< 1 Corinthians 10 >

1 And, my Brethren, I would have you know, that our fathers were all of them under the cloud, and they all passed through the sea;
Ne čem pa, bratje, da bi ne vedeli, da so naši očetje vsi pod oblakom bili in so vsi skozi morje prešli,
2 and they were all baptized by Moses, in the cloud and in the sea;
In so se vsi v Mojzesa krstili v oblaku in v morji,
3 and they all ate the same spiritual food;
In so vsi ravno tisto duhovno jed jedli,
4 and they all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that attended them, and that rock was the Messiah.
In so vsi ravno tisto duhovno pijačo pili; kajti pili so iz duhovne spremljajoče skale, a ta skala je bila Kristus.
5 But with a multitude of them, God was not pleased; for they fell in the wilderness.
Ali veči del njih ni bil po godu Bogu, kajti so bili pobiti v puščavi.
6 Now these things were an example for us, that we should not hanker after evil things as they hankered.
To pa so izgledi za nas postali, da bi ne želeli hudega, kakor so tudi oni poželeli.
7 Neither should we serve idols, as some of them served; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to sport.
Tudi ne bodite malikovalci, kakor nekteri njih, kakor je pisano: "Sedlo je ljudstvo jest in pit in vstalo igrat."
8 Neither let us commit whoredom, as some of them committed; and there fell in one day twenty and three thousand.
Tudi ne kurbajmo se, kakor so se nekteri izmed njih kurbali in padlo jih je v enem dnevi tri in dvajset tisoč.
9 Neither let us tempt the Messiah, as some of them tempted; and serpents destroyed them.
Tudi ne izkušajmo Kristusa, kakor so tudi nekteri izmed njih izkušali in so poginili od kač.
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them murmured; and they perished by the destroyer.
Tudi ne mrmrajte, kakor so nekteri izmed njih mrmrali in so poginili od pogubnika.
11 All these things which befell them, were for an example to us; and they are written for our instruction, on whom the end of the world hath come. (aiōn g165)
To se je pa vse godilo njim za izglede, a napisalo se je za svarilo nam, na ktere so prišli konci vekov. (aiōn g165)
12 Wherefore, let him who thinketh he standeth, beware lest he fall.
Tako kdor misli, da stoji, naj gleda, da ne pade.
13 No trial cometh on you, but what pertaineth to men: and God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tried beyond your ability, but will make an issue to your trial, that ye may be able to sustain it.
Ni vas nobeno izkušanjé prijelo, razen človeško: veren je Bog, kteri vam ne bo dal izkušanim biti nad vašo moč nego bo storil z izkušanjem tudi izhod, da boste mogli prenesti.
14 Wherefore, my Beloved, flee from idolatry.
Za to, ljubljeni moji, bežite od malikovalstva.
15 I speak as to the wise; judge ye what I say.
Kakor pametnim govorim; razsodite vi, kar pravim.
16 The cup of thanksgiving which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of the Messiah? And the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of the Messiah?
Kelih blagoslova, kterega blagoslavljamo, ni li podeljevanje krvi Kristusove! Kruh, kterega lomimo, ni li podeljevanje telesa Kristusovega?
17 As therefore that bread is one, so we are all one body; for we all take to ourselves from that one bread.
Kajti smo en kruh, eno telo mnogi, ker vsi imamo del od tega enega kruha.
18 Behold the Israel who are in the flesh; are not they who eat the victims, participators of the altar?
Glejte Izraela po mesu: niso li, kteri žrtve jedó, deležniki oltarja?
19 What then do I say? That an idol is any thing? Or, that an idol's sacrifice is any thing? No.
Kaj torej pravim? da je malik kaj? ali da je mališka žrtva kaj?
20 But that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God. And I would not, that ye should be associates of demons.
Nego kar žrtvujejo pogani, da žrtvujejo vragom in ne Bogu. Ne čem pa, da boste vi deležniki vragov.
21 Ye cannot drink the cup of our Lord, and the cup of demons; and ye cannot be partakers at the table of our Lord, and at the table of demons.
Ne morete keliha Gospodovega piti in keliha vražjega, ne morete imeti dela od mize Gospodove in mize vražje.
22 Or, would we sedulously provoke our Lord's jealousy? Are we stronger than he?
Dražimo li naj Gospoda? jeli smo močnejši od njega?
23 Every thing is in my power; but every thing is not profitable. Every thing is in my power; but every thing doth not edify.
Vse mi je dopuščeno, ali ni vse koristno; vse mi je dopuščeno, ali vse ne zbuja na pobožnost.
24 Let no one seek his own things, but also the things of his fellow-man.
Nikdor naj svojega ne išče, nego vsak to, kar je drugega.
25 Whatever is sold in the flesh-market, eat ye, without an inquiry on account of conscience:
Vse, kar se prodaja v mesnici, jejte nič ne popraševaje voljo vesti.
26 for the earth is the Lord's, in its fullness.
Kajti Gospodova je zemlja in kar jo napolnjuje.
27 And if one of the Gentiles invite you, and ye are disposed to go, eat ye whatever is set before you, without an inquiry on account of conscience.
Če vas pa kliče kdo nevernikov in hočete iti, jejte vse, kar se pred vas stavi, nič ne popraševaje za voljo vesti.
28 But if any one shall say to you, This pertaineth to a sacrifice; eat not, for the sake of him who told you, and for conscience's sake.
Če vam pa kdo poreče: "To je mališka žrtva", ne jejte za voljo tistega, kteri je to obznanil in za voljo vesti; kajti Gospodova je zemlja in kar jo napolnjuje.
29 The conscience I speak of, is not your own, but his who told you. But why is my liberty judged of, by the conscience of others?
Ali ne pravim za tvojo vest, nego za onega drugega; ker čemu bi mojo svobodo sodila tuja vest?
30 If I by grace partake, why am I reproached for that, for which I give thanks?
Če imam jaz del hvale, za kaj bi se preklinjal za to, za kar se zahvaljujem?
31 If therefore ye eat, or if ye drink, or if ye do any thing, do all things for the glory of God.
Če torej jeste ali pijete ali kaj delate, vse delajte Bogu na slavo.
32 Be ye without offence to the Jews, and to the Gentiles, and to the church of God:
Bodi brez spotike Judom in Grkom in cerkvi Božjej.
33 even as I also, in every thing, please every man; and do not seek what is profitable to me, but what is profitable to many; that they may live.
Kakor tudi jaz vsem o vsakem po godu delam ne iščoč, kar je koristno samemu, nego to, kar mnogim, da se zveličajo.

< 1 Corinthians 10 >