< Galatians 3 >
1 O deficient-minded Galatoyee, who bewildereth you? For, behold, as if depicted before your eyes, hath Jeshu the Meshiha been crucified.
Wagalatia wajinga, ni jicho gani ovu lililowaharibu? Je Yesu Kristo hakuoneshwa kama msulubiwa mbele ya macho yenu?
2 This only would I know from you: Through the works of the law received you the Spirit, or through the hearing of faith?
Mimi nataka tu kufahamu hili kutoka kwenu. Je mlimpokea Roho kwa matendo ya sheria au kwa kuamini kile mlichosikia?
3 Are you so foolish that having begun in the Spirit you are now finishing in the flesh?
Je, ninyi ni wajinga kiasi hiki? Je mlianza katika Roho ili mmalize katika mwili?
4 And all these have you borne in vain? But would it be in vain?
Je mliteseka kwa mambo mengi bure, kama kweli yalikuwa ya bure?
5 Then, he who imparted to you the Spirit, and wrought miracles among you, (did he so) through the works of the law, or through the hearing of faith?
Je yeye atoaye Roho kwenu na kutenda matendo ya nguvu kati yenu hufanya kwa matendo ya sheria au kwa kusikia pamoja na imani?
6 As Abraham believed Aloha, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness,
Abraham “Alimwamini Mungu akahesabiwa kuwa mwenye haki”.
7 know therefore that they who are of faith are the children of Abraham.
Kwa namna ile ile eleweni kwamba, wale ambao wanaamini ni watoto wa Abrahamu.
8 For Aloha who knew before that he would justify the Gentiles through faith, evangelized before unto Abraham; as saith the holy scripture: In thee all the nations shall be blessed:
Andiko lilitabiri kwamba Mungu angewahesabia haki watu wa mataifa kwa njia ya imani. Injili ilihubiriwa kwanza kwa Abrahamu: “katika wewe mataifa yote yatabarikiwa”.
9 therefore believers are blessed with Abraham the believer.
Ili baadaye wale ambao wana imani wabarikiwe pamoja na Abrahamu, ambaye alikuwa na imani.
10 For they who are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one who doeth not all that is written in this law.
Wale ambao wanategemea matendo ya sheria wako chini ya laana. Kwa kuwa imeandikwa, “Amelaaniwa kila mtu ambaye hashikamani na mambo yote yaliyoandikwa katika kitabu cha sheria, kuyatenda yote.”
11 But that man is not justified by the law before Aloha, this maketh manifest: because it is written, The just by faith shall live.
Sasa ni wazi kwamba Mungu hamhesabii haki hata mmoja kwa sheria, kwa kuwa “Mwenye haki ataishi kwa imani”.
12 But the law is not of faith: but he who doeth those things that are written in it shall live by them.
Sheria haitokani na imani, lakini badala yake “Ambaye hufanya mambo haya katika sheria, ataishi kwa sheria.”
13 But us hath the Meshiha bought from the curse of the law, and hath been made a curse instead of us: for it is written, Accursed is every one who is hanged on the wood:
Kristo alitukomboa sisi kutoka katika laana ya sheria wakati alipofanyika laana kwa ajili yetu. Kwa kuwa imeandikwa, “Amelaaniwa kila mtu aangikwaye juu ya mti.”
14 in order that upon the nations there might be the blessing of Abraham in Jeshu the Meshiha, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Lengo lilikuwa kwamba, baraka ambazo zilikuwa kwa Ibrahimu zingekuja kwa watu wa mataifa katika Kristo Yesu, ili kwamba tuweze kupokea ahadi ya Roho kupitia imani.
15 My brethren, I speak as among men: That a covenant of man because confirmed no one rejecteth, or changeth in any thing.
Ndugu, ninazungumza kwa namna ya kibinadamu. Hata wakati ambapo agano la kibinadamu limekwisha kuwekwa imara, hakuna awezaye kupuuza au kuongezea.
16 But to Abraham was promised the promise, and to his seed. And he did not say to him, Unto thy seeds, as of many; but, To thy seed, as of one, him, (namely, ) who is the Meshiha.
Sasa ahadi zilisemwa kwa Ibrahim na kwa kizazi chake. Haisemi, “kwa vizazi,” kumaanisha wengi, bali badala yake kwa mmoja pekee, “kwa kizazi chako,” ambaye ni Kristo.
17 But I say this, that the covenant which was confirmed before by Aloha, in the Meshiha, the law which was after, four hundred and thirty years, cannot nullify, nor (can it) abolish the promise.
Sasa nasema hivi, sheria ambayo ilikuja miaka 430 baadaye, haiondoi agano la nyuma lililowekwa na Mungu.
18 But if the inheritance was by the law, it could not have been by the promise; but Aloha gave it unto Abraham by promise.
Kwa kuwa kama urithi ungelikuja kwa njia ya sheria, usingekuwa tena umekuja kwa njia ya ahadi. Lakini Mungu aliutoa bure kwa Ibrahimu kwa njia ya ahadi.
19 Wherefore then was the law? It was added on account of transgression, until the Seed should come, he, of whom was the promise; and the law was given by angels into the hand of a Mediator.
Kwa nini sasa sheria ilitolewa? Iliongezwa kwa sababu ya makosa, mpaka mzao wa Ibrahimu aje kwa wale ambao kwao alikuwa ameahidiwa. Sheria iliwekwa katika shinikizo kupitia malaika kwa mkono wa mpatanishi.
20 But a Mediator is not of one; but Aloha is one.
Sasa mpatanishi humaanisha zaidi ya mtu mmoja, bali Mungu ni mmoja peke yake.
21 Is the law therefore against the promise of Aloha? Impossible: for if a law had been given which could make to live, certainly righteousness would have been by the law.
Kwa hiyo je sheria iko kinyume na ahadi za Mungu? La hasha! Kwa kuwa kama sheria iliyokuwa imetolewa ilikuwa na uwezo wa kuleta uzima, haki ingepatikana kwa sheria.
22 But the scripture hath included all under sin, that the promise through faith of Jeshu Meshiha might be given to them who believe.
Lakini badala yake, andiko limefunga mambo yote chini ya dhambi. Mungu alifanya hivi ili kwamba ahadi yake ya kutuokoa sisi kwa imani katika Yesu Kristo iweze kupatikana kwa wale wanao amini.
23 But until (the dispensation of) faith came, the law kept us, as shut up unto the faith which was to be revealed.
Lakini kabla ya imani katika Kristo haijaja, tulikuwa tumefungwa na kuwa chini ya sheria hadi uje ufunuo wa imani.
24 The law therefore was our conductor to the Meshiha, that we might be justified by faith.
Kwa hiyo sheria ilifanyika kiongozi wetu hadi Kristo alipokuja, ili kwamba tuhesabiwe haki kwa imani.
25 But faith being come, we are not under the conductor.
Sasa kwa kuwa imani imekuja, hatuko tena chini ya mwangalizi.
26 For you are all the children of Aloha through the faith of Jeshu the Meshiha.
Kwa kuwa ninyi nyote ni watoto wa Mungu kupitia imani katika Kristo Yesu.
27 For they who into the Meshiha are baptized have been clothed with the Meshiha.
Wote ambao mlibatizwa katika Kristo mmejivika Kristo.
28 Jihudoya or Aramoya is not; the slave or the free is not; male or female is not; for you are all one in Jeshu Meshiha.
Hakuna Myahudi wala Myunani, mtumwa wala huru, mwanaume wala mwanamke, kwa kuwa ninyi nyote ni mmoja katika Kristo Yesu.
29 And if you are of the Meshiha, therefore are you the seed of Abraham, and heirs by the promise.
Kama ninyi ni wa Kristo, basi ni uzao wa Ibrahimu, warithi kwa mujibu wa ahadi.