< Psalms 40 >

1 To the choirmaster of David a psalm. Certainly I waited for Yahweh and he stretched out to me and he heard cry for help my.
Zborovođi. Psalam. Davidov. Uzdah se u Jahvu uzdanjem silnim, i on se k meni prignu i usliša vapaj moj.
2 And he brought up me - from a pit of roaring from [the] mud of the mire and he set on a rock feet my he established steps my.
Izvuče me iz jame propasti, iz blata kalnoga; noge mi stavi na hridinu, korake moje ukrijepi.
3 And he put in mouth my - a song new praise to God our they will see many [people] so they may fear and they may trust in Yahweh.
U usta mi stavi pjesmu novu, slavopoj Bogu našemu. Vidjet će mnogi i strah će ih obuzeti: uzdanje će svoje staviti u Jahvu.
4 How blessed! [is] the man who he has made Yahweh trust his and not he has turned to proud people and [those who] fall away of falsehood.
Blago čovjeku koji se u Jahvu uzda, koji ne ide za štovateljima lažnih bogova, za onima koji se predaju prijevari.
5 Many you have made - you - O Yahweh God my wonders your and plans your to us not - to compare to you I will declare and I will speak they are [too] numerous for recounting.
Čudesa mnoga tvoriš, o Jahve, Bože moj, i namisli čudesne - ravna ti nema! Kazivat' ih i objavljivati želim, al' odveć ih je da bi se nabrojit' mogli.
6 Sacrifice and offering - not you desired ears you dug for me burnt offering and sin offering not you asked for.
Nisu ti mile ni žrtve ni prinosi, nego si mi uši otvorio: paljenice ni okajnice ne tražiš.
7 Then I said here! I have come in [the] scroll of [the] book [it is] written on me.
Tada rekoh: “Evo dolazim! U svitku knjige piše za mene:
8 To do will your O God my I desire and law your [is] in [the] midst of inward parts my.
Milje mi je, Bože moj, vršit volju tvoju, Zakon tvoj duboko u srcu ja nosim.”
9 I have borne news righteousness - in [the] assembly great here! lips my not I restrain O Yahweh you you know.
Tvoju ću pravdu naviještat' u velikom zboru, i usta svojih zatvoriti neću, o Jahve, sve ti je znano.
10 Righteousness your not I have concealed - in [the] midst of heart my faithfulness your and salvation your I have spoken not I have hidden covenant loyalty your and faithfulness your to [the] assembly great.
Tvoju pravdu neću kriti u srcu, kazivat ću vjernost tvoju i tvoj spas. Tajit neću dobrote tvoje, ni tvoje vjernosti velikoj skupštini.
11 You O Yahweh not you will withhold compassion your from me covenant loyalty your and faithfulness your continually they preserve me.
A ti, o Jahve, milosrđa mi svog ne krati, dobrota tvoja i vjernost neka me svagda čuvaju.
12 For they have surrounded me - troubles until there not [was] number they have overtaken me iniquities my and not I am able to see they are numerous more than [the] hairs of head my and heart my it has abandoned me.
Jer me okružiše nesreće nebrojene, krivice me moje sustigoše da gledat' ne mogu: više ih je no vlasi na glavi, i srce mi je stoga klonulo.
13 Be pleased O Yahweh to deliver me O Yahweh to help my make haste!
Bilo ti milo, o Jahve, da me izbaviš; Gospodine, u pomoć mi pohitaj!
14 May they be ashamed and they may be abashed - altogether [those who] seek life my to snatch away it may they be turned back backwards and may they be humiliated [the] [people] desirous of harm my.
Neka se postide i smetu svi koji mi o glavi rade. Nek' uzmaknu i neka se posrame koji se nesreći mojoj raduju!
15 May they be appalled on [the] consequence of shame their those [who] say to me aha! - aha!
Neka se skamene u sramoti svojoj koji zlurado na me grohoću!
16 May they exult and they may rejoice - in you all [those who] seek you may they say continually he is great Yahweh [those who] love salvation your.
Neka kliču i nek' se vesele u tebi svi koji te traže! Neka govore svagda: “Velik je Jahve!” svi koji spasenje tvoje ljube.
17 And I - [am] poor and needy [the] Lord may he think to me [are] help my and deliverer my you O God my may not you delay.
Bijedan sam ja i nevoljan, al' Jahve se brine za me. Ti si pomoć moja i moj spasitelj; o Bože moj, ne kasni!

< Psalms 40 >