< Psalms 55 >
1 To the choirmaster with stringed instruments a poem of David. Give ear to! O God prayer my and may not you hide yourself from supplication my.
(Til sangmesteren. Med strengespil. En maskil af David.) Lyt, o Gud, til min Bøn, skjul dig ej for min tryglen,
2 Pay attention! to me and answer me I am restless in complaint my and I am distraught.
lå mig Øre og svar mig, jeg vånder mig i Klage,
3 From [the] sound of an enemy because of [the] pressure of [the] wicked for they drop on me wickedness and in anger they are hostile to me.
jeg stønner ved Fjendernes Råb og de gudløses Skrig; thi Ulykke vælter de over mig, forfølger mig grumt;
4 Heart my it trembles within me and [the] terrors of death they have fallen on me.
Hjertet er angst i mit Bryst, Dødens Rædsler er faldet over mig.
5 Fear and trembling it comes on me and it has covered me shuddering.
Frygt og Angst falder på mig, Gru er over mig.
6 And I said who? will he give [will belong] to me wing[s] like dove I want to fly away and I want to settle down.
Jeg siger: Ak, havde jeg Vinger som Duen, da fløj jeg i Ly,
7 Here! I want to be far away [surely] to flee I want to lodge in the wilderness (Selah)
ja, langt bort vilde jeg fly og blive i Ørkenen. (Sela)
8 I want to make haste a place of escape of me from a wind rushing from a storm.
Da søgte jeg skyndsomt Tilflugt for rivende Storm og Uvejr.
9 Confuse O Lord divide tongue their for I have seen violence and strife in the city.
Herre, forvir og split deres Tungemål! Thi Vold og Ufred ser jeg i Byen;
10 By day and night they go around it on walls its and wickedness and trouble [are] in midst its.
de går Rundgang Dag og Nat på dens Mure;
11 Destruction [are] in midst its and not it departs from public square its oppression and deceit.
Ulykke, Kvide og Vanheld råder derinde, Voldsfærd og Svig viger aldrig bort fra dens Torve.
12 For not an enemy he taunts me and I may endure not [one who] hates me on me he magnified himself then I may hide myself from him.
Det var ikke en Fjende, som hånede mig - det kunde bæres; min uven ydmygede mig ej - ham kunde jeg undgå;
13 And you a man according to value my close friend my and acquaintance my.
men du, en Mand af min Stand, en Ven og fortrolig,
14 Who together we made sweet counsel in [the] house of God we walked about in a crowd.
og det skønt vi delte Samværets Sødme, vandrede endrægtelig i Guds Hus.
15 (May it deceive death - *Q(K)*) on them may they go down Sheol alive for evil deeds [are] in sojourning-place their in inner being their. (Sheol )
Over dem komme Død, lad dem levende synke i Dødsriget! Thi der er Ondskab i deres Bolig, i deres Indre! (Sheol )
16 I to God I will call out and Yahweh he will save me.
Jeg, jeg råber til Gud, og HERREN vil frelse mig.
17 Evening and morning and noon I will complain and I may murmur and he heard voice my.
Jeg klager og stønner ved Kvæld, ved Gry og ved Middag; min Røst vil han høre
18 He will ransom in peace life my from battle to me for many [people] they are with me.
og udfri min Sjæl i Fred, så de ikke kan komme mig nær; thi mange er de imod mig.
19 He will hear - God - and he will answer them and [the one who] sits antiquity (Selah) whom not changes [belong] to them and not they fear God.
Gud, som troner fra Fortids Dage, vil høre og ydmyge dem. (Sela) Thi der er ingen Forandring hos dem, og de frygter ikke for Gud.
20 He stretched out hands his on allies his he violated covenant his.
På Venner lagde han Hånd og brød sin Pagt.
21 They were smooth - [the] creamy things of mouth his and [was] war heart his they were soft words his more than oil and they [were] drawn swords.
Glattere end Smør er hans Mund, men Hjertet vil Krig, blødere end Olie hans Ord, skønt dragne Sværd.
22 Cast on Yahweh - burden your and he he will sustain you not he will permit for ever to shake to the righteous.
Kast din Byrde på HERREN, så sørger han for dig, den retfærdige lader han ikke i Evighed rokkes.
23 And you O God - you will bring down them - to [the] pit of [the] pit people of blood and deceit not they will divide in half days their and I I will trust in you.
Og du, o Gud, nedstyrt dem i Gravens Dyb! Ej skal blodstænkte, svigefulde Mænd nå Hælvten af deres Dage. Men jeg, jeg stoler på dig!