makore matatu achiteverana; saka Dhavhidhi akatsvaka chiso chaJehovha. Jehovha akati, “Imhaka yaSauro neimba yake yeropa; imhaka yokuti akauraya vaGibheoni.”
2 The people of Gibeon were not Israelis; they were a small group of the Amor people-group whom the Israelis had solemnly promised to protect. But Saul had tried to kill all of them because he (was very zealous/wanted very much) to enable the people of Judah and Israel [to be the only ones living in that land]. So the king summoned the leaders of Gibeon
Mambo akadana vaGibheoni akataura navo. (Zvino vaGibheoni vakanga vasiri vorudzi rwavaIsraeri asi vakanga vari vakasara vavaAmori; vakanga vapikirwa navaIsraeri kuti vasaurayiwe, asi Sauro mukushingaira kwake nokuda kwavaIsraeri navaJudha akaedza kuvaparadza.)
3 and said to them, “What shall I do for you? How can I make amends/up for what was done to your people, in order that you will bless us who belong to Yahweh?”
Dhavhidhi akabvunza vaGibheoni akati, “Ndingakuitirai chiiko? Ndingayananisa neiko kuitira kuti mugoropafadza nhaka yaJehovha?”
4 They replied, “You cannot settle our quarrel with Saul and his family by giving us silver or gold. And we do not have the right to kill any Israelis.” So David asked, “Then/So what do you say that I should do for you?”
VaGibheoni vakamupindura vachiti, “Hatina kodzero yokureva sirivha negoridhe kuna Sauro kana kumhuri yake, uye hatina kodzero yokuuraya munhu muIsraeri.” Dhavhidhi akati, “Munoda kuti ndikuitireiko?”
5 They replied, “Saul [wanted to] get rid of us. He wanted to annihilate/kill all of us, in order that none of us would live anywhere in Israel.
Vakapindura mambo vakati, “Kana ari munhu akatiparadza uye akaita rangano yokuti tipere uye tishayiwe nzvimbo kupi zvako muIsraeri,
6 Hand over to us seven of Saul’s descendants. We will hang them where Yahweh is worshiped in Gibeon, our town, the town where Saul, whom Yahweh previously chose to be king, lived.” The king replied, “Okay, I will hand them over to you.”
zvizvarwa zvake zvechirume zvinomwe ngazvipiwe kwatiri kuti zviurayiwe uye zviiswe pachena pamberi paJehovha paGibhea raSauro musanangurwa waJehovha.” Saka mambo akati, “Ndichavapa kwamuri.”
7 The king did not hand over to them Saul’s grandson Mephibosheth, because of what he and [Mephibosheth’s father] Jonathan had solemnly promised to each other.
Mambo akararamisa Mefibhosheti mwanakomana waJonatani, mwanakomana waSauro, nokuda kwemhiko pamberi paJehovha pakati paDhavhidhi naJonatani mwanakomana waSauro.
8 Instead, he took Armoni and another man named Mephibosheth, the two sons that Saul’s slave wife Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah, had given birth to, and the five sons that Saul’s daughter Merab had given birth to. Merab’s husband was Adriel, the son of a man named Barzillai from Meholah [town].
Asi mambo akatora Arimoni naMefibhosheti, vanakomana vaviri vaRizipa mwanasikana waAya, waakanga aberekera Sauro, pamwe chete navanakomana vashanu vaMerabhi mwanasikana waSauro, waakanga aberekera Adhirieri mwanakomana waBhazirai muMehorati.
9 David handed those men over to the men from Gibeon. Then they hanged those seven men on a hill where they worshiped Yahweh. They were all killed during the time of the year that the people started to harvest the barley.
Akavaisa mumaoko avaGibheoni, ivo vakavasungirira pachikomo pamberi paJehovha. Vose vari vanomwe vakafa pamwe chete; vakaurayiwa panguva yokutanga kukohwa, pakutanga kwokukohwewa kwebhari.
10 Then Rizpah took coarse cloth made from goats’ hair, and spread it on the rock [where the corpses lay]. She stayed there from the time that people started to harvest the barley until the rains started. She did not allow any birds to come near the corpses during the day, and she did not allow any animals to come near during the night.
Rizipa mwanasikana waAya akatora nguo yesaga akazviwaridzira pamusoro pedombo. Kubva pakutanga kwokukohwa kusvikira pakunaya kwemvura ichibva kudenga pamusoro pemitumbi yavo, haana kutendera shiri dzedenga kuti dzivabate masikati kana zvikara zvesango usiku.
11 When someone told David what Rizpah had done,
Dhavhidhi akati ataurirwa zvakaitwa naRizipa, mwanasikana waAya, murongo waSauro,
12 he went with some of his servants to Jabesh in [the] Gilead [region] and got the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. The people of Jabesh had stolen their bones from the (plaza/public square) in Beth-Shan [city], where the men from Philistia had hanged them previously, on the day that they had killed Saul and Jonathan on Gilboa [Mountain].
akaenda akandotora mapfupa aSauro naJonatani mwanakomana wake kubva kuvagari veJabheshi Gireadhi. Vakanga vaatora muchivande kubva pachivara chapaBheti Shani, uko kwavakanga vaturikwa navaFiristia shure kwokunge vauraya Sauro paGiribhoa.
13 David and his men took the bones of Saul and Jonathan, and they also took the bones of the seven men [from Gibeon] whom the men from Philistia had hanged.
Dhavhidhi akauya namapfupa aSauro naJonatani mwanakomana wake kubva ikoko, uye mapfupa aavo vakanga vaurayiwa vakaiswa pachena akaunganidzwa.
14 They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan in Zela [town] in the land of [the tribe of] Benjamin. Doing all that the king commanded, they buried their bones in the tomb where Saul’s father Kish [was buried]. After that, [because] God [saw that Saul’s family had been punished to pay for Saul’s murder of many people from Gibeon, he] answered the Israelis’ prayers for their land, and caused the famine to end.
Vakaviga mapfupa aSauro naJonatani mwanakomana wake muhwiro hwaKishi baba vaSauro, paZera muBhenjamini, uye vakaita zvose zvavakarayirwa namambo. Shure kwaizvozvo, Mwari akapindura munyengetero wokumiririra nyika.
15 The army of Philistia again started to fight against the army of Israel. And David and his soldiers went to fight the Philistines. During the battle, David became weary.
Kwakavazve nehondo pakati pavaFiristia navaIsraeri. Dhavhidhi akaburuka navanhu vake kundorwa navaFiristia, uye akaneta kwazvo.
16 One of the Philistia men thought that he could kill David. His name was Ishbi-Benob. He was a descendant of [a group of] giants. He carried a bronze spear that weighed about (7-1/2 pounds/3-1/2 kg.), and he also had a new sword.
Uye Ishibhi-Bhenoni, mumwe wezvizvarwa zvaRafa, aiva nomusoro wepfumo wairema mazana matatu amashekeri uye akapakata munondo mutsva, akati achauraya Dhavhidhi.
17 But Abishai came to help David, and attacked the giant and killed him. Then David’s soldiers forced him to promise that he would not go with them into a battle again. They said to him, “[If you die, and none of your descendants become king, that would be like] [MET] extinguishing the last light in Israel.”
Asi Abhishai mwanakomana waZeruya akanunura Dhavhidhi; akabayira muFiristia pasi akamuuraya. Ipapo vanhu vaDhavhidhi vakapika kwaari vachiti, “Hamuchazomboendizve nesu kuhondo, kuitira kuti mwenje weIsraeri urege kuzodzimwa.”
18 Some time after that, there was a battle with the army of Philistia near Gob [village]. During the battle, Sibbecai, from [the] Hushah [clan], killed Saph, one of the descendants of the Rapha giants.
Shure kwaizvozvo, kwakavazve nokurwa navaFiristia, paGobhi. Panguva iyoyo Sibhekai muHushati akauraya Safi, mumwe wezvizvarwa zvaRafa.
19 [Later] there was another battle with the army of Philistia at Gob. During that battle, Elhanan, the son of Jaare-Oregim from Bethlehem, killed [the brother of] Goliath from Gath [city]; Goliath’s spear shaft/handle was (very thick, like the bar on a weaver’s loom/over two inches thick).
Pano kumwe kurwa navaFiristia paGobhi, Erihanani mwanakomana waJoare-Oregimi muBheterehema akauraya Goriati muGiti, akanga ane pfumo raiva nerwiriko rwakanga rwakaita setsvimbo yomuruki.
20 Later there was another battle near Gath. There was a (huge man/giant) there who liked to fight [in battles]. He had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He was descended from [the] Rapha [giants].
Pano kumwe kurwazve, kwakaitika paGati, pakanga pane hofori yomurume akanga ane minwe mitanhatu paruoko rumwe norumwe uye zvigunwe zvitanhatu parutsoka rumwe norumwe, zvose zviri makumi maviri nezvina. Naiyewo akanga ari chizvarwa chaRafa.
21 But when he (made fun of/ridiculed) the men in the Israeli [army], Jonathan, the son of David’s [older] brother Shimeah, killed him.
Akati achishora Israeri, Jonatani mwanakomana waShimea, mununʼuna waDhavhidhi, akamuuraya.
22 Those four men were some of the descendants of the Rapha giants who had lived in Gath, who were killed [MTY] by David and his soldiers.
Ava vari vana vakanga vari zvizvarwa zvaRafa muGati, uye vakafa pamaoko aDhavhidhi navanhu vake.

< 2 Samuel 21 >