< Psalms 96 >

1 Sing to Yahweh a song new sing to Yahweh O all the earth.
Mwimbieni Bwana wimbo mpya; mwimbieni Bwana dunia yote.
2 Sing to Yahweh bless name his bear news from day to day salvation his.
Mwimbieni Bwana, lisifuni jina lake; tangazeni wokovu wake siku baada ya siku.
3 Recount among the nations glory his among all the peoples wonders his.
Tangazeni utukufu wake katikati ya mataifa, matendo yake ya ajabu miongoni mwa mataifa yote.
4 For [is] great Yahweh and [is] to be praised exceedingly [is] to be feared he above all gods.
Kwa kuwa Bwana ni mkuu mwenye kustahili kusifiwa kuliko wote; yeye ni wa kuogopwa kuliko miungu yote.
5 For - all [the] gods of the peoples [are] worthless idols and Yahweh [the] heavens he made.
Kwa maana miungu yote ya mataifa ni sanamu, lakini Bwana aliziumba mbingu.
6 Splendor and majesty [are] before him strength and splendor [are] in sanctuary his.
Fahari na enzi viko mbele yake; nguvu na utukufu vimo patakatifu pake.
7 Ascribe to Yahweh O clans of peoples ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.
Mpeni Bwana, enyi jamaa za mataifa, mpeni Bwana utukufu na nguvu.
8 Ascribe to Yahweh [the] glory of name his lift up an offering and come to courts his.
Mpeni Bwana utukufu unaostahili jina lake; leteni sadaka na mje katika nyua zake.
9 Bow down to Yahweh in adornment of holiness tremble from before him O all the earth.
Mwabuduni Bwana katika uzuri wa utakatifu wake; dunia yote na itetemeke mbele zake.
10 Say among the nations - Yahweh he reigns also it is established [the] world not it will be shaken he will judge peoples with uprightness.
Katikati ya mataifa semeni, “Bwana anatawala.” Ulimwengu ameuweka imara, hauwezi kusogezwa; atawahukumu watu kwa uadilifu.
11 Let them rejoice the heavens and let it be glad the earth let it thunder the sea and what fills it.
Mbingu na zishangilie, nchi na ifurahi; bahari na ivume, na vyote vilivyomo ndani yake;
12 Let it exult [the] field[s] and all that [is] in it then they will shout for joy all [the] trees of [the] forest.
mashamba na yashangilie, pamoja na vyote vilivyomo ndani yake. Kisha miti yote ya msituni itaimba kwa furaha;
13 Before Yahweh - for [he is] coming for [he is] coming to judge the earth he will judge [the] world in righteousness and peoples in faithfulness his.
itaimba mbele za Bwana kwa maana anakuja, anakuja kuihukumu dunia. Ataihukumu dunia kwa haki, na mataifa katika kweli yake.

< Psalms 96 >